Arizona Fuckwits

“This seeks to have government interfere with those private businesses and come put their finger on the scale in support of a single industry,”

But gawd forbid anybody say they must wear a mask for public safety. The Republicans have launched a full-frontal assault to legislate against anything for election propaganda or they might not agree with, while they still have a chance. The whole 2A/gun control topic is a non-issue for anyone not politicizing it. Fuck these assholes.

Guns ‘n money, huh? That’s all that really matters in AZ?

The Vultures are Circling

Every cloud has a silver lining? More like a green lining, in this case.

“I could see a house on that lot selling for $3 million, three years from now,” said Janis.”

Wonder who is gonna be buying these multi-million dollar homes? Maybe the builder gangs will keep the fleabag hotels and fast food joints going during reconstruction, while the homeless continue camping in the parks and alleys.

The developers are gonna have a field day. Or maybe the biggest bust ever seen in the Colorado real estate market.

Lagging Indicators

Like the pandemic death count following ill-advised suppression tactics, recently completed rainfall number crunching all of a sudden says 1,200 year drought.

It’s gonna get ugly after the people downstream realize what happened.

Tired of Winning Yet?

Here’s some actual malice for ya: This stupid cunt needs to go back to Alaska and cool her MAGA heels.

“Outside the courthouse, Palin expressed bafflement over the judge taking a position before jurors made their own decision.”

He’s not stupid, like you. Sarah Palin and ALL these fuckwit politicians need to learn the rules apply equally to everybody. Their elite status should mean nothing compared to anyone else in the eyes of the law.

Legal bills just now sinking in??

Rand Paul Needs His Trachea Clogged

“I hope the truckers do come to America, and I hope they clog up cities,” Paul told the conservative Daily Signal.

Civil disobedience is one thing, but blocking roads and bridges is quite another unlawful thing. We wouldn’t expect a fuckwit eye doctor loser like Rand Paul to know anything about the law. Keep all that Kentucky legislation moving forward along with that dickhead minority leader friend of yours.

Making a political career out of insulting your intelligence.

Personal Meta Space

Can we get Zuckerboy to develop a real bubble? Convince everybody to use them and we’ll have Covid and every conceivable new mutant already beat! Now when we gonna get the Meta Bubble Protest goin’?! Freedom in the Metaverse!!

“And as Meta’s Andrew Bosworth reportedly acknowledged in a memo last year, moderating the “toxic environment” in virtual reality “at any meaningful scale is practically impossible.”

Christmas in Sweden

I guess they teach the basic stuff first in law school like everywhere else. Seems Francie is learning the “run out the clock” legal tactic. There’s no statute of limitations for the Photo Album, so here they are, just in time for Valentine’s day!

Canadian Truckers RNC Patsies

The economy was starting to pick up again with Covid burning out in many places. Who/what do they think they are influencing with this little stunt? The stock market and auto industry are reeling. Nice work fuckwit sucker Canadian truckers.

You know who’s paying for this after all, right?

(Late Update) Rumor has it the fuckwits plan to stage this nonsense at the SuperBowl and proceed across the country from there. I though people might get serious about Covid when it threatened the SB last year. If there’s one thing NOBODY tolerates in this country it’s interfering in their moneymaking activities. Good luck with that.