Mike Pence: Cocksucking Mutherfucker

Like I’ve been saying all along, that son-of-a-bitch was totally complicit, if not fully participatory. He was just waiting to see if he could collect some book money, like the rest of the rotten parasites infecting the previous administration.

Cowardly bastard Mike Pence can suck my dick and choke on it.

The Real F-22 Development Story

Following this topic closely during that time we were stationed in Germany when the competition winner was announced, I remember being distinctly disappointed the 23 lost out to the 22. It was to me at least, the sleeker, more advanced-looking design.

“The real reason we (Northrop) lost the program was that Lockheed had no new fighter programs at that time…”

The Terrorist News Network

Maj Ojeda (Ret.) tells it like it is.

“It’s in the news!” Guy’s just not smart enough to evaluate information. How much more sedition and insurrection we gonna keep feeding him?

FAANG’s Comeuppance?

How long will it take for Linkedin, Youtube, TikTok and other social media monstrosities out there to join the implosion? What’s Apple and Amazon’s social media angle? Linkedin might be a legitimate niche, so we’ll see how they fare. Not sure where Youtube sits in the conspiracy/hate/scam game. Dorsey started it and Zuckerboy was quick to jump on the bandwagon. Was the Internet comms revolution really all it’s cracked up to be?

People don’t like being lied to, fooled and taken advantage of. It’s ingrained in politics and Internet business revenue. Meta lays off 11,000 employees.

Amazon 1st company to lose a $Trillion in stock value.

What the hell were all those employees doing? Half the Twitter workforce? Seriously?

Electronic Election Rigging

Despite Lindell’s claim of cyber monitoring, it looks like the 2022 election cyber threat was nothing new, unusual or even worse than before. My limited POV actually saw a decrease in election meddling. Email bots previously abundant in election season were almost non-existent. Maybe the Russians were too busy with Ukraine.

There were a few high-threat targeted APTs, maybe 10% of the level it was two years ago. We had one significant DOS attack (that I’m aware of) Monday night, but that might have been more football than election-related, for all I know.

Echo this chamber, mutherfuckers.

John Harold Buckley

The name Buckley became all too well known to me in the summer of 1983, after being stationed at then Buckley Air National Guard Base, Colorado in my first Air Force Assignment. I returned to finish my career there as a Lockheed contractor 30-some years later. It’s still the best place for walking the dogs and the only place I buy liquor – tax free. It was a long, strange trip.

Flyin’ a Spad in the rain on the Western front.
There were only two radomes when I first arrived.
Space Systems Command conducted its first joint operations training at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Fla. in a newly defined training series called Parallax Rising. This exercise series places an emphasis on exploring and identifying potential policies and procedures to synchronize efforts between the command and its partners’ ability to deliver warfighting capabilities on-orbit. (U.S. Space Force graphic by Master Sergeant Travis Ferguson)

Dorsey the Drama Queen

“I realize many are angry with me. I own the responsibility for why everyone is in this situation: I grew the company size too quickly. I apologize for that.”

No – what you did was fail to properly manage a burgeoning new communications paradigm shift to cash in on politics, hate and crime at the expense of common decency.

Fuck you and the binary bullshit you rode in on.

Hope you had lotsa fun with it, fuckwit.

EMS Gold Standard

Emergency Medical Services certainly weren’t all that well established and organized during the time I was growing up in western Pennsylvania in the 1960s. I remember more than one frantic drive to the ER. 911 wasn’t even a thing, at least not out in the boonies. I imagine that still holds true in many of the more rural and remote parts of the country today.

“At one point, Pittsburgh’s mayor at the time, Robert Flaherty, pushed to get Freedom House defunded, discredited, and shut down. He and others considered the services that Freedom House provided to be un-American.”

The part about this story I found most interesting was how a black-run operation flourished among the bigoted racists abundantly populating the region.

They’re indispensable now, and look how they started.