The Justice(?) Dept.

The U.S. Justice Dept. responded to a Federal court ruling yesterday, compelling current and former administration officials to testify in the Impeachment Inquiry, with a statement of intent to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court.

The Income Tax case already awaits a Justice brief to the SCOTUS.  Moscow Mitch packed the court.  So when the POTUS is above the law, there is no “justice.”  Pretty Simple.  Game over.  The Russians won.


It's about Goddamn Time

Now can we please get started on this side of the pond by taking Fuckerberg’s company and breaking it over his head?  Just to start?  Maybe just the Russian propaganda?

“26,000 items, which included videos, publications, social media accounts and communication channels, were flagged by authorities as being terrorist propaganda.”

People need to start connecting the dots.  Fiona, from the Hill, today:

“Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country, and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did,” Hill said in her opening statement.  “This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves,” she said.

Terrorism, electioneering, fraud.  It’s a WONDERFUL Internet.

Nunes the Nincompoop

It became patently obvious every time he opened his mouth – a corrupt politician, caught in the act, spinning bullshit so fast the dizziness blocked his brain.  What a fucking piece-o-shyt.

In the lawsuit, Nunes’s attorneys wrote that “the ‘trusted’ source of CNN’s fake news story was a man indicted by the United States Government, charged with multiple Federal crimes – a man who faces years in a Federal penitentiary – Lev Parnas.”

One of your buddies?  Whodathunkit.

Trump toady with Russian cock up his ass.

Intel Portion Complete

Here was my input to the GOP reps from CO, transmitted to their black-hole inboxes on a daily basis:

“I’m not going to tell a story and urge you to agree with me like your buddies to the right of the impeachment inquiry do. I wouldn’t even presume to ask you a legitimate question. I simply urge you to throw your political career down the toilet along with the Trump gang, if you actually believe it is OK for the leader of the free world to openly engage in political corruption while getting people killed in the process.”

“The Republican Party is a National Disgrace. Please salvage any dignity (if any) left for this country.”

Congratulations on turning a long-time conservative/Republican into a non-affiliated non-voter. You people are a bunch of 2-faced liars. Blame your vile, crime-ridden administration on the media. What a bunch of fuckwits.

“‘We attempted to subpoena the whistleblower…’ said the leader of this miserable gang of charlatans. You people are lawyers for the most part, right? Hard to tell in this Lawyering 101 Impeachment tutorial Titled “What not to do in ANY Legal Proceeding.” The stratospheric level of embarrassment must be getting uncomfortable. The way they turn their backs on the cameras at every recess speaks for itself. Do you actually care or not? Let’s wait and see how that goes…”

“No respect for anything or anybody. That is what I see coming from the highest office in our land. It is reprehensible and disgusting. No elected official supporting this behavior and abhorrent affront to our nation will ever look me in the eye ever again. It would behoove you to recognize the fact that some people ARE paying attention. This isn’t a Facebook meme-fest anymore.”

“If it wasn’t for the 2016 election topic, a Trump defense, no matter how contrived, could of course, be potentially plausible. Innocent until proven guilty, right? But you won the goddamn election, for chrissakes. Are people’s brains screwed in backwards there these days? Sounds like a great cover story with Guilliani as your go-to guy, tho. He was after all, the 1st one to blurt it out on national TV. Fucking idiots, running the country.”

“What sort of cretin starts a line of questioning asking if the witness “…accessed any other person’s computer without consent or authorization?” …in total absence of evidence or even suggestion to that effect from anyone, anywhere ever? The same type of person who asks a long, contrived series of questions leading to some unknown person’s name? That joker JJ? Buddy of yours? You did some MIB light-pen trick to blank the term whistleblower completely out of their minds right? How else can someone be so stupid? If it wasn’t so seriously treasonous, I’d be laughing my ass off.”

“‘No one claims to be a victim…'” said the leader of the GOP inquiry hit squad. Was that his doppelganger attending day 2? The insidious corruption permeating the Republican party from the top down is now obviously, publicly apparent. Might want to start thinking about a plan to re-align your political future.”

“I’m convinced. How much damning evidence will it take you? JJ really stepped on it today. Still out of the question? According to Mr. Conoway, “This is a very divisive issue within our country.” Ya think? Funny how the less divisive it becomes, the more truth comes out. Alignment with anything Trump-flavored will not go well, for you or anyone else, politically, overseas, at home, anywhere.”

“Trump couldn’t care less about the simple fact that there are good people working hard for him all over the world. Was he completely unaware of their openly transparent and strictly controlled job functions within the diplomatic corps of his own administration? Or just that stupid? Just that brazen, regardless of anything anyone else says, does, or knows? #3 knocks on the Article 25 door, just a heads up. You ARE the judge. Trump, the Guilliani bunch, most of the cabinet and staff including the vice, are clearly shameless, moronic criminals. I’ll be watching for your viewpoint.”

“Every time Nunes started taking I got a good laugh. How can rational human beings sit there and listen to this nonsense? It’s beyond the pale. of course “IT’S OBVIOUS THEY ARE TRYING TO TOPPLE THE PRESIDENT!” His Caps – not mine. They are getting feisty. I hope the jig is up by now. Trump is a dangerous, demented, narcissistic sociopath with a limited vocabulary and serious intellectual challenges. Anything less than getting behind the toppling effort from you is unacceptable to me.”

“‘I Googled it.'” Was Morrison’s response when asked how he first became aware of Hunter Biden’s connection to Burisma. As your pals crow in the background about Democratic-flavored 2016 U.S. electioneering corruption. Big flying, fucking conspiracies and secrets everywhere, right? On Google? It’s just preposterous from every angle.”

“‘We have a timeline problem…'” said the ninny Nunes. No, what he has is a timeline with many problems. So does the Republican party. They asked alot of questions that didn’t get answers. I thought somebody’s head was gonna spin clear off the way they tried to spin that narrative. Spinning this crap effectively with anything but the Facebook memes that put our Scumbag-in-Chief in office seems ludicrous. Surprised we didn’t see some of those on the visual aids there. Take awhile to get coordination with the Russkies working on that?”

“‘I don’t remember if I got it from Mr. Guilliani or President Trump.'” Said Sondland, the stooge. You just can’t make this shyt up. Sondland plays dumb. Big surprise – he looks the part. Then JJ jumped in and continues harping on things that didn’t happen. It’s no longer an alternate narrative – it’s an alternate reality. It actually became pretty entertaining watching JJ sitting up there frantically spouting bullshit.”

“Schiff seemed to sum up the intel portion pretty well. I lost count how many times he used the term “absurd.” Balls on. And Time’s up. We (the people) are not going to put up with this crap. I voted for Trump. Now I want him in handcuffs.”

I’m just getting started…

Just What I Needed IX

As expected, the Discogram was positive.  So, under my particular circumstances, we’ll open it up, clean out the mess, screw it back together with some metal pins, cross our fingers and wait a few more months.  Longest goddamn hip replacement EVER.  Here’s a little tutorial for those interested in more details about what I’m now facing.

And also as expected, my FOIA request(s) for information about the case turned up next to nothing, save one important exception.  Dr. Sylvestri responded to my initial complaint – just not to me – stating he saw nothing wrong.  I bet he doesn’t see much wrong with the gaps in VA healthcare that stole a year from my life (so far) and nobody seems to want to talk about, either.  They hurt me.  Bad.  Over a long period of time, and it’s not over yet.

Early on in this fiasco, my general perception of the way I was being treated suggested to my paranoid intuition, that I was being deliberately deceived.  It was just too blatantly unbelievable.  Turns out they are simply oblivious – right up and down the chain, including everyone in between.  Professional healthcare providers – oblivious to the suffering of one of their patients.  Now I’m not sure which is worse.  Maybe employee apathy isn’t real high on the radar.

I bet there are vets like me out there who might have given up.  I’m suicidal, for chrissakes!  Now I get it – the “VA thing,” that is.  So they do studies to try and figure it out, then give you a phone number to call.  Brilliant.  It’s not working.  My only question to the VA overlords might be:  Why was someone like me sitting here on a badly torn L4-5 annulus writing blog posts about it all year instead of going to the head of the line for whatever they needed the minute something like this crops up?  A satisfactory answer to that would be worth quite a bit to the next collateral damage victim.

The answer is right here, and I figured it out back in September.  Some things you can’t put a price on.   Epilogue coming in Chapter X – Formal Feedback – written down the way I used to give it face-to-face in the Air Force.  It’s not going to be pretty, but pretty much exactly how it appears in some of the AF records “I” wrote.

It's Official: Americans are Idiots

“It’s a tangible example of just how locked in most Americans are in their partisan positions…”

The polls say people aren’t paying attention and probably just don’t care.  Big fucking newsflash.  Once these cretins get their head filled with Facebook propaganda, the minds snap shut like a big bear-trap, and the bias confirmation commences.  And spreads.  

I have to give the criminal electioneering spooks credit for finding the social media vector in the minds of the world’s least stable populations.  Stoking the collective consciousness of an entire cross-section of a population with lies, bigotry and hate was a brilliant stroke against a society already full of it.  Let’s hope today’s cellphone warriors don’t become tomorrow’s pitchfork wielding mobs.  Our government is not the only thing being robbed.  It’s a very sad time for our Republic.

Kellyanne Cuntway

Who is the most despicable member of the Trump gang?  I nominate this two-faced, lyin’ bitch. I don’t have the time to go back through her press conferences to tally the numbers, but I am going to guess she has uttered truthful responses to questions approximately 0% of the time.  Considering the political nature of her personal SO relationship, I suspect that goes for them as well.  I really feel sorry for George.  She must suck a mean cock.

The whore feigned “embarrassment” for Wolf in their little CNN spat yesterday.  She now holds the Guinness Book of World Records in that category for absorbing the embarrassment of the Twittering Twit-in-Chief.  She must have enough capacity in that department to go around for everyone.  OBTW, Stone’s going to jail.  Be careful Kellyanne – be VERY careful.

Deep State Bigotry

This is the kind of crap Trump pulls.  What a miserable cocksucker.

The mutherfuckers got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Big, fat, ugly politically corrupt hands in the nation’s cookie jar.  May I present the 46th POTUS, Madame President Pelosi?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., talks to reporters after the first public hearing in the impeachment probe of President Trump. The House is looking into his effort to tie U.S. aid for Ukraine to investigations of his political opponents.

2019 Volleyball Season in the Books

The Panthers had their best run on record, but came up short against UMass Boston in the LEC final.  I cannot say enough about how well impressed I am with this entire group including the coaching staff, the facility support folks, media group, fans and a simply amazing group of girls.  Props to everyone for a banner year!

We are all so proud of Francie for being one of the stand-outs on a winning team like this.  Numbers aren’t everything in sports, and Francie showed she can hold up both ends of the elite player role last season.  Plymouth State Women’s Volleyball is set for another record run next year.

Good-looking group of PSU athletes we got, huh?


Trump the Fuckwit

It is hard for me to imagine how this idiot ascended to the highest office of the country and remains there now.  I just can’t fathom it.  How can people be so stupid?  I’m talking about the elected officials still supporting this moron – not the voters.  I share in the electoral stupidity, but with a bloody mess in Syria, DoD dollars building walls, and the environment under siege once again – for what?

So an illiterate, piece of shit con man  can enrich himself, his family and his cronies at the expense of common decency.  His general behavior as POTUS has been  nothing but disgraceful, and that’s the good part!  This pathological liar is the epitome of everything wrong with our country today.  Eat shit and die, you miserable cocksucker.  I hope you end up in jail where you belong.  That goes for every elected official who enables this bastard with one more breath of support out of their mouths – may it be your last.

That goes for you too, Niki Haley – stupid whore.  Corruption in politics certainly isn’t going away any time, anywhere soon.  But when the leader of the free world seems to think it is OK to openly engage in it while getting people killed in the process, it’s time to draw the line.

Discogram on the 20th

Dr. Donner will get to the bottom of my back injury in 8 days.  Latest from the Symptoms Log:

7 NOV 2019: Here’s the list:
Morning acute pain from swollen L4-5
Insomnia (from above)
Aberrant nerve signaling (muscle twitching, mostly right glute)
Muscle tightening/clenching when standing or walking (Glutes, erectors and right thigh) – with associated acute muscle pain if pushed more than around 10-20 minutes, depending on what I am doing
Muscle knotting in both glutes, right erectors and right shouler/back
Limp to the right
Ilial flaring badly/acutely
Entire right side of body lit up with the tension thing (I can actually feel in the right side of my head)

BP steadily on the rise for the past couple months – presently clocking around 150/90, but I think my own general anxiety level might be contributing to that. I have to remember to try it right after I wake up to go to bed one of these days.

It’s interesting to note how apologetic Rebecca was when telling me I’d be waiting a whole 2 weeks to get in for this.  The Aurora VA Neurology queue was 2 months, last I heard.

Total Victory is 1 Match Away!

Plymouth State Women’s volleyball is just amazing this season  They knocked off Eastern Connecticut yesterday to earn home court advantage in the final.  In preparation for next year’s undefeated run, the Panthers will take the undisputed Little East Conference title this year against the University of Massachusetts tomorrow.  

“A service error stopped the run, however, and the Panthers would maintain the lead, closing out the win on an emphatic kill down the line by Shaffer.”

I’m already looking forward to the 2020 season.  The Phenom from Frederick earned LEC Offensive POW twice this year.  I think that number is going to go up next year!  But 1st the LEC…


Opening it Up

After randomly analyzing the bot traffic during and after the 2016 election, I eventually had to cut off user access here.  It wasn’t as much a security issue as building into a sheer volume of annoyance issue for me, at least.  It still amazes me how brazenly overt and easily identifiable they were.  How was it not outed far earlier?  I’ll cook up a conspiracy theory on that later next week.  OTOH the MO is familiar:  Blatant bad behavior hiding in plain sight.  Where else have we seen that lately?

Anyway, It’s been awhile now, so I guess it’s safe to see if the Russkies (or Ukraranian, or Chinese or whoever the fuck state or local bad actors) email bots are still out in force.  Registration is now enabled.  But there will be a delay getting passwords out, and they will be seen coming from  

Comment requires only a “from” email.  Real registrations for real people who aren’t afraid to be themselves on the Internet are delayed as mentioned above due to new security requirements engendered in Trumpomania – the greatest shitshow on earth.