Amoral Grifters

That goes for the churches, as well. Fuck ALLyou MAGA mutherfuckers. So I contacted Nikki Haley’s gang just to let them know what was on my mind concerning her candidacy, providing all the necessary details for the campaign machine to kick in, and I was not disappointed. The cunt has Felonius Fuckwit’s game down pat. …

Struggled for Days

…trying to make sense of the Nichols killing. Couldn’t see any analysis angle. Listened to all the pundits, same ol’ shyt. Then I stumbled across a letter to the Sentinel editor. According to Pastor Mayes, it’ all just down to misled sinners. Must be a church problem:

Donalds Update

These mutherfuckers seem to think it’s OK to take the country back to the dark ages as long as everybody goes to church and keeps voting for them. So I took a minute this morning to pen a quick update to one of the Florida fuckwits:

Val Demings

I can’t remember ever being more impressed with somebody’s comportment and passion than I was with Val Deming’s role in the first impeachment. This woman is a badass. Little Marco better behave himself. “How long will you watch people being gunned down in first grade, fourth grade, high school, college, church, synagogue, grocery store, movie …

Lets Cut to the Chase

A core issue supporting the MAGA phenomenon should be obvious to anybody exercising a modicum of critical reasoning. It is central to one of their biggest flim-flams: Education. You can’t have a successful MAGA movement without a large number of dumb mutherfuckers suffering significant educational challenges charging the police line. The Student Loan Scam was …

Disinformation Amplified

Dis-misinformation. propaganda, lies, deceit and related human foibles have been around forever. The concept seems to support the rise of religion as a means of social control. We’ve repeatedly seen tragic outcomes over the years when truly sinister fuckwits get to doing it politically on a mass scale, outside the church’s confines. But things are …

Sanctity of the Vote

Most concerned with politics at some level understand this concept. Some understand it only as a means to their ends. The vote – any one vote, represents the bedrock upon which democracy is built. Confounding factors besetting the vote these days come from people who do not respect this principle. Respect. What a concept. From …

When Push Comes to Shove

The controversy over pandemic restrictions has finally reached the fight stage in Florida. It’ll start in the courts, proceed in the streets, and ultimately schoolchildren across the state will be the ones beaten down after Governor DeSuckass makes political theater of a public health nightmare. Trump and DeSuckass voters, no doubt.

The Phone Call

As much as some might recoil from the thought, they should recognize that Britain’s royalty problem has disturbing parallels to America’s Trump problem. Thousands of British soldiers valiantly stormed trenches in the Great War “for the Crown!” …with no more knowledge of GeorgeV, than their own sphincters. Similarly, on January 6th, 2021, thousands of violent …

Pretense to Oblivion

Henceforth, no religious holidays will be observed in any way shape or form at the 5712 household.  Christmas is the biggie, being the one emphasized in my xtian upbringing.  Hanukkah, Ramadan and anything else emanating from the cesspool of human thought known to me as religion, will be roundly ignored. I harbor no ill will …