Choosing to Spend Your Life in Prison

It’s a choice some criminals make when they decide whatever they have to do is gonna get done. Even the most psychotic, deranged individuals must know on some level their personal outcome cannot possibly be anything other than death, or life in prison. Something is fundamentally wrong when an 18 year-old makes that choice based on racism.

OBTW, it was streamed on Twitch™. People need to start connecting the dots.

Violence erupts when warped minds don’t get what they want. Could be a hate-filled young racist, deposed President, imperialist dictator – never know. Many other demographics share alot of hate in this country today, hosted by the MAGA movement.

...investigators are looking at Gendron’s Discord activity, citing posts last summer about body armor and guns and others last month in which he taunted federal authorities.”

JWST Update #008

This is what we’ve all been waiting for. Now the fun begins…

It’s gonna be like takin’ off the blinders.

Lets Cut to the Chase

A core issue supporting the MAGA phenomenon should be obvious to anybody exercising a modicum of critical reasoning. It is central to one of their biggest flim-flams: Education. You can’t have a successful MAGA movement without a large number of dumb mutherfuckers suffering significant educational challenges charging the police line.

The Student Loan Scam was merely the 1st volley in that exchange almost sixty years ago. It’s legalized robbery designed to keep the so-called educated poor and working. The CRT farce dovetails nicely in their education plan to keep America stupid.

We’re gonna need some accelerant on the MAGA movement,.

It takes a certain form of intelligence (or lack thereof), to sit in a church pew thinking you are so much better than those non-believers. Their leaders follow a parallel brainwashing track with similar supporter vetting requirements. U.S population Venn diagram overlaps largely on the stupid and devout demographics.

Funny how the priests been teaching that same book for centuries, but people still can’t quite seem to learn it. Education can’t fix stupid either, but makes it alot less dangerous.

It’s also kinda how the tax system works.

Life Support is Non-Trivial

Ask any doctor. We went through it with Phoebe in the ICU a few years ago. Is it any wonder religion’s medieval mindset cannot even agree what actually constitutes life? Yet the United States Supreme Court has the temerity to announce in summary, that the issue simply doesn’t matter any more in this country.

Because let’s face it, when it is up to states to decide, it’s up to whatever group has the legislative majority. Personal rights and liberties are not the purview of politicians and superstitious zealots. They are the bedrock of the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court no longer reigns supreme. They are a group of political hacks assembled by criminals.

The Supreme Court can kiss my rosie red rectum. Every goddamned one of them.

Opinions are Like Assholes

The Supreme Court is loaded with ’em now. Alito’s been waiting a long time to get enough nazi friends seated nearby.

How’d we get so many misogynistic racist assholes on the court?

Pond v9 – Spring 2022

The goldfish moved out yesterday. Took awhile for water temperature to come up with many cold nights so far this spring. The UV light was upgraded to a proper pond-type unit this year, replacing the aquarium model we’ve been using the past few years. It was integrated with the fountain pump on a new intake/filter. Liner is fully watertight. Looking forward to getting a good growth of java moss going in the sump this year. That stuff might be one of the best components of the overall filter system.

First crisis was averted after I walked out mid morning to find a goldfish in the yard! He must’ve decided to make a jump for it right before I came out, because he was still alive and laid on the bottom for awhile gasping for water after I threw him back in, but apparently got over it.

No Better than the Taliban

These religious authoritarian nutbags will not stop until they have established a patriarchal society controlling women little removed from a veiled xtian-flavored sharia law. Demanding to congregate in the middle of a raging pandemic wasn’t enough. Now they demand to be the ultimate arbiter of life and death, in the name of superstition over science.

I hold the catholics primarily responsible, but the southern baptists and any number of other xtian cults are just as culpable. Not one shit is actually given about the lives they claim to save. They are just counting imaginary souls in the religion game, subjugating their flocks to support popes, priests and pastors with pithy offerings to the almighty fraud.

“EVERYONE needs to read this piece and note the images. These “protesters” and their ploys are meant to control women and women’s bodies.”

Supreme Court’s turn.

At-Home Covid Test

Had a little sore throat past couple days and decided to try one of the at-home Covid tests. This what you get – five pieces and nine steps of instructions.

I’m just gonna wait until I get sick and go to urgent care. It’s their job, after all.

OBTW, one of the first things it talks about is installing an app. PUHLEEZ. The government spent many $millions developing and distributing these things. Maybe if they’d got started at the outset instead of bragging about how well the pandemic was going we’d have something useful by now.

Scooped Up Another Local

Smartphone double-edged sword law enforcement has never been easier – it’s all on camera.

“According to the complaint, Horvath was at the time the girlfriend of Glen Wes Lee Croy, who pleaded guilty last August to parading, demonstrating or picketing inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 – a misdemeanor. He was sentenced in November to 90 days of house arrest along with 14 days in a community correctional facility. It is unclear if the two are still together.”

Wonder if she still sports the red ballcap?

Jokers Had No Idea What They Were Getting Into

Not that far removed from the notion of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Unlike Yamamoto, Putin simply did not come even close to correctly calculating the implications. Deliberate intelligence failures in your own organization hurt alot more than poor planning, too. Putin’s corruption has flared to tear him a whole new asshole in a costly wargame nobody wins, except the likes of Lockheed and Raytheon.

Putin’s Puppets Admit Total Military Embarrassment.

Rot in Hell, heinous bastard.
War Machine -ACDC

Susan Collins Must be Senile

How’s that Spraytan Stalin “learned his lesson,” working out for ya, granny? What more reason does anybody need for term limits? These political anachronisms grow old and die in office, dragging their imbecile base right along with them.

I won’t bother counting the times this waste of taxpayer salary dollars went on a talk show or infotainment interview claiming Kavanaugh certainly would never go against RvW. What’s the point? She’s a proven incompetent judge of character multiple times just recently, qualified to be nowhere near a Senate seat, if she ever was.

How’s it feel being lied to? People in Maine need to wake the fuck up – and stick your woke tropes where the sun don’t shine.

Nice work, dumbass.
The Maine voters must be even worse.

Hungry Nazis

Pandering to a shrinking base will call for more extreme measures, going forward.