Useful Congressional Vote

Had no idea there were Democratic Alaskan congresspeople so concerned with the southern border.

Alaska Congresswoman Mary Peltola voted Thursday for a Republican resolution condemning the Biden administration — and specifically Vice President Kamala Harris — for their border security policies.

Netanyahu: Religious Zealot Cockpig

He’s suckin’ that Zionist dick real hard. Fuckwit thinks he can stop in at the Capitol voicing a buttload of violent rhetoric and grievances in order to get away with genocide. Fuck him, fuck Israel and fuck every goddamned piece of religious shit anywhere on this planet who believes it’s gotta be their way or the high-way.

I suddenly realized these fuckwits are just using their religion to get whatever they want, after learning the orthodox Jews are draft-exempt. Pretty typical, after all – right, MAGA Mike?

His words appeared aimed at an audience back home.

Just wait till the protests get to Tel-Aviv. Funny the contact form on their web site seems out of order today. Imagine that.

Religion Can Get Ya Killed

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus…” were the last words Sonya Massey uttered before the nutbag cop decided to kill her in her own home for absolutely no reason. That appeared to be one of the things tipping him into shooting her, from what I could discern in the bodycam video. The callous disregard for what he’d just done was almost as horrific as the killing itself.

Some of these assholes go around just looking for reasons to give people a hard time. This guy, on his 6th job in 4 years, took it to the extreme. There’s no question in my mind it was plain old cold blooded murder. Trigger-happy fuckwit looking for an excuse. Whoever hired him got some splainin’ to do.

Must be getting really difficult filing the ranks on the beat these days.

Time Is On Your Side

Two anniversaries past original posting 11 MAR 22. Barring unforeseen circumstances, this post will be updated and re-published every week to keep it on the front page, until Vladimir Putin is either dead or in prison, and Ukraine remains a free country, sans invaders.

CIA director: Failing to pass Ukraine aid would (have been) mistake ‘of historic proportions’ And the cretins still caused untold unnecessary suffering with the delay.

High Wire -Rolling Stones
Song for Putin: Masters of War -Bob Dylan

Ukraine Live Stream Cams | The Holodomor …is about to be eclipsed.

Remember Bucha | Washington Post Live Updates 27 APR 22

3 MAY 22: Putin ready for actual war | New York Times 8 MAY 22

9 MAY 22: Russians bomb school | List of key events, day 81

16 MAY 22: Scenario Darkens for Russia | CNN – 19 MAY 22

25 MAY 22: Surrender Terms(sorta) | Sievierodonetsk falls 9 JUN 22

June 2022: Lysychansk gone | Russian Gold No Good 26 JUN 22

22 JUL 22: Grain Export Deal | The Guardian – Day 164 6 AUG 22

19 AUG: Zaporizhzhia Nuke Plant | It’s On Now, Bitch 30 AUG 22

8 SEP 22: $2.6B Cavalry Comin’ | Russian War Crimes 19 SEP 22

30 SEP 22: Putin’s Bogus Annexation | Crimea Bridge 10 OCT 22

20 OCT 22: Infrastructure Attacks | Russian Mobilization? 29 OCT 22

6 NOV 22: Black Winter Coming | Kherson Liberated 14 NOV 22

22 NOV 22: Russians Out of Ammo | NATO Strong 29 NOV 22

5 DEC 22: Orphans Saved | Missile Graveyard 13 DEC 22

20 DEC 22: War Map | Tables Turning 26 DEC 22

2 JAN 23: Warthog Best of 2022 | 2023?

13 JAN 23: Soledar Falls Again ? | Leopards Coming 23 JAN 23

3 FEB 23: EU Candidacy | Horrific Russian Casualties 12 FEB 23

21 FEB 23: One Year Later | Bakhmut Soaked in Blood 2 MAR 23

9 MAR 21: Civilian Targeting Ongoing | Russia’s 53rd Mech 18 MAR 23

27 MAR 23: History of Violence | Vladlen Tatarsky 4 APR 23

12 APR 23: More Skullduggery | Senior lt Pavel Kuzin 22 APR 23

2 MAY 23: Massive Russian Casualties | Russian Infighting 12 MAY 23

20 MAY 23: Russians Retreating | Drone War 31 MAY 23

9 JUN 23: Damn Blown | Memory Wall 16 JUN 23

26 JUN 23: Exploiting Wagner Mutiny | Epic Russian Losses 5 JUL 23

13 JUL 23: All Al Jazerra Knows | Ukraine Grain 19 JUL 23

28 JUL 23: Taking It Back | Yandex Out 10 AUG 23

23 AUG 23: Putin Blames West | Pigrohzyn Dead 31 AUG 23

9 SEP 23 Musk the Fuckwit | $21B Cavalry Comin’ 15 SEP 23

25 SEP 23: Abrams on Scene | Fuck Musk 2 OCT 23

13 OCT 23 Civilian Attacks Continue | Fuck Slovakia 26 OCT 23

2 NOV 23 Tightening the Noose | Oligarchs Grounded 9 NOV 23

17 NOV 23 Finland Closed | Armenia Stuffed 26 NOV 23

8 DEC 2023 Fascist Athletes Excluded | Fuckwit Orban 15 DEC 23

28 DEC 23 F-16s In Theater | Belgorod’s Raining Drones 3 JAN 24

7 JAN 24 Czechs Stand Firm | Francis War Crimes 15 JAN 24

20 JAN 24 Putin Backing Big Lie | WW-III? 29 JAN 24

6 FEB 24: Russian Terrorists | Fingers Crossed 13 FEB 23

23 FEB 24 Surprises Await | Bye-Bye A50 24 FEB

4 MAR 24: More War Crimes | Russians Vulnerable 12 MAR 24

21 APR 24 Money Tap On | Putin Crazy 4 MAY 24

18 MAY 24: Hold the Line | Europe Stepping Up 28 MAY 24

10 JUN 24: SU-57 Hit | All Patriot Exports 22 JUN 24

2 JUL 24: Trump-Proof NATO | NATO Summit 10 JUL 24

23 JUL 24 Martial Law Extended |

BTF 24-4

Ever wonder how the air defense situation in Ukraine is shaping up?

Two U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, arrived at Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase, Romania, for Bomber Task Force 24-4, Sunday.

Just a little localized familiarization, is all…

Russian chatter on EW consoles is diminishing rapidly these days.

Got Some Rain Saturday

It was a fairly heavy downpour, lasting around maybe a half hour. Don’t think we’ll be pouring any more concrete on the new bridge project today. Neighbors better have their sump pumps ready…

Hope the whole thing doesn’t need digging out again.

“JD” Stands for Jerkoff Dickhead

If you’re letting him jerk you off with the ongoing deceit, then you are the dickhead, for real.

The 39-year-old Ohio senator said during a rally in Michigan that under Harris’ leadership, the U.S. border has been the “biggest disaster, open border we’ve ever had in this country.”

Seems odd how GOP issues are mostly vague, non-specific cultural topics hanging around for literally centuries. Dumb people have short memories. It’s kinda like religion. Stick with the reliable old-school stuff we’ve already got drilled into their stupid heads.

Have fun suckin’ that Trump cock.

DIY Preview: New Old Winch Bumper

It was a half-decent stock hitch bumper to start with. Put some of the tubing from the old brush guard back in, hidden from plain sight – same as the new 10k winch I’m integrating into the hitch receiver. I suspect the guy who crafted the brush guard also made the receiver. It’s a very stout unit, getting better with upgraded hardware tied in to beefed-up structures all around. Took me the whole 1st day of bumper work to get that hole for the fair-lead cut through the extra layer of 3/16 steel going across there.

The truck is pretty seriously off-road capable with the locker up front now, so I figure on probably going back if I ever get stuck with it. 😉

Get Ready, Texas

Here comes the Musk. If you thought Space-X’ environmental and workplace issues were problematic, wait till the rest of the gang arrives. The Twitter® people are gonna get bored pretty quick and making cars in Texas seems oh-so-gentrifying with Mexico just across the border.

Elon Musk says “America is going bankrupt.” Then why aren’t you paying higher taxes, fuckwit?

Places where bending the knee to suck Trump dick will become scarce sooner than you think, spaceboy.

White People’s Choice Awards

Anthony Anderson‘s spot-on as always. “What could that possibly mean?” he asks WRT Vance’ daylight savings time observation. You just have to be dumb enough to follow the narrative. It means JD Vance can be confident saying whatever the fuck he feels like rolling off his politically-forked tongue, as the new MAGA veep-in-waiting.

Alot of pundits seem incredulous at the pack of GOP flip-floppers led by non other than Vance himself. They must be overlooking the simple fact bald-faced lying with aplomb is a core Republican competency. And no worries skirting the law anymore, either. They’ve got judges stacked all the way up to the Supreme Cunts.

Suddenly got it right after 150 years, huh?

Teleprompting – What a Concept

It only goes to show what a totally scripted dog-and-pony show the whole political landscape has morphed into over the years. The way they trade barbs about one podium slip-up after another is just so much trivial pursuit. Then the really dumb ones like Johnson here just robotic-ally recite whatever they’re being shown on the prompter. Probably would be desirable sycophantic behavior in another Trump presidency.

But he later told PBS Newshour that he had intended to read a different version of the speech that called for unity, and that the teleprompter had loaded an older version of his speech.

Really, Ron? Couldn’t memorize your own 10-minute speech? Oh right, now I get it – It’s Ron Johnson, the dumbest illegal elector mule mutherfucker in Congress.

LATE UPDATE: The so-called speaker of the House walked offstage tongue-tied to a dead teleprompter the following day.

Assassination Motive Remains Elusive

Are you shitting me? Apparently there’s still alot of fuckwits out there who don’t understand Napoleon Bonespurs is the slimiest piece of shit to ever crawl out of a NYC subway. Ultimately responsible for millions of Covid deaths worldwide just for starters, him and the MAGA movement are looming democracy’s demise.

Remember how they reacted to the Pelosi attack? Fuck Trump, fuck MAGA, and the entire GOP can suck my dick and choke on it.

How about this: Some people just need killin’? Eat shit and die, you lousy cocksucker.

Wisdom From Space

I didn’t see the economy. But since our human-made systems treat everything, including the very life-support systems of our planet, as the wholly owned subsidiary of the global economy, it’s obvious from the vantage point of space that we’re living a lie.

Minor quibble: We’re dying in a lie.

Justice Denied

It’s been delayed for so long, denial is a foregone conclusion. It’s all part of the Christo-fascist MAGA plan.

Project 2025’s plans for capitalizing on the Supreme Court’s recent decisions show that the Court’s Republicans aren’t just extending invitations to the conservative movement—they’re drawing maps for where it should go next. While the Republican justices may not have written Project 2025, it wouldn’t exist without them.

The Truth Shall Make You Free -Hannibalism!