Trump the Fuckwit

It is hard for me to imagine how this idiot ascended to the highest office of the country and remains there now.  I just can’t fathom it.  How can people be so stupid?  I’m talking about the elected officials still supporting this moron – not the voters.  I share in the electoral stupidity, but with a bloody mess in Syria, DoD dollars building walls, and the environment under siege once again – for what?

So an illiterate, piece of shit con man  can enrich himself, his family and his cronies at the expense of common decency.  His general behavior as POTUS has been  nothing but disgraceful, and that’s the good part!  This pathological liar is the epitome of everything wrong with our country today.  Eat shit and die, you miserable cocksucker.  I hope you end up in jail where you belong.  That goes for every elected official who enables this bastard with one more breath of support out of their mouths – may it be your last.

That goes for you too, Niki Haley – stupid whore.  Corruption in politics certainly isn’t going away any time, anywhere soon.  But when the leader of the free world seems to think it is OK to openly engage in it while getting people killed in the process, it’s time to draw the line.

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