Kellyanne Cuntway

Who is the most despicable member of the Trump gang?  I nominate this two-faced, lyin’ bitch. I don’t have the time to go back through her press conferences to tally the numbers, but I am going to guess she has uttered truthful responses to questions approximately 0% of the time.  Considering the political nature of her personal SO relationship, I suspect that goes for them as well.  I really feel sorry for George.  She must suck a mean cock.

The whore feigned “embarrassment” for Wolf in their little CNN spat yesterday.  She now holds the Guinness Book of World Records in that category for absorbing the embarrassment of the Twittering Twit-in-Chief.  She must have enough capacity in that department to go around for everyone.  OBTW, Stone’s going to jail.  Be careful Kellyanne – be VERY careful.

Deep State Bigotry

This is the kind of crap Trump pulls.  What a miserable cocksucker.

The mutherfuckers got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Big, fat, ugly politically corrupt hands in the nation’s cookie jar.  May I present the 46th POTUS, Madame President Pelosi?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., talks to reporters after the first public hearing in the impeachment probe of President Trump. The House is looking into his effort to tie U.S. aid for Ukraine to investigations of his political opponents.

2019 Volleyball Season in the Books

The Panthers had their best run on record, but came up short against UMass Boston in the LEC final.  I cannot say enough about how well impressed I am with this entire group including the coaching staff, the facility support folks, media group, fans and a simply amazing group of girls.  Props to everyone for a banner year!

We are all so proud of Francie for being one of the stand-outs on a winning team like this.  Numbers aren’t everything in sports, and Francie showed she can hold up both ends of the elite player role last season.  Plymouth State Women’s Volleyball is set for another record run next year.

Good-looking group of PSU athletes we got, huh?


Trump the Fuckwit

It is hard for me to imagine how this idiot ascended to the highest office of the country and remains there now.  I just can’t fathom it.  How can people be so stupid?  I’m talking about the elected officials still supporting this moron – not the voters.  I share in the electoral stupidity, but with a bloody mess in Syria, DoD dollars building walls, and the environment under siege once again – for what?

So an illiterate, piece of shit con man  can enrich himself, his family and his cronies at the expense of common decency.  His general behavior as POTUS has been  nothing but disgraceful, and that’s the good part!  This pathological liar is the epitome of everything wrong with our country today.  Eat shit and die, you miserable cocksucker.  I hope you end up in jail where you belong.  That goes for every elected official who enables this bastard with one more breath of support out of their mouths – may it be your last.

That goes for you too, Niki Haley – stupid whore.  Corruption in politics certainly isn’t going away any time, anywhere soon.  But when the leader of the free world seems to think it is OK to openly engage in it while getting people killed in the process, it’s time to draw the line.

Discogram on the 20th

Dr. Donner will get to the bottom of my back injury in 8 days.  Latest from the Symptoms Log:

7 NOV 2019: Here’s the list:
Morning acute pain from swollen L4-5
Insomnia (from above)
Aberrant nerve signaling (muscle twitching, mostly right glute)
Muscle tightening/clenching when standing or walking (Glutes, erectors and right thigh) – with associated acute muscle pain if pushed more than around 10-20 minutes, depending on what I am doing
Muscle knotting in both glutes, right erectors and right shouler/back
Limp to the right
Ilial flaring badly/acutely
Entire right side of body lit up with the tension thing (I can actually feel in the right side of my head)

BP steadily on the rise for the past couple months – presently clocking around 150/90, but I think my own general anxiety level might be contributing to that. I have to remember to try it right after I wake up to go to bed one of these days.

It’s interesting to note how apologetic Rebecca was when telling me I’d be waiting a whole 2 weeks to get in for this.  The Aurora VA Neurology queue was 2 months, last I heard.

Total Victory is 1 Match Away!

Plymouth State Women’s volleyball is just amazing this season  They knocked off Eastern Connecticut yesterday to earn home court advantage in the final.  In preparation for next year’s undefeated run, the Panthers will take the undisputed Little East Conference title this year against the University of Massachusetts tomorrow.  

“A service error stopped the run, however, and the Panthers would maintain the lead, closing out the win on an emphatic kill down the line by Shaffer.”

I’m already looking forward to the 2020 season.  The Phenom from Frederick earned LEC Offensive POW twice this year.  I think that number is going to go up next year!  But 1st the LEC…


Opening it Up

After randomly analyzing the bot traffic during and after the 2016 election, I eventually had to cut off user access here.  It wasn’t as much a security issue as building into a sheer volume of annoyance issue for me, at least.  It still amazes me how brazenly overt and easily identifiable they were.  How was it not outed far earlier?  I’ll cook up a conspiracy theory on that later next week.  OTOH the MO is familiar:  Blatant bad behavior hiding in plain sight.  Where else have we seen that lately?

Anyway, It’s been awhile now, so I guess it’s safe to see if the Russkies (or Ukraranian, or Chinese or whoever the fuck state or local bad actors) email bots are still out in force.  Registration is now enabled.  But there will be a delay getting passwords out, and they will be seen coming from  

Comment requires only a “from” email.  Real registrations for real people who aren’t afraid to be themselves on the Internet are delayed as mentioned above due to new security requirements engendered in Trumpomania – the greatest shitshow on earth.


We’ll need to have a little discussion about that hat.  Welders from Texas are only allowed to wear Trump hats around here as long as they are Phoebe’s friends.  

On 2nd thought, I think I like it like that, in this pic at least!  

Shrimp Tank Finally Paying Off

I’ve been keeping a 20-gallon tank for farming snails and shrimp the last few years.  The big tank denizens in the main room get live food from it – whenever there’s enough to actually do that, which has not been very often until sometime recently.  Not sure why it took 3 years for it to take off.  My best guess is maybe I was not feeding the shrimp and snails enough.  In any case, yesterday was the 1st time I was able pull out a full meal’s worth of shrimp.  Fresh food is always the best, whether you are a fish or any other creature.  They also seem to have a great time exercising their predatory instincts chasing them around.

Interstellar Space

Putting things in perspective – if that is even remotely possible, considering the dearth of knowledge and vastly unlimited expanses in this area – we have finally scratched the surface of space.  Real analysis of the immense emptiness of space has begun, giving previously unknown perspective to our own heliosphere and how it interacts with the cosmos.  

Then I have to consider Neil Degrasse Tyson’s view or opinion on the whole space travel/exploration topic:  If we have the technology to go to Mars, why aren’t we prioritizing it’s use to fix our own broken planet first?

350 Kills

PSU Women’s volleyball is on the verge of a new school record this year, just like I predicted.  Francie stood out as the only Panther  selected All Conference 1st Team, ending the regular season 20 shots ahead of the next best hitter.  She was 2nd in total points, and ranked #4 in kills per set. 

PSU eliminated Southern Maine in the 1st round of the LEC Tournament today.  Once again, Francie slammed down the winning kill.  That’s my girl!

Gun Control and Healthcare

Yes, only an hour ago I decried my apathy and contempt for politics.  This is just a rehash of a previous post pointing out exactly how absurd some of this bullshit is getting.  People paying attention know the truth about the relationship between these two things.  I personally experienced another big dose of it in January, and continue suffering for it today.

Alot of the narrative surrounding both of these topics is pure bullshit.  All you need to do is learn your own information and stop swallowing the garbage being presented in every public forum and broadcast medium I can imagine.  But how can these topics be related in any meaningful way, you may ask?  It’s pretty simple and the comparison is sobering – Simple statistics.

This particular set of statistics (crime/firearms/death/healthcare) tells us, at least some few years ago, that you are 9,000 times more likely to die at the hands of a healthcare professional, than being killed by someone with a gun. I understand this in a uniquely personal way.  That number has likely gone up by now.

Damn Koreans

I’m gobsmacked.  At first I thought it must be a misprint, or maybe the R&T people got some bad dope.  It can’t be true.  Hyundai garners 2020 Performance Car of the Year! Up against the perennial stalwarts, some costing more than 3 times the sticker price, the Veloster N is a real phenom:

“The Veloster was an outlier—outgunned and outclassed by nearly every other car in this test.”

Props, Korean car dudes and dudettes – you have arrived!

Most People Don't Get It

I no longer have one single fuck to give about climate change, the economy, healthcare, or any of the myriad politically-charged bullshit topics inundating the cyber and airwaves these days.  Because it’s bullshit.  It’s mostly just bullshit from bullshitters trying to get over and grab whatever they can for themselves.  So now we have a con man in the Oval Office, surrounded by a bunch of yes men out for nothing and nobody but themselves.

Better not forget who REALLY keeps you in power, mutherfucker.

I’m pretty familiar with military culture.  I bet there’s plenty of folks in uniform right now just as fed up with the Commander in Chump’s bullshit as I am.  There’s a passel of ’em in Syria right now wondering WTF.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a little PWFWC training exercise unfold on the White House lawn sometime soon.

The Secret Service will have their hands full just trying to determine which end is up.  Despite their oath, I doubt many are willing to die for the Orange Fuckwit like TSgt Chapman died for his country.  I’d like to see the current POTUS hauled out in handcuffs.  Just my humble opinion.