Jurassic Party

Will the Committee Hearings scheduled to begin tomorrow finally send the GOP into extinction? If the Impeachment Hearings were any indication, we’re probably still fucked. Getting enough Americans to pay attention to anything at the same time is probably next to impossible.

It’s gonna be satisfying watching them wallow around in the tar pit.

Fuck the Police

I’ve always been a big backer of the cops. I actually expected to get to meet some Marshals the other day. But that’s gonna be a qualified support going forward, kinda like qualified immunity. It’s goes right up until somebody who’s not supposed to gets shot. This is the epitome of the one oh shyt, that erases a thousand atta boys. And it’s an ongoing fucking shitstorm.

I don’t want to hear any more about proposals to enhance school safety. Full Stop. The schools are demonstrably unsafe. Just exactly how does anybody think they got this way? It’s almost to the gaslighting stage.

LATE UPDATE: I really mean it.

Round 3 In Progress (again)

Looks like the Memorial Day update caught somebody’s attention this year. My apologies to the readers, but remember this government stuff almost never comes without long waiting periods. In the meantime just to clarify, cyber terrorism is only a hobby of mine and way down on the priority list.

Here’s a kicker for ya: Guess how many times I had to submit the claim before they would even begin to process it? Yep – opened, then immediately closed. Twice. Maybe they thought it was like a 3rd time around type thing, too? I haven’t told anybody that before today. That’s REALLY gonna need some ‘splainin.

Serious Business -John Mellencamp

Chrysler 440

Sitting around going through the alerts this morning, my favorite version of Green Onions came on the Klipsch’s. It felt sorta allegorical today, with Red Betsy sitting waiting for my attention. It’s taking awhile to get the carb sorted because I can only stay under the hood in that position for a few minutes at a time.

Shitstain McAssface plead the 5th 440 times in the NY tax case deposition.
Green Onions -The Blues Brothers

Texas Paul

…was preachin’ to the choir a couple minutes ago. I still cannot parse the utterly depraved tone deaf nonsense coming out of literally every official from the Uvalde crime scene on up to the right wingers in DC.

One of ours is particularly reprehensible.

Memorial Day 2022

We have a whole new class of lost souls to remember on my favorite holiday this year.

That little screed above is just polite, public email and Stuff. Real dark web fuckery business awaits. Shutting down 1700 N Wheeling for a few days with a keystroke would be tremendously satisfying, but I have respect for the vets who use that facility. No employers are concerned with the color of my hat, so you never know when some corrupt government officials might need their cyber asses handed to them.

Nowadays I have more time for that other kind of Stuff – like managing hostile networks and learning about where people I’m interested in live and work, their schedules and so forth.

Quick refresher, from an archived symptoms file.

This former ECHCS patient happens to be a systems security expert who suffered both medical malpractice and medical negligence, with a Failure to Diagnose thrown in just for fun – all at the hands of numerous Aurora VA personnel. This old ECHCS-hating NCO did cyber defense for early warning systems and worked for a military intelligence battalion in a war zone. Whether or not that matters more now than after ruining his life is irrelevant.

The only question remaining in this case, is on whose terms VA staff are held accountable. It’s gonna get done publicly/officially, and/or covertly/randomly. Pounds of flesh can be found in lots of things.

When somebody shows you who they really are, believe them – just another item for that memory list. Nobody fucks me over like this and gets away with it without killing me. Nice try – Donner’s anesthesiologist almost got me.

Look it up. You’re the fuckers with or without all the government records you seem to rely on so much.
Can’t wait to meet you, Arnold.

This is what it feels like. | Remember what, too? This.

Here’s the bad bitch(s) Kid was talkin’ about. The little one’s going to a Boston law school on her dime, with a little help from dear ‘ol Dad. Let me know if you need any more of those song metaphors translated.

Immune to Coherent Narrative?

It’s a question media consumers, be they social media butterflies, infotainment addicts, or regular people just trying to get work done or relax, should be asking themselves. I’ve heard friends relate disturbing politico accounts more than once in the past couple years, basically amounting to talk to the hand. Society’s transition to digital thought control took place while nobody was watching, and the results aren’t pretty.

When topics like climate change, abortion, gun control, whatever divisive issue you’d care to mention come up, it’s hard to penetrate the cranial armor when the mind inside is already made up. That’s OK too, as long as nobody gets hurt. The problem is, everybody has a vote in this so-called democratic society, and people in power these days clearly do not care who gets hurt.

If you are a Tucker Carlson fan who thinks it’s just great sticking it to the libs, good for you. You’ve been inoculated against reasonable thought. Just be aware that festering internal injuries, both physical and/or mental, can get you killed. Ask the cop who finally managed to pop the Uvalde shooter after most of the killing was long over.

Truckers Off The Road

So many in the transportation sector both government and commercial, seem worried about supply chain issues. Yet we continue shooting ourselves in the foot on this topic, at least when it comes to Cannabis policy and laws.

“That’s bad news for a field that has become a weak link in the U.S. supply chain…”

I’ve been on record with verifiable anecdotal evidence for years. Nobody seems to be paying attention. I imagine they will find and incredibly unbelievable level of THC in my blood after I get stopped by some cop having a bad day, for not using my turn signal.

It’s also bad news for a society saddled with anachronistic, fuckwit politicians.

Ultimate Vape Rig

The pharma industry almost killed me, so if there’s any silver lining in my disability cloud, weed is it. The Cannabis industry is in it’s big build-out phase, with a bewildering array of devices, products and services unimaginable just a few short years ago. There’s certainly no shortage of the stuff, so choosing what to buy and do can be a challenge. Fortunately I’ve stumbled across a real winning combination.

Vape tech is pretty simple, once you get past the marketing hype. Heat leeches the drugs out of various types of plant material products into a vapor that gets inhaled. The main idea is to pull the good stuff out with minimal pulmonary stress going into your lungs. Combustion (smoking – joints, bongs, etc.) is the harshest, most unhealthy way to do it. You get carbon monoxide and various other toxic byproducts, not to mention the heat itself. Enter vaporizers.

Compromises in vape performance are many and varied. Size, battery capacity, flow characteristics, heat modes and other details combine to make a singular vape experience. They run the gamut from cheap pen-style element burners not much better than a joint, to things like Storz’ Volcano and Stündenglass on the high end. The combination shown below gives you the effortless big hit with real portability for a fraction of the big boy cost.

The Utilian Bubbler is obviously quite small, and doesn’t spill on it’s side filled to that level. It should probably be used with a convection or hybrid model like the Crafty+. There may be conduction-types out there with enough airflow to work properly, but I doubt it.

Flower and concentrate prices fluctuate wildly on promos and from one dispensary to the next, so you have to do the math to get the best value in terms of dollars per gram of Cannabanoid. I like rosin dabs to knock me out in the evening, but a good flower vape combo like this is certainly the most cost-effective way to comfortably inhale medicinally effective doses, and my currently preferred home rig for daytime use. Storz’ Mighty+ would be suitable for recreational group use in this configuration. I didn’t like it because it doesn’t stand up for bowl filling, and is just way bigger than I’ll ever need.

Russian State Media

Farron often has a cool way of getting to the central issue. No doubt the confusion factor in politics is huge these days. Even so, some things are just fundamental. If you don’t get it, that’s your problem.

I must represent the radical lefties they talk about. Maybe Antifa? 🙄

DeSuckass Gets His Due

“A three-judge panel of the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously concluded that it was overreach for DeSantis and the Republican-led Florida Legislature to tell the social media companies how to conduct their work under the Constitution’s free speech guarantee.”

Not that the social media companies aren’t a huge problem. It’s just that one fuckwit governor from Florida doesn’t dictate that.

The election will hurt alot more, cocksucker.

Question for Ted Cruz

Do you really think anyone, be they a law officer, those “good guys with guns,” or the goddamned 82nd Airborne is gonna stop a deranged teenager from doing whatever the fuck they want? Please believe me, I know. I was one, and did some pretty crazy shyt, some of which I don’t ever brag about.

Abbot sits in a press conference bragging about all the school safety laws he passed. The cops brag about their quick reaction with show of force (while waiting outside until most of the killing was over). Then some sycophant makes comments about limiting entrance access – at an elementary school. Fucking idiots, every stinking one of them.

The problem’s been known for decades. Conservatives want authoritarian control. Guns are a big factor in the means to that end, along with plenty of bloodthirsty dumb-asses to pull the triggers. Crazy people shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons. Should’ve mentioned that to the Repugs before they closed all the mental hospitals in the 60s, leading us gunned-down this garden path.

You need a .45 caliber enema, mutherfucker..
Updated 26 MAY to suggest a full AR mag on auto up the poop chute.

America’s Gun Crises. -Seth Meyers, 25 MAY 22