No Shyt

“Something like that, where you can take over the SEC account and potentially affect the value of bitcoin in the market – there’s massive opportunity for disinformation,” said Austin Berglas, a former cybersecurity official at the FBI’s New York office and a senior executive at the security firm BlueVoyant.

Whadda ya think this mutherfucker‘s been tryin’ to do from time-to-time with his stupid tweets all along?

“You are a liar”: Musk vs. Cuban DEI debate takes new turn. Dude’s a total POS.

Interesting Twist on this One

The inspector general reports reviewed by ProPublica have limitations. The individual investigations can be narrow. The reports offer only broad suggestions as to whether individuals should be held accountable for breakdowns and provide little sense of whether they actually were. Even together, they don’t capture the full reality of the VA’s 1,300 health care facilities. But they do start to assemble a meaningful picture of the system’s most chronic shortcomings when it comes to treating people with mental illness.

I thought I was coming to grips with stuff pretty well going into my 2nd hip replacement, having recently retired from Lockheed and self-diagnosed my autism when 2019 rolled around. The girls were well on their way with the seemingly un-attainable goal of relieving all the biggest stressors in my life in the rear-view mirror. Then everything went to shyt via direct VA intervention.

No treatment lacking here – they instigated it! Then turned on the gaslight. Now I’m on some bubbles nobody ever imagined. Talk about mental health treatment, inside out. We been spending alot of time and money trying to figure out who’s insane and who’s not doing some of these mass shootings lately. Wonder if it’d make a new variant of affirmative defense in some criminal case?

Are crazy idea like those little voices in the head?

What About The Humans?

Much as I hate Boeing for flying into the ground and banking truckloads of ill-gotten government gain, you gotta give ’em a break on this one. We can be sure it’s down to the last grease monkey turning a wrench on those door bolts – likely forgetting to do so properly, skipping the Loctite™, whatever.

Look at the records for every one of these planes that comes up with loose or missing door plug bolts and we’ll find they were removed for maintenance at some point. If they all turn up loose, then we have a bigger problem. I just want to know how something like that can fail so suddenly and so completely with cockpit warning lights going basically ignored?

Cornering the Procreation Market

Under the pretense of goodwill to all, the Pope appears to believe among other fantastic and unconfirmed ideas, that just banning anything they don’t like and telling people to stop whatever doesn’t appeal to them is gonna get ‘er done. Fuckin’ trends.

Remember, these are the fuckwits that make people travel out of state for any and all abortions on the bubble in Texas, and would like to make them criminals for it, as well.

This mutherfucker needs a surrogate think tank. Cardinals ran outta good ideas a couple centuries ago.
Paranoia Key of E -Lou Reed


Cartoonists hittin’ today. Think Haley realizes what a two-faced POS she really is? She “had black friends growing up,” goddammit! Cunt’s too stupid to know her mindset represents the foundational MAGA rot subverting American society today.

You can argue declared war status vis-a-vis the legal definitions with constitutional law in the background all damn day. Lotsa lawyering being planned for big paydays on those topics, no doubt. I’m more partial to factual perspectives, grounded in corporeal reality. We still have committed to this day, many of our best and brightest, spending our treasure 24×7 in harm’s way all over the planet, trying to make stuff right.

No 2-bit con man‘s gonna stop that.

Steelers Secure Playoff Spot

Nobody’s sure what Derrick Henry’s future holds right now, but he has my thanks for an impressive 150+-yard game sending Titans fans home happy today and Pittsburgh to the playoffs. We’ll see three playoff teams from the AFC North this season, once again.

Ever Wonder Where Pizzagate Came From?

QAnon, right? Mmmmmkay.

Mar-a-Lago was a critical nexus point in the trafficking ring’s eventual exposure: It’s where Virginia Giuffre, who would go on to become Epstein and Maxwell’s most vocal accuser, says she was first recruited by Maxwell when she was a teenager working at the club’s spa.

It had to be even more depraved to garner requisite attention from the base. What’s a few elites having a little fun with the girlies. after all?

Next Headline: Party of Family Values wants treasonous pedophile for POTUS.

AFPOY 2023

Had to start a new POY category after the latest stuff from the USAF photojournalists just started getting too damn good. Photography really does capture art and technology in uniquely interesting ways, to me. The space telescope stuff just takes it to extremes.

I wanted to call it for the A-10 over Alaska, but this is certainly the most expansively detailed in-flight panorama I’ve ever seen. Space Force will be chiming in here soon, no doubt….

Pitting them against the Reddit peeps might be a fair fight.

Stuff’s POY 2023

(P)icture (O)f the (Y)ear accolades here at the Stuff site goes a little differently than we are accustomed to in these type selections. It is awarded on day one, with subsequent offerings supplanting the title, as we go. The winner is the one left standing on December 31st, after my ongoing personal review of all the selected candidates according to my completely biased, incomplete, amateur view of Reddit Earthporn and the now impressively populated Air Force Week in Photos. Reddit runs a little poll contest in various subcategories at the end of the year, if you’re really interested.

The one I liked the best so far, will always appear here on this updated and re-published post. Judgement criteria are engaging use of light, color and contrast with focus. Here’s the current candidate. Let me know if you think I’m missing anything. Low light focus is difficult – there’s a new candidate down there….

Up for review: No 2024 candidates up for review, just yet…

Congressman Doug Lamborn is a Holy-Rollin’ Cocksucker

Originally published 20220210. LATE UPDATE: Lamborn won’t seek re-election in ’24. Good riddance, fuckwit.

Several times a week I see this fuckwit blasting out emails containing typically moronic drivel as shown below. The topics range across the usual MAGA points – The Border, Chrstiandom and of course everything Biden. May we assume he also believes the corollary to this narrative means Napoleon Bonespurs is cognitively normal? Seriously?

You’d think always focusing on everything wrong would get tiring after awhile. I can’t remember ever seeing a single one of these missives offering anything to be started, changed or done at all – just sophomoric criticism of everything not MAGA Repuglican Religion. His politics are clearly visible to anyone not blinded by hate, Gawd and his lies.

I call on Lamborn to go suck some more limp Trump dick.

Every Goddamned Year

I’d like somebody to explain to me why it seems every year the Steelers remain in contention, only to break my heart. The NFL marketers must have more than a couple seats at the schedule table. The elimination scenarios are more bizarre than ever this year.

Russell Wilson should make a fresh start in the Steel City next season.

Claudine Gay

As usual, it’s not about the actual issue at hand. It’s about politics and money. So-claimed “solid journalism” aside, the Hill reporter is advised to consider how that actually works before patting themselves on the back too briskly.

I am completely ignorant about Ms. Gay’s writings and work. If journalists really uncovered some actual plagiarism issues, they’ve got another thing coming. Things on that front will become increasingly busy pointing fingers in contradictory directions after AI takes politics to a whole new level of misinformation-fueled deceit.

No, what we have here are craven institutional investors and self-serving bigots with ulterior motives and a college on their hands.

(FILES) In this December 14, 2022, image released by Harvard University, Claudine Gay poses for a photo. The president of Harvard University Claudine Gay resigned January 2, 2024, the prestigious US school’s newspaper reported, after she faced criticism over allegations of plagiarism and her handling of anti-Semitism on campus. (Photo by Stephanie Mitchell / Harvard University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / Harvard University / Stephanie Mitchell ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS (Photo by STEPHANIE MITCHELL/Harvard University/AFP via Getty Images)