
Now the Fuckwit wants transparency? After leaving a failed administration in the wake of a crime spree against the people of this country unparalleled in history? It wants transparency for that now? Seriously? Benedict Dotard is so delusional only a padded cell will do at this point. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the biggest stain on U.S. history ever to lift a Big Mac to it’s mouth will wise up, blow it’s brains out and save everybody a bunch more trouble.

The man who is gonna put a stop to fascism in the Untied States.

We’ve Been Warned

It’s not like the warnings haven’t been rising to an urgent crescendo for years, while greedy petroleum industry interests continue raping the planet. Now the models have enough data to get a bit more specific.

Wonder how all the Midwest crops are gonna fare under that temperature?

Since Day 1

Anybody who hasn’t yet realized this cocksucker’s been selling us out since day 1 has their head so far up their ass, the world is just one big, brown Traitor Tot turd.

“Administration sources familiar with the investigation tell ABC News the amount and the sensitivity of confidential, secret and top-secret documents allegedly discovered in the Mar-a-Lago search raise critical national security questions that must be urgently addressed.”

Rot in Hell, traitorous piece of shit.
There is no possible legitimate explanation for SCI at Mar-a-Lago. TS/SCI can mean only one thing.

Tommy Campbell Rocks

Is there a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago? That’s the only question I want answered right now. “The green sores.” Don Jr. has monkeypox. It actually does hurt when I laugh that hard, but it’s worth it.

This guy hilariously covers more political fodder in 10 minutes better than anyone.

Still Not Safe

I learned this the hard way:

“What I did find fascinating in this book, although not directly applicable to my own work, is the way in which a focus on human error becomes a justification for bureaucratic control and therefore a concentration of power in a managerial layer. If the assumption is that medical harm is primarily caused by humans making avoidable mistakes, and therefore the solution is to prevent humans from making mistakes through better training, discipline, or process, this creates organizations that are divided into those who make the rules and those who follow the rules. The long-term result is a practice of medicine in which a small number of experts decide the correct treatment for a given problem, and then all other practitioners are expected to precisely follow that treatment plan to avoid “errors.”

“The American moral and social philosopher Eric Hoffer reportedly said that every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket. The reform movement to make healthcare safer is clearly a great cause, but patient safety efforts are increasingly following Hoffer’s path.”

Government-run rackets are the worst.

Last Two

Watching my view of the mountains disappear, as the last two lots across the ditch get filled in this summer. Wonder how long it’ll take someone to make a buying decision for something that close to the oil patch? I haven’t seen real mountain views for going on four years, at least not anything more than a few steps from the car. Anybody who’s been up in the back country knows the best views are usually at least a good day’s hike from the trail head.

No houses anywhere in sight west of here when we bought this place in 2003.

Trump Rallies More Interesting all the Time

GOP Rallies Around Trump Following FBI Search of His Estate.

“The overwhelming majority — from House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to DeSantis, accused the Biden administration of “weaponizing” the Justice Department and ignored any potential wrongdoing by Trump.”

Even a senile old NCO like me can see what they are afraid of. Weapons are scary sometimes – especially when they are pointed at you.

FBI’s just the warmup, Fuckwit. Marshals’ll be back to pick your ass up later.

EDITORIAL NOTE: If you dipwads at want to see Stuff get REALLY antsy in Hong Kong, just keep fuckin’ with me.

I-70 Water Rescues

We just can’t handle alot of water around here – it hardly ever rains.

We did get a good soaking yesterday evening, but climate change wasn’t the culprit here. The central I-70 upgrade project ongoing for the past few years hasn’t completed the drainage work yet. No biggie.

Pond Summer 2022

It’s almost finished. The old wooden finch feeder housed it’s last hornet right before being upgraded to a new, powder-coated steel model. Only the stonework on the wall and flowerbeds remains to be done. The sunflowers grow wild from birdseed. They come up everywhere, so I just let them grow where they aren’t in the way and get plenty of water. Every few weeks one of the smallest Goldies manages to squeeze out behind the overflow grate.

Holiday Project

Starting to look like it’s gonna be time to build a new workstation later this year. Prices are receding from chip shortage peaks. The next gen AMD platform looks like a game changer. They got to the point where, with the exception of the usual network slowdowns, I pretty much stopped waiting for them a few years ago. There was a time in my computing past where things like video encoding and compiling might call for a coffee break while things crunched away for seemingly endless wait times. But it’s always fun putting a new one together and enjoying that new car smell-type thing for awhile.

Clean Power

After the dust from a failed UPS battery settled with a spare installed, I learned 1500Va is only enough to run the pond with both pumps and the UV light for around 15 minutes – not enough in my estimation. So I snagged a re-furb’d Smart-UPS 3000 off eBay for about half price new. With any luck, they just put a new battery in it. Only problem was getting it installed. The damn things weigh almost 100lbs with that much battery in them. I was able to get it done by suspending it under the shelf on a rope and cinching it up a few inches at a time until it was in place to bolt in.

Round 3, Part IV

Whoever generated that letter wasn’t even checking names, and pretty much exemplifies the quality of care I received. I asked for Brinkis’ entry to be changed from “thinks he got a back injury” to “got a back injury.” Still waiting for somebody to explain how the whole right side from my waist down got permanently lit up following a left hip replacement. I thought they were supposed to be able to do that stuff without hurting you.

Denying a true and correct records update might be the last on a long trail of 31 CFR § 0.211 violations in this case. Depending on when/where Mr. Tovar’s fingers get into it after the first time around, don’t forget 18 U.S. Code Chapter 101. I’m not filling out any more paperwork on this myself, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m ready to go to court. In the meantime, the claim awaits an appeal decision with a proper review posted online for all to see. I’m not playing the Secret Society game, enabling you people to get away with this crap, and we won’t lose track of the most important evidence, bolted into my spine.

The Xeon launchpad seemed like a cool name then. I like short acronyms, so A1C it is – my first rank in the Air Force. The government really made a monster this time. We have teeth.

What screws? These ones. SCADA scripts warm on the back burner.

Cancel this Mutherfucker

This POS really puts the Tom in Uncle Tom. Evidently some prospective law students are not interested in learning from treasonous cocksuckers.

Maybe Ginny will go to the same lockup and you two can have convenient conjugals.