Here's the Long Pole

There are 3 or 4 poles holding up the GOP tent at this time.  We have the social media scam, which I am done writing about.  I simply will no longer tolerate anyone who believes and shares that crap.  Try telling it to me, and expect to have it thrown back in your face – …

Nice Try

Great – another number to call when you’re contemplating offing yourself.  Maybe they’ll make an app for that.  Sometimes I wonder if the people working these programs have ever been the 1st person operative in a relevant scenario themselves.  When it comes time to make a phone call, it’s already far too late in some …

The Cuntvanaugh Court

Careful not to cut off your noses to spite your faces. That POS hunk o’ concrete you just wrote a blank check for is looking like it needs a little nose-hair trimming. Why not spend the money on something nice/new? Oh right, forgot – it’s not about a war memorial, it’s about Christianity.

This Country Is Fucked

Christianity. Government. Separation of Church and State. Freedom. Abortion. Trump. What do these terms have in common? Taken together with their interwoven fabric of fundamentally moronic asshats, they suggest the biggest hypocritical fraud to ever smear the human condition on this planet. I will not vote in another U.S. election until after these cocksuckers back …

The Crux of the Matter

Is simply this. Far too many in power still hold dear their biblical devotions, and associate all matter of professional and political life with it. The separation of church and state concept was a great idea, but we never really thought it all the way through. Garnering tax exemption while raping children in the choir …