Genocide Matters

Why? Because it’s becoming a more popular political tool again, worldwide.

However, even if Israel loses this round, it probably will not comply. The same journal post observes that only about 50 per cent of “provisional measure” cases achieve compliance. In high-stakes conflicts, states have fewer incentives to comply with the court.

But when was the last time evil cocksuckers met their obligations and agreements?

No Shyt

“Something like that, where you can take over the SEC account and potentially affect the value of bitcoin in the market – there’s massive opportunity for disinformation,” said Austin Berglas, a former cybersecurity official at the FBI’s New York office and a senior executive at the security firm BlueVoyant.

Whadda ya think this mutherfucker‘s been tryin’ to do from time-to-time with his stupid tweets all along?

“You are a liar”: Musk vs. Cuban DEI debate takes new turn. Dude’s a total POS.


Cartoonists hittin’ today. Think Haley realizes what a two-faced POS she really is? She “had black friends growing up,” goddammit! Cunt’s too stupid to know her mindset represents the foundational MAGA rot subverting American society today.

You can argue declared war status vis-a-vis the legal definitions with constitutional law in the background all damn day. Lotsa lawyering being planned for big paydays on those topics, no doubt. I’m more partial to factual perspectives, grounded in corporeal reality. We still have committed to this day, many of our best and brightest, spending our treasure 24×7 in harm’s way all over the planet, trying to make stuff right.

No 2-bit con man‘s gonna stop that.

Ever Wonder Where Pizzagate Came From?

QAnon, right? Mmmmmkay.

Mar-a-Lago was a critical nexus point in the trafficking ring’s eventual exposure: It’s where Virginia Giuffre, who would go on to become Epstein and Maxwell’s most vocal accuser, says she was first recruited by Maxwell when she was a teenager working at the club’s spa.

It had to be even more depraved to garner requisite attention from the base. What’s a few elites having a little fun with the girlies. after all?

Next Headline: Party of Family Values wants treasonous pedophile for POTUS.

Congressman Doug Lamborn is a Holy-Rollin’ Cocksucker

Originally published 20220210. LATE UPDATE: Lamborn won’t seek re-election in ’24. Good riddance, fuckwit.

Several times a week I see this fuckwit blasting out emails containing typically moronic drivel as shown below. The topics range across the usual MAGA points – The Border, Chrstiandom and of course everything Biden. May we assume he also believes the corollary to this narrative means Napoleon Bonespurs is cognitively normal? Seriously?

You’d think always focusing on everything wrong would get tiring after awhile. I can’t remember ever seeing a single one of these missives offering anything to be started, changed or done at all – just sophomoric criticism of everything not MAGA Repuglican Religion. His politics are clearly visible to anyone not blinded by hate, Gawd and his lies.

I call on Lamborn to go suck some more limp Trump dick.

Browse Much?

With Excel – even better!

This was the eighth zero-day vulnerability Google fixed in Chrome for 2023, underscoring the persistent effort and time hackers devote to finding and exploiting flaws in the widely used web browser. CISA’s KEV catalog is a valuable resource for organizations across the globe that aim at better vulnerability management and prioritization.

Chrome stays home with me, nowadays.

Colorado MAGA Nutbags

“I’m supporting President Trump. I believe his election was stolen from us, from him. He’s not a perfect man, he’s made mistakes, we all make mistakes, but his truth is that he loves this country, and I love this country,” said attendee Robert Abeyta, who believes the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump due to voter fraud.

Meanwhile the Attorney General is getting death threats from these assholes.

Tangerine Traitor‘s formula: More Guns + Less Brains = MAGA
American Dream Plan B -Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Proud Coloradan

Leading the fight. Scenery only ever changes for the lead dog. DLA GS-14 quipped that at me on his way out early one evening – after my whining WRT the unproven proprietary database software they seemed compelled to deploy. I called that one, too. The scenery changed for everybody after it went to shyt on top of Y2K and everything else at the hands of the HQ weenies.