Lakenheath Heavy Duty

Had my 1st surgery at the Lakenheath hospital. That went well, but it’s also where I met my 1st bad doctor, incapable of diagnosing a collapsed lung just prior. They said he’d been asking for alot more chest x-rays lately.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Norberto A. Gonzalez, Senior Airman Curtis A. Rhoden and Airman 1st Class Katlin G. Anders, assigned to the 48th Civil Engineer Squadron at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, United Kingdom, represent Team U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa during a Mobile Aircraft Arresting System challenge April 25, 2023, at the Air Force Civil Engineer Readiness Challenge IX at Silver Flag Training Site, Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. Eight teams representing various major commands battled it out for the title of Readiness Challenge champion. (U.S. Air Force photo by Samuel Robbins)

Try It On For Size

I’d really like to see them try the Default option on for size this time around. They’ve raised the debt ceiling what, umpteen times in recent decades? The only difference in any of these stunts over the years is the political sensitivity and economic heat driving the rhetoric.

It’s literally a terrorist political tactic. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Try it, I dare you.

Let’s see how stupid they really are – it’s not even an election year.

Tina Turner

“In the late ’70s, Tina Turner was dropped from her record label after two consecutive solo albums tanked. Following a protracted, acrimonious divorce from Ike — her husband, musical collaborator, and tormentor — she preened and growled through a blistering cover of Elton John’s “The Bitch Is Back”; if you lived in the United States, you might’ve missed it unless you’d caught one of her simmering cabaret shows or picked up 1978’s Rough. A decade earlier, Tina taught Mick Jagger his moves and was recruited to open for the Rolling Stones, while Janis Joplin sang the Tennessee legend’s praises to Dick Cavett. By ’79, Tina had made appearances in the Stones’ Gimme Shelter documentary, the Who’s silver-screen adaptation of Tommy, and the Bee Gees’ Sgt. Pepper film. But United Artists (before it got devoured by EMI) refused to schedule a U.S. release for her next album, Love Explosion, a grab bag of expertly sung if overproduced funk, soul, and disco tracks. Money was tight, bookings were thinning out, and Tina was making unglamorous, unpopular plays to keep from fading into obscurity, like performing in Vegas or in South Africa during apartheid. She had given up a great deal in the divorce to free herself from a pattern of abuse and manipulation. Now, she had children to feed and songs to sing.”

Read on…

What’s Love Got to Do with It -Tina Turner

They Do It With Impunity

“They described the attacks in 2023 as one of the largest known Chinese cyber-espionage campaigns against American critical infrastructure.”

Ever wonder why the J-20 looks alot like an F-22? All the data captured in that library was stored and analyzed. I could’ve sworn there were a handful of Russkies actually indicted at the conclusion of that investigation. Maybe it didn’t make the news. The only question then was as it remains today: Who is looking at what data? It’s all out there somewhere.

The Colorado MMJ Program

I’m done with it. Got started on the weed to soothe my arthritis back around the time I left Lockheed for greener pastures. Everybody gets it to some extent, sooner or later. For whatever reason, genetics, injuries, mine’s been extreme. I have three orthopedic surgeries to show for it so far – both hips and the right shoulder.

As things went on, the c-spine injury from 2000 deteriorated to where un-checked radiculopathy was inducing constant sleep loss and severe acute nerve flare elbow pain. It was actually kinda funny how the first resident I saw about that episode diagnosed it. She just pushed down on my head to light it up, same as I’d been doing then lately, moving or sitting in certain positions. So I had some physical therapy for the C6-7 nerves and ended up getting the shoulder repaired in the outcome of that diagnosis. a few years later in 2019 I was subjected to another nerve root damage at L4-5 pursuant to left hip malpractice. It was far worse than the c-spine I did myself moving tires, with fusion removal of the leaking disc constituting my fourth orthopedic surgery, following a year later.

I might seem to have an exceptional amount of orthopedic surgery and nerve damage experience, with needs and wants for pain medication and anti-inflammatory only growing over the years. The Veterans Administration put me through the gamut of whatever they were offering for it. Venlafaxine, Etodolac, Tramadol, Gabapentin, and lots of NSAIDs for years only seemed to make me immune to opiates. I’m pretty sure I was on a max dosage of some of that stuff for literally years. Ongoing addiction/withdrawal cycles were no fun, either. I called it quits after watching myself walking around doing the yardwork in my own little movie one day. It’s called de-personalization, and the pharmaceuticals eventually gave it to me real bad – probably close to serotonin syndrome. I understand this is a desirable psychotropic effect sought by certain drug addicts, dunno. Scared the crap outta me, and I was the biggest consumer of psychedelics in our little street gang, back in the day.

The only real reason or purpose I can imagine for the MMJ program(s) was to get a foot in the door. Tax revenue is the primary government objective. That alone makes the Colorado MMJ program an oxymoron on it’s face. It costs upwards of $300 to get the certification and commensurate tax break. Then an annual subscription fee, all of which goes to the doctors, with reduced tax revenue for the government. Being unaware of the actual demographics involved, I’m probably somewhere in the middle of the volume consumer group for example purposes, but WTF do I know?

My tax break enabled me to just about break even, cost-wise. Why spend time giving the doctors money, when it could be going to the schools? All they do is sit around taking appointments, trying to determine if the patient is telling the truth about their symptoms, with no fiduciary responsibility of any kind, handing out medcards for their tidy little profit. Oh wait, I remember now – they’re not handing out anything. The State takes care of that with their online spreadsheet containing another copy of everybody’s PII waiting to be compromised. I saw the no-brainer there right off the bat, but continued doing the MMJ thing eight years just because the queues and wait times are shorter.

The article linked below, is only a high level intro. It’s what the pharma industry needs to focus on, and what doctors need to recognize for what it is. Economic competition is the only reason it was banned in the first place, and the reason pharma and alcohol fear it now. Put it in the repertoire with everything else and be thankful we have something that actually works for some of these chronic, degenerative maladies. My closing remark on the Colorado MMJ program is: No disrespect to the overworked, underpaid IT staff, but that online spreadsheet looks like something I might have come up with twenty years ago.

Medicine is not a rote discipline, much as many in the field would like to believe.

Looking for fewer, safer side effects?

Florida’s Best

No doubt I’ll throw up another DeSuckass attack soon as his foregone failed POTUS bid begins materializing. In the meantime, we’ll deal with one of the other known Florida quantities of corporate GOP greed by the name of Rick Scott. This fuckass seems to think the socialism buzzword is all he needs to motivate dwindling numbers of senile MAGA mutherfuckers inhabiting his state.

Over thirty percent of all Florida government expenditures come from Federal government funds.

What this bastard is, is a greedy cocksucking capitalist pig, thanking FDR and the New Deal for plenty of strong workers to oppress under the yoke of a brutally ignorant gang of government-sponsored Capitalist cocksuckers.

Stupid enough to vote for me, lay in that Florida bed you’ve made for yourself.

Turning Point

Bakhmut has been a contested city in Eastern Ukraine for many months. Assuming the Uke plan was to exhaust Wagner and the Russians in a costly attempt to take a ruined town, it worked spectacularly. Now we’re waiting to learn just exactly how overstretched, confused and demoralized the Russian forces have become at this point. It’s going to be a bloody Ukrainian summer for alot of unlucky Russians.

KYIV, May 21 (Reuters) – Ukraine said on Sunday that its forces were still advancing around the edges of Bakhmut, aiming to encircle the ruined eastern city after Moscow congratulated the Wagner private army and Russian troops for capturing it.

It’s on now. “Meanwhile, the “Freedom of Russia Legion” took responsibility for the attack and claimed it had even ‘liberated’ a settlement.”

Congratulations to the Russkies! You occupied a destroyed city, for a few days.

Saturday Night Special

Getting all jazzed up about an assault weapons ban seems a bit misguided to me. Perhaps consider the facts, if you’re really worried about gun crime generally speaking. I haven’t looked into the overall crime stats vs. just homicides or vetted the data presented by the Columbus Law Firm, but it’s cited as of 2019 below, so likely legit.

Saturday Night Special – Lynyrd Skynyrd

VA Again

Tomah VA contacting patients whose neurological disorders may have been improperly dismissed.

I wonder if the difference between improperly and deliberately will ever be publicly disclosed? They tried to lump my two spinal injury claims occurring under wildly differing circumstances at different times into one rating for the purpose of a malpractice cover-up.

I suppose an improper neurological exam is better than none.

The Veterans Administration is too big to fail. Seriously.

So She Admits It

White supremacists are out there, and it might be OK to call somebody a nigger? Thanks for the confirmation. The lowest of the stinking lowlife congressional bigots is on record.

Name-calling must be one of her specialties. Pig-faced GOP whore looks to be chubbin’ up with nothing better to do than run her mouth.