Afghanistan Gets What It Deserves

Probably an unpopular point of view, but reality has always been a hard pill for the stupid to swallow. Regardless of ongoing armchair quarterbacking taking place in media and government the world over, a few simple facts paint a stark picture only the willfully ignorant will fail to recognize as reality dots connecting the human condition in primitive societies, to include many countries around the world today.

  1. 9/11 started it. However ill-conceived, badly managed and ultimately catastrophic, the United States had every right to go in there and clean out Al Queida.
  2. You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped. Afghani government(s) were never anything but a bunch of Taliban turned red-white-and-blue for the purpose of corruption.
  3. Religion is a cancer on humanity. Look no further than your own backyard for that proof.
  4. Might does not make right. We need to collectively learn that, starting with the MAGA crowd.

JMHO. You can’t say a couple trillion dollars means we didn’t try our best. Those people certainly don’t deserve this, certainly not the women and children now back under Taliban rule. But as a society, they do. Just remember what happened after you hijacked our airliners.

Afghan leader fled with cars full of cash.

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