Memorial Day 2022

We have a whole new class of lost souls to remember on my favorite holiday this year.

That little screed above is just polite, public email and Stuff. Real dark web fuckery business awaits. Shutting down 1700 N Wheeling for a few days with a keystroke would be tremendously satisfying, but I have respect for the vets who use that facility. No employers are concerned with the color of my hat, so you never know when some corrupt government officials might need their cyber asses handed to them.

Nowadays I have more time for that other kind of Stuff – like managing hostile networks and learning about where people I’m interested in live and work, their schedules and so forth.

Quick refresher, from an archived symptoms file.

This former ECHCS patient happens to be a systems security expert who suffered both medical malpractice and medical negligence, with a Failure to Diagnose thrown in just for fun – all at the hands of numerous Aurora VA personnel. This old ECHCS-hating NCO did cyber defense for early warning systems and worked for a military intelligence battalion in a war zone. Whether or not that matters more now than after ruining his life is irrelevant.

The only question remaining in this case, is on whose terms VA staff are held accountable. It’s gonna get done publicly/officially, and/or covertly/randomly. Pounds of flesh can be found in lots of things.

When somebody shows you who they really are, believe them – just another item for that memory list. Nobody fucks me over like this and gets away with it without killing me. Nice try – Donner’s anesthesiologist almost got me.

Look it up. You’re the fuckers with or without all the government records you seem to rely on so much.
Can’t wait to meet you, Arnold.

This is what it feels like. | Remember what, too? This.

Here’s the bad bitch(s) Kid was talkin’ about. The little one’s going to a Boston law school on her dime, with a little help from dear ‘ol Dad. Let me know if you need any more of those song metaphors translated.

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