Denver Superspreader Engaged

Everybody’s excited to see Teddy Bridgewater begin the Denver portion of his NFL career at this season’s last preseason game tonight. The interesting part to me is the Mile High Covid guidance. Un-vaxxed are “strongly encouraged” to mask up. Seriously? They didn’t care about it before, what makes anybody think they do now? It’ll also be interesting to see how many breakthrough cases come out of it.

Enjoy the game, and good luck!

The Kabul Airlift

…will go down in history as the greatest humanitarian airlift effort ever, eclipsing the Berlin Airlift tonnage by an order of magnitude in human cargo. We can debate the comparison in tons of coal and food vs. people. It’s apples and oranges. This one has a deadline and DoD is meeting it in spectacular fashion.

When it comes time to really move some shyt, NOBODY beats the U.S. Air Force.

Health Status Update

Latest Symptom Log entry:

25 AUG 21: A month on from hyperemesis and I’m pretty miserable, irritable and hurting 24×7. Sleep loss has become an issue once again. Can’t really say Cannabis is addictive or harmful in any way whatsoever, as far I am concerned. I can sense the headspace with tolerance enabling me to over-use, as well as how it seems to affect my nervous system long-term, generally speaking. I’ll be starting up again, soon as it feels completely cleared. The fat-soluble nature of the active ingredients must allow it to build up to the point of excess. Probably many other unknown factors in the CB receptor realm, as well. I’ll keep better cognizance on how much I’m using instead of just continuously saturating myself with it.

America is Full of Selfish, Racist Holy Rollers

The kids are attempting a return to school with predicted results falling out everywhere. The problem is obvious. It was the same pushback we saw against BLM last year when “all lives mattered” and psycho suburbanites brandished guns at protesters. A significant portion of our population are selfish idiots who care only about themselves.

Now the protests contain angry parents who, in the face of recent history and overwhelming scientific evidence, still do not get how their rights end where public health begins. We’ll learn this one the hard way, as well. Many students across the country will soon be two years behind.

Ignorance is one thing, but willful ignorance is something wholly different. At least the biggest death demographic contains mostly anti-vaxx MAGA voters.

It’s worse since this reading, including many more younger victims with Delta raging.

BoBitch: Lying, Cheatin’ Whore

The scum learned corruption quick. It runs deep and wide in this Federal government.

Crony capitalism 101

The thing about alot of these Qanons, anti-vaxxers and other troglodytes of this type is they get to think they know something for a change – great fodder for cocksucking, deceitful politicians like this.

Get your affairs in order, sweetie.

The 2nd or 3rd sleaziest piece of shit ever to con their way into an elected government position.

Forest for the Trees

On a national news interview with Gayle King today, Zuckerberg bragged about “taking down 18 million pieces of misinformation.” Fine, if that’s how they expect to stay busy, but it’s half-assed self promotion. People with a smidgen of common sense understand treating symptoms as opposed to root causes, is a never-ending struggle, often doomed to failure. Sounds like he’s trying to play a fine-grained game of digital whack-a-mole – to the detriment of society and democracy.

The issue Zucky-boy deliberately omits, overlooks or otherwise skirts in attempts to pin him down on the topic is simple: The distinction between the misinformation and the people spreading it. It will only be curbed by stopping the people doing it. That means bannings, blocking IP’s, even ranges of IP’s where Russian cyber criminals and Chinese data thieves lurk – not to mention the Covidiots. But alas, that might impact the bottom line.

Any”thing” can easily create and exploit a FB account. Maybe a little user vetting? Apparently the country’s not worth it.

Lyin’, greedy, cocksucking piece of shit.

Fuckbook’s Most Viewed Article In Early 2021 Raised Doubt About COVID Vaccine.

The Blooming Desert Southwest

…isn’t sounding like such a great idea to alot of developers and farmers downstream from Colorado these days.

This is what it looks like naturally:

This what it looks like when people without respect for nature try to capitalize on it:

Mother nature can be a mean bitch, with no guarantees on that river.

Afghanistan Gets What It Deserves

Probably an unpopular point of view, but reality has always been a hard pill for the stupid to swallow. Regardless of ongoing armchair quarterbacking taking place in media and government the world over, a few simple facts paint a stark picture only the willfully ignorant will fail to recognize as reality dots connecting the human condition in primitive societies, to include many countries around the world today.

  1. 9/11 started it. However ill-conceived, badly managed and ultimately catastrophic, the United States had every right to go in there and clean out Al Queida.
  2. You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped. Afghani government(s) were never anything but a bunch of Taliban turned red-white-and-blue for the purpose of corruption.
  3. Religion is a cancer on humanity. Look no further than your own backyard for that proof.
  4. Might does not make right. We need to collectively learn that, starting with the MAGA crowd.

JMHO. You can’t say a couple trillion dollars means we didn’t try our best. Those people certainly don’t deserve this, certainly not the women and children now back under Taliban rule. But as a society, they do. Just remember what happened after you hijacked our airliners.

Afghan leader fled with cars full of cash.

Media Stupidity

Big headlines today: “Afghanistan on Verge of Collapse.” Bullshyt. The U.S.-backed Afghani government is on the verge of collapse – just as it has been for the past 20 years. The Taliban is doing great, and all their subjects will be as they were before. Call it whatever you want, but the only thing changed is the missing dead.

Hope the defense contractors got that money all squirreled away well.

“Limited airstrikes are being conducted…” Hell we did that for years in Vietnam, too. What was that about the big difference between smart people and dumb people again? Watch how when something goes wrong at the airport, it’s all Biden’s fault…