Another Vape Review

This will be it for the foreseeable future. Most annoying vape flaw discovered so far: Leaking residue into the case. Pax and DaVinci both do it. How long they last just depends on how heavy a user you are. There was one early on I just didn’t like how it felt in my hand. Another the controls were too difficult to deal with. I already bought a 2nd AirMax for backup with some extra screens and stems – because that’s the only issue(s) I can see. It has a bit of a fussy bowl setup, too small, easily broken, tiny screens to lose, hard to fill. But that’s it – and those things do not affect the device’ stellar performance.

I won’t dwell on the bowl apart from what’s already mentioned, except to say it’s smaller caliber than my pinky finger. That means I need two for a sesh. An NBA player with healthy lungs could probably take the whole thing in 2 hits on high. Spending time fiddling around with stuff is part of the fascination for me (think fidget spinner), so no biggie. Water pipe adapter was broken the first day. I’ll learn to be more careful with it. Dropping stuff due to neurological issues is a never-ending challenge for me now. They say it’s a hybrid heater (convection+conduction) and hard to tell just looking, but the design and way it works feels like induction tech, to me. I suspect that is the reason behind the bowl design.

Every other measure of vape performance is class-leading, in my book. The battery speaks for itself. I’ve had at least ten of these things over the years and this is the first one I could not kill in a day. The damn DaVinci is a nice vape, but goes dead in one sesh before the battery is half worn out. The second most important factor to me is maintenance/cleaning. All this will ever need is soaking the stems out every so often if the residue build up bothers you. They’ll never clog. Just dump out warm right after use and good for another go – indefinitely, far as I can tell.

Operation is simple and intuitive, with MILSPEC-quality buttons and build. Nice work.

Cops Need To Stop Shooting People

Everywhere. Just stop. Who do you think you are? They take these people out of the military, from where they’re basically trained to kill people in various ways, even automated and so forth. Give them weapons of all kinds and assign patrol duties in the populace. What the fuck does anybody think is gonna happen?

In 2005, two young men — Zyad Benna and Bouna Traoré — died as they tried to flee a police checkpoint in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois. In the weeks of riots that followed, youths in the suburbs fought running battles with police and on some nights, dozens were arrested and hundreds of cars torched. Like Nahel M., Benna and Traoré were from immigrant backgrounds, and their deaths fomented a sense of injustice among many.

Personnel Changes

It’s an ongoing issue in organizations suffering all sorts of failures. The Russian military is about to undergo some of the high-level type rarely seen in modern times. All the bluster about Pootin wanting to take out Pigrozhyn and Lukashithead brokering some deal is all just so much bullshyt. Surovikin was set up to be the next fall guy when it really started going south months ago.

Wagner exit strategy executed brilliantly in all the Russian theater’s glory! It’s taking a long time to get to Swan Lake. Nice to see China’s leaning the right direction for a change. They need to cut the cyber crap.

Russia’s top generals, Valery Gerasimov and Sergei Surovikin, have disappeared from public view following a failed mercenary mutiny aimed at toppling them. Gerasimov is the commander of Russia’s war in Ukraine, while Surovikin is the deputy commander of Russian forces in Ukraine.

Think he could accomplish this without fucking it all the way up? Putin will. But it might be too late.

Real Cannabis Worked

This was the main issue with the dearth of Cannabis research (if any) being conducted in the U.S. for the past eighty years: Mississippi ditch weed. The Feds scheduled it and said one place in Mississippi could grow some for science. Then I guess they hired some blind gardeners to tend their garbage crops. Reports over the years indicated potency’s averaging in the 5-10% range.

“Cannabis works in different ways for different people. Different types of studies keep adding detail to the picture of how the botanical drug works.”

I’ll add different strains for different maladies to the mix as well, in my case at least. Did you know that a veteran cannot get a prescription history from the VA by just asking for it? The cover-up continues, at the macro level.

It should be interesting to see how it goes down when this takes hold in the conventional healthcare system.

My Redhat Certification(s)

The company started out competing with Novell Netware in the late 90s. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time (RAF Mildenhall, mid-90s) to receive vendor training from both, beginning my role as the go-to guy for computer stuff in the Comm Squadron and everywhere else I ended up from then on, throughout my entire career. Becoming a Certified Netware Administrator was just the start. I still get inquiries from recruiters with resume sorters thinking CNA stands for Certified Nursing Assistant.

Alot of engineers like me picked the winner back then, following the money. I now offer my Redhat status (608003927000141) in sacrifice to the Techno Greed Gods. You don’t need to get greedy with it. There’s enough money out there for everybody. Look in the mirror for explanations on the increasing level of difficulty making it. Redhat has embarked on the Technopreneur Greed Train, so I’m done with them. No more Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, whatever, for me.

If your code sourced from the Novell spring, Fuck you assholes.

Like I been sayin’ – let ’em know what you think.

Congressional Cunts

This is what social media did to our government.

It turns out, as Greene would later confirm, they were fighting over which one should get credit for forcing an impeachment vote against Biden, this time for the chaos on the Southern Border. Greene was angry that Boebert, using a legislative parlor trick, had jumped in front of her in line.

You stupid cunts need to go crawl back under the hillbilly rocks you came out from.

Only thing the so-called Freedom Caucus is serious about is their own political power.

Bitch -Meredith Brooks

Not a Sleeping Giant This Time

The jokers got a cornered, wild animal when Putin decided to start his little war of imperial aggression. The Japanese already knew the mistake they made in 1941.

I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. Isoroku Yamamoto

Pighrozyn knows it now, has for quite some time. But he continued on in hopes of what we don’t know, probably never will. Post-war rewards of some sort? Head count bonus? He’ll be falling out of a Belarusian window somewhere soon.

Russian theater at it’s best! Interesting how war criminals can sit there smiling after getting thousands of people killed.
These jokers had no idea what the fuck they were getting into.

LATE UPDATE: Fell out of his own jet. Imagine that.

Demagogue Wanna-Be

Strong, toneful speaking voice and all, Mike Dense must be the smarmiest, self-loathing, bible-thumping, cock-sucking piece of shyt the GOP world has ever known. He stood idly by while the worst threat to democracy ever instigated wreaks havoc in the country for four years. Then only when his own personal safety comes into play does he continue doing what? NOTHING! Rather than follow his sycophantic urges, he certified the election, as expected.

Total POS coward, any way you slice it.

Fuck Mike Dense and every goddamned politician who ever breathed a word of support for Spraytan Stalin.

We’re gonna holy-roll your ass into the dustbin of political history, mutherfucker.

The Last Straw?

It goddamned well better be. The dam was one thing. Somehow the Russians always seem to make the unthinkable a real option. If they sabotage the nuke plant, it’s gotta be game over. Anyone who continues overlooking the ongoing string of atrocities and terrorist crimes perpetrated against Ukraine will have to look at themselves in the mirror.

The Ukrainian leader’s nighttime remarks Thursday on a possible attack on the nuclear power plant carried a tone of frustration with “countries that are pretending to be neutral even now” in the war. He accused “anyone who turns a blind eye to Russia’s occupation of such a facility” of enabling Moscow to commit an act of evil and terror.

They’re Comin’ for Your Thermostat

Yeah, the fuckwits in Texas don’t look at it that way when the shoe’s on their foot. If you need something to be afraid of, Mother Nature’s always a willing subject.

It’s gonna be a long, hot summer…

Called It Five Years Ago

Didn’t get around to actually documenting it until a little over a year ago. It is interesting to note how the marketing rhetoric tracks the financial downturn(s). Generating interest in time-wasting, money-sucking, mind-numbing bullshyt must be getting more difficult these days.

Wasting time and money is a national pastime around here. Just please don’t keep fucking up our fun like you have been ever since the media control program got out of hand in the run-up to Benedict Dotard’s new govern-by-tweet system, now established in the malleable minds of MAGA meatheads everywhere.

Ms. Grant should probably just look at the evidence and make a call. Waiting for Elon to do anything will only continue serving their purpose.