Putin Lovers

Haven’t seen this long a pause in the Faux/OAN/CrapMax crew’s fawning authoritarianism ever. The walk-backs will be epic. Watching Tucker grovel is particularly satisfying.

They sold us out to the Russians, and the grift goes on….

Greene Goes Full Retard

Eatin’s not gonna make it go away, darlin’

Goddamned right this war is gonna be prolonged – until Pootin is either dead or in prison, along with half his incompetent, criminal army. This stinking Kremlin whore needs raped by baboons and deported to Russia.

Shitstain McAssface and all his strap-hangers belong in prison. MTG’s one of them. Here’s a partial list of current American Traitors to Democracy.

“The eight GOP “no” votes were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Dan Bishop (N.C.), Glenn Grothman (Wis.) and Chip Roy (Texas).”

Russian Cleansing

Pootin has a penchant for Stalinist demagoguery. He is probably getting those old WW-II Holocaust ovens warmed up for some Russians this time…

Killing is the only way authoritarians remain in power – until the propaganda fails.

Putin’s Puppet

It’s formally documented at this point. I’m no longer wondering if this depraved incel actually knows what he is doing. Told ya these Faux news mutherfuckers were just a bunch of Kumquat Caligula cocksuckers.

His speech is free. You get not only what you pay for, but bonus Russian propaganda for good measure.


Short for tolerance break. It’s what recreational Cannabis users do every so often to feel the most high, when effects start to diminish after regular use over some period of time. It’s what serious medicinal users do to avoid hyperemesis, before the endocannabanoid system eventually gets pushed out of whack after chronic use.

It’s been eight months since that episode. That appears to be about how long it now takes me to get to the hyperemesis threshold at a dose amounting to around 50mg/day combined throughout the day. I know this because I could feel it coming on this time, after carefully tracking and limiting my intake. I’m on day three off the weed, and keeping a real close eye on it this time around.

Day 1 was no biggie, a little uncomfortable, sorta easing out of it. Yesterday, the stark reality of not being medicated shone through. Radiculopathy is markedly more apparent, along with noticeable jabs from that lumbar job site, moving/reaching/stretching around under a car hood. C-spine invokes the same enhanced radiculopathy in the arms from that nerve root damage, only without the extra pain. Doing PT, stretching, whatever, is just excruciating. Keeping a cane nearby always.

I noticed mild sweats/chills several times yesterday, reminding me of the hyperemesis part where I was sweating bullets and feeling freezing cold at the same time. It’s difficult describing the non-psychoactive way Cannabis affects the brain. I’m calling it headspace. it’s a sensation – an actual physical sensation – I assume might be related to CB-receptor activity, or lack thereof. I could feel it starting to get to that point where things were about to go haywire pretty soon.

The medical community needs to pick up on this. I’m not talking about quack doctors handing out med cards. The surgeons and neurologists dealing with pain and spinal injuries have a safe, effective tool they are ignoring or poo-pooing for various reasons, mostly ignorance. Alternatively, people are given Neurontin and painkillers, often leading to gawd knows what other complications.

I’ll mention my experience(s) with Neurontin, because I now believe it is a dangerous drug masquerading as a safe catch-all for anything they don’t want to actually deal with. I took it for about three years during the time I was going through the shoulder business, along with Venlafaxine, and Tramadol at some point. It does work to ease radiculopathy, but it also developed a bad reaction in me. I say developed, because I was fine with it for awhile, the first couple years. But I became increasingly unstable on my feet, literally losing my balance at times for some reason. I can now point the finger at Neurontin, because of what came next.

I got off ALL the pharmaceuticals when I finally realized I was on the drug poison road to an early death. Then a malpractice episode followed by lumbar fusion got me into another Neurontin prescription. Damned if I wasn’t stumbling around again – right away! No other drugs in the system, except Cannabis. Tried it twice this time around, two different prescriptions separated by a few weeks. – same thing. it did something to my nervous system. The only question is what?

The doctors will tell me I’m just getting older, and these type things are to be expected. Ya think? It happens alot faster and hurts alot more when you’re all beat to shyt. Neurontin, Gabapentin, or whatever brand name they are using to fill the pharma coffers with it now: STAY AWAY!

Late Update, 17 March: It takes 3-4 days for the therapeutic effect to wear completely off, after which time the entire right side of my body becomes stiff and sore with radiculopathy to the point I do not want to move. Right quad is the worst, aching acutely, due to the moderately severe L4-5 damage. I’m not even sure where to put it on the severity scale, because Donner stopped talking after they realized what happened.

Imagine that, BEFORE it was repaired, on top of a fresh hip replacement, spending almost a year trying to get help from the VA. IMAGINE THAT.

Cawthorn Lies

Disgraced car crasher from the great state of North Carolina sent an email update brimming with big numbers about all the work he’s done for the citizens of North Carolina.

You can learn more about what a lyin’ POS he is.

Click on the pic and it goes to the same HERE. link to his DC homepage, containing literally almost nothing about the lies stated in his update email. He knows most don’t look far past his pleasantly slimy persona. This mutherfucker is a traitorous, lyin’ cocksucker.

A Betrayal

Retired Air Force Colonel Seth Brtescher wrote a letter to Air Force magazine a couple months ago. It contained a very accurately characterized and poignant description of the Afghan debacle.

“But the honor stopped at the gates of the airfield. As our defeat unfolded, nothing good came from the decisions made by our leaders at CENTCOM, the Pentagon, or in Washington, DC. The decision to close Bagram Air Base and abandon the Afghans to terrorists and fanatical fascists was naïve and abhorrent. The White House turned their backs on our 20-year Afghan allies, NATO, and the coalition partner nations who served with us. They betrayed the Americans who didn’t come home from Afghanistan, 13 of whom were added to the count on Aug. 26. They betrayed our wounded who still carry the scars of the battlefield. They betrayed not only our Gold Star families, but also the families of the 800,000 of us who served in Afghanistan; all of whom are left wondering “… why …?” They sentenced Afghan girls, 1.6M of whom were in school in 2008, to a life of poverty, enslavement, and illiteracy as many of them are sold into marriage.”

Trump and everyone connected to his administration in a high-level executive function belongs either in prison or barred from holding public office ever again.

Full text here.

The Story of the Afghan Airlift

Must Be The School’s Fault

My opinion on teaching and related topics is probably not the most credible. But it seems to me, even casual observers might accurately deduce the problem with recent anti-LBGTQ/Rascist schisms taking place in conservatively-administered American school boards across the country. Sorry if it appears so obvious, to me. We can’t blame the parents for being stupid, but we can blame the schools for failing to properly educate them.

These issues should have been laid to rest decades ago. The only way to preserve the misogynistic, xenophobic, racist status quo is for these selfish cocksuckers to keep trying to suppress knowledge and common sense. That’s the only remaining method for the nazis to get any input. The term ‘special interest” in politics used to refer to small groups outside the mainstream. Not any more.

The QR Code works!

It’s All Relative

Einstein had a trick or two up his sleeve. A few weeks ago I posted a little screed about how I viewed Twitter’s posting policies, based on a long-running analysis of personally-provided hate speech. Those conclusions about how social media drives it’s revenue numbers, now get backed up by the Meta™ monster, previously known as Facebook, once again. The interesting thing this time is, who’s pointing the finger:

That’s right: DIE mutherfuckers!

Having cheated the grim reaper more than my fair share of times over the years, I can tell you with absolute certainty, there are far too many alive today who believe their life is somehow more important than somebody else’s. We all get to talk about it online these days, but guess who decides the rightness or wrongness of any of it?

Wendy Rogers is a Certifiable Nut Job

The GOP lunatic fringe has grown dangerously aggressive. This right-wing whore glady spews whatever vile, xenophobic horsehit the Arizona knuckle-draggers want to hear, as long as the campaign contributions keep coming in.

The mass psychosis has delusional leaders. Whodathunkit?

“So today is the day where we find out if the Communists in the GOP throw the sweet grandma under the bus for being white,” she wrote on her Telegram channel prior to Tuesday’s vote. Telegram is a messaging app favored by conservatives.

They did – the Arizona Senate censured her nazi ass.