Bob Hur: MAGA Cockpig

I can see why people might not want the job, but this is getting ridiculous…

Hur’s testimony an exercise in 2024 political messaging.

Accusations of cognitive impairment were launched by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle against the other party’s presidential nominee.

The only impairment evident to me in the U.S. government is the group-think, power-hungry lunacy demonstrated by some of the elected officials inhabiting it.

Hard Up Case -Walter Becker

Called It

After meeting with the New York Giants, Wilson flew to Pittsburgh on Friday. Though he left without a deal, he agreed to sign with Pittsburgh on Sunday evening. The deal will become official Wednesday when the Denver Broncos officially release Wilson.

And fuck Shannon Sharp, coming from that fuckup factory, the Doncos themselves. He’s probably still sore about getting their asses handed to them in XLVIII.

Twice. NFL oxymoron: Inexpensive and Elite. That status never gets old.
Born on the Bayou -Creedence Clearwater Revival

No Substitute for Torque

In today’s VM-heavy IT world, it’s like the old server-room adage: There’s no substitute for hardware. I been telling people it’s an honest 12’s car with the right driver and rear diff. All I can say about this one is thank gawd for electronic traction control, or I’d have been gone long ago. I got run down at the finish too, in the only race I lost with it. The insane torque delivered by these things put them ahead off the line every time they hook.

I’ll temporarily rescind my ongoing uToob® link-back policy, to support that claim, since it appears they have rescinded the ad-blocker policy. Good for them. It’s better organizing ur own viewing anyway. Instead of going after the ad-blockers, they’re just inserting them in-stream. Kinda sucks the 2nd half of clips won’t get watched, but it is a time-saver and at least I can see my history!

We’ll see how it goes

Nancy Mace: It’s All About Her

This little POS fucksack sat on ABC This Week literally simply refusing to answer questions, repeatedly referring to nothing but herself in every single response. The hubris and condescending immoral inanity is just amazing.

Repeatedly bleating about being Stephanopolous’ shame target, the bitch rightly ought to be ashamed. Her demeanor and low-info political whoring is IMHO, well beyond shameless. It’s disgusting, un-American, and downright traitorous at this point. I totally get how declining to confirm your support for a convicted rapist with 91 felony counts against him must feel pretty goddamned shameful. Were you asking for it when the Liar-in-Chief laid a little infrastructure pipe down your tonsils after that one rally?

The MAGA whore shame is palatable.

Fuck the Pope V

What, no surrender suggestions for the Palestinians, yet? Jews not worthy of your full support for some reason? Looks like the Catholics have taken sides with Russia. Stupid curmudgeon can take his white flag straight to Hell. He sits on his throne pontificating while the world burns. What a fuckwit.

ROME, March 9 (Reuters) – Pope Francis has said in an interview that Ukraine should have what he called the courage of the “white flag” and negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow’s full-scale invasion two years ago and that has killed tens of thousands.

The only courage this piece of shit knows is how to hide his dishonesty, begging for money from his poor followers.

Keep suckin’ hard on that Putin cock, mutherfucker. Dictating the Gawd stuff is so much easier than dictating the real stuff, with illusory mortal fear at your behest, eh?

DIY Preview: Transmogrified Furniture

Bumped for a couple more pics…

I’ve been doing some woodworking again lately. It’s inside stuff doable without moving around much and minimal exertion. We had three of the girl’s old beds taking up space in the basement, needing transmogrified. It was either that or burn ’em. They will become a big, sturdy shelf unit, making for a nice place to put another aquarium. The fish are one of those few hobbies accomplished mostly by just standing there staring at it. 😉

Probably at least a couple more weeks working on it an hour or two a day as time permits before it’s finished. Shelves almost done, still need sides assembled, put together and finished. Probably a week’s worth of just sanding still to do.

Those chairs and toolbox came from 3 different places we lived in Europe. The workbench was one of my 1st projects, built in Panama.
Long Time -Boston

Dog Parks Under Fire

We need to get a contractor on poop patrol, or what? What’s the problem? It’s always the same story with these self-important pet-hating fuckwits: It’s all about the dog poop! Puhleeeez. Jackhole across the creek from here called the cops on me for walking Jax and Anna off-leash along the creek. Said they were pooping in his yard. What a moron. Probably needs a DNA test to tell the difference between dog and coyote feces.

Denver metro’s largest off-leash dog park could shrink

Army Grabbing at Straws Again

ALARMIST RHETORIC: Today, the U.S. Air Force faces an almost-existential crisis… The U.S. military is woefully unprepared for warfare in this newly contested subdomain of the air littoral. Needless to say, the U.S. drone inventory looks nothing at all like Ukraine’s. It is a fraction of its size and scale, focusing on small numbers of highly advanced systems.

Boils down to old retired military dudes in a pissing contest, but I have questions. Is the honorable retired general unaware how drone technology has been a high-priority USAF focus ever since Gates fired the Air Boss back in…? Maybe he didn’t get the memo about ongoing Ai integration in the CCA program? I’ll forgive him for being ahead of the times Billy Mitchell was sinking battleships in this same scenario.

I am somewhat familiar with how the Army operates, and please believe me when I say they never seem to be opposed to doing things the hard way. He contradicts himself with a link to our own massive drone inventory. No, what we have here is an old ground pounder waxing nostalgic on the glory days before the zoomies started having all the military fun. I agree his guys need better localized drone protection. Try slicing up the Army budget correctly first, before eyeing bigger shares of DoD – and whenever they get in a real hot spot (not a 1-off blunder), just radio the nest locations and we’ll cluster the whole outfit with one shot, for ya. 😉

Give Up the Funk -Parliament

For the Benefit of All Humanity

Quizzical skepticism is always my first reaction when i hear Elon is up to no good again. It’s like, aw crap, what’s he tryin’ to pull now? At least alot of the other leading MAGA fuckwits seem to stay in their respective lanes of dis-ingenuity. Didn’t take long for some of the underpinning details to surface. Seems Musky‘s idea of beneficence to mankind focuses mostly on his $Billions and how it benefits him personally.

SpaceX fosters serial sexual abuse.

Go away, raging billionaire incel – for the benefit of all humanity, for fuck’s sake!
Scared Ketchup rocks.

Panama 2024

These should’ve been posted last month, but despite spending an inordinate amount of time sitting at the PC these days, still fail to find enough of it. Looks like things are humming right along on the isthmus, with the exception of Telin’s recent divorce. I still marvel at how far and wide the extended family reaches out all over the world from there.

Just a few favs. The rest here.