Clarence Cocksucker Thomas

‘Nuff said. Still waitin’ to see what Roberts and the gang gonna do with their nigger…

CHATSUM: Calls are growing for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign from the U.S. Supreme Court following a report revealing previously undisclosed gifts he received, including 38 vacations, private jet flights, and yacht cruises.

More Thomas Corruption Revealed But No Investigations In Sight.

Looks like this asshole had more time for vacationing than lawyering. Eat shit and die, fuckface.

Military Promotions

I touched on this topic when it first bubbled to the top of the GOP cesspool. This Tuberville toady gives us a great view into the MAGA mindset of the mentally-challenged. Can’t get what you want? Just take it from somebody else with a little extortion under duress. It’s the same selfish attitude that makes people believe they are saved by Jezus with the gawd-given right to control your procreation activities. And don’t forget: Trump was anointed by Gawd. That’s what I heard.

In this particular case, Tuberville can’t seem to get enough military support for the right-to-lifers constituting the majority of his voting bloc. What the cretin fails to calculate in his moronic political grandstanding is the military’s lack of concern with his antics. It’s just another bump in the road.

Political perversion aside, they have important work to do, and doing it under difficult conditions is one of their hallmarks the coach would never understand. Acting commanders will get things done, taking longer with lowered effectiveness. The real upshot will take longer to process. Redstone Arsenal’s anticipated expansion is only the beginning of the economic impact. Our military doesn’t have time to deal with this type nonsense. Personnel assignments get trickier and so forth.

Haven’t heard anything out of him WRT that brawl on the Mongomery docks yet. I’m sure he believes it’s just fine, whatever. Expect to see Alabama’s participation in this nation’s defense in retrograde for a long time to come.

Mississippi Kid -Lynyrd Skynyrd


Influencer in this case – worst kind – fuckwit type, thinks he’ll cash in some popularity for a little more influence. What a total piece ‘o shyt.

A popular social media streamer faced a charge of inciting a riot on Friday when an event at Manhattan’s Union Square Park where he planned to give away video game consoles descended into mayhem, drawing a crowd estimated at several thousand young people.

The avenues for social media to run down dangerous rabbit holes are many and varied. Politics and entertainment are facades on expanding networking capabilities in the realm of mind fuckery. Can’t wait for The Church to embrace it.

The Motherland Monument

It’s gonna be alot of work rebuilding when this is over. Looks like a good place to start. They should have a program to collect every soviet symbol, artifact, sign and remnant of the Russians. Get that shyt palletized and start dropping it over Belgorod.

3rd Indictment, To Me

Trump’s gonna get everything he has coming sooner or later. But that’s not my main concern. What this means in the larger scheme of things is, the rest of the world can now recognize us as a nation not necessarily predominantly comprised of the Ugly Americans they think we might be. And just as importantly closer to home, we are not really as divided as we are being told.

I understand some very close associates are indicted co-conspirators. Time for 2-in-the-hat. Again. Save everybody alot of trouble.
Better In the USA -Glenn Frey
You have the right to be lied to. Works even better when you finance it for him.

Bimmer’s Back from the Shop

At close to 150k miles, Bimmer went in the shop Monday for all the long term stuff needed to hopefully get at least another 100k out of it by the time it reaches true unicorn status. I scaled back attempting much more than the light-duty car stuff myself in 2019.

Interesting twist on the story – they didn’t remember me from the coilover job a few years ago, so I got the “new customer” treatment. As expected, after getting it opened up and evaluating the box of parts I provided, they were terrified. There’s any number of factory parts missing with custom stuff they’ve never seen before added. Some of what they were going to be doing involved significant tear-down to replace most of the vacuum system, so they’re rightfully skeptical. I get that. Took three phone calls with the service manager to get through it.

This most recent maintenance episode stands in stark contrast to when I drove down to Atlanta for the exhaust update. There’s a little small business performance shop in the Dallas suburb, not unlike Bimmerhaus here in CO. Drove around back and parked on a lift, popped the hood for Andrew while he looked it over and started pointing at things asking “what’s that?” Numerous times. I’m just standing there thinking “crap, he’s not gonna want to work on it.” After about a half minute he said “Cool. You’re gettin’ the new 2.8 rev. This car’s gonna be fast.”

Nothing against Bimmerhaus. To be fair, Andrew had a little better idea what he was getting into. This is just an example of how the same type engagement can work very differently with different people. Bill ‘n the Bimmerhaus gang seem like a great bunch, and they have my respect for doing things right. I’m sure we’ll be seeing them again sometime. Just not for quite awhile – but I bet they remember me next time. 😉

Go ahead and send the EPA. I need a new M-Car anyway.

Only lost one race to the ringer that day. They weren’t gonna let some out-of-towner drive off with their money in a car. I caught him sandbaggin’ but with nobody watchin’ ur back, what’cha gonna do. Car racing is just a highly technical, high-maintenance multi-risk-vector form of gambling. 3-dimensional chess for gearheads.

What Was That About Regulating AI Again?

You’ve been warned. As if bad actors on the net weren’t already doing a damn good job destroying online society, now their bots are gonna be smarter than the rest of us.

I know, I know – that regulation stuff is just for the people using it legally. Fine.

Streaming reality is not digital, and computers don’t know anything we don’t tell them. Analog’s the new frontier for fighting these fuckers. Just a hint.

16 Sounds About Right

First time I can ever remember scheduling yardwork here around the rain.

Rainfall totals for July in Longmont were around 1.72 inches, according to the National Weather Service. June’s total was 4.89 inches and May hit 6.5 inches. Longmont has received a total of 16.61 inches of precipitation this year, according to National Weather Service data. Colorado averages 15.9 inches of precipitation a year.

At least the folks downstream get a reprieve out west. I just have this creepy feeling we keep dodging the climate bullet.

Mother Nature’s locked and loaded.

Mystic Falls -Telluride, CO

I’m Guessing They Have The Video

Apparently Felonius Fuckstump fancies himself some sort of mafia boss. Probably does feel that way how “The Boss” runs things under his purview in that vein. Problem is, these DOJ guys are not the Keystone Cops.

I repeatedly offered my mantra “it takes a long time to organize this much bullshyt” at various junctures over the past couple years while media and entertainment wonks everywhere bleated about the lack of progress in pursuit of justice for Benedict Dotard. That time-frame now appears to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 years in this case. Don’t expect closure, and don’t expect endless loose ends (small-time co-conspirators, various related perps and ongoing appeals) to resolve quickly. This democracy is not going down that easy.

Prosecutors also said they recovered the document involved in an incident in which Trump, bragged about a “plan of attack” against another country in an interview at his New Jersey golf resort.

The price for freedom will be paid.

Get comfy and get your story straight, fuckwit. You have alot of court appearances coming up…
Nothing like being given enough rope to hang yourself.
Up next…