Secret Nazi Plot

Despite Hitler getting a little out of hand leading up to World War II, the ideology remains alive and well in the USA today. It’s no secret any longer and I for one, am ready to kill some vermin.

We can look back now, at a distance of more than eighty years, and see that all those American fascists (along with their lies and disinformation, their Hitler love, their white supremacist antisemitic derangement) ended up splintered on a rocky embankment. But in the moment, the lead-up to World War II in America was a much more close-run affair than we want to remember. It was a fast ride through churning and dangerous political rapids, and it wasn’t clear at the time exactly who and what were going to survive the journey. A lot of powerful figures in Congress, in the media, in law enforcement, in religious leadership, were bailing hard to keep the fascist boat afloat.

ALL you MAGA mutherfuckers can suck my dick and choke on it.

Ramitsloppy Thinks X is Broadcast

MAGA must be the biggest echo chamber to ever afflict media. It’s endemic in all forms now, paper, air and all cyber formats. He seems a bit tech-challenged for somebody pandering to younger voters.

And Lucifer can do color commentary during commercial breaks!
Announcing he represents truth implies he’s a lyin’ POS. He can stick his truth where the social sun don’t shine.

Favorite Fellow

Guys like me don’t really have heroes, in the traditional sense of the word. Maybe the astronauts. I’m a football fan, enjoy tracking the best QB’s but that’s about as far as it goes – don’t know their stats or other details. Healthy disdain for most politicians and celebrities is the attitude on that topic, for me.

But if I had to pick one person to be my own personal hero, it might be Luiz. He took the first steps on the high tech build-out, followed through and provided the foundation upon which our data-driven society exists today. I’ve had tremendous success emulating his ideas in my own environments over the years. This is one guy who really knew what he was doing.

Cyber pros avoid smart devices.

Luiz André Barroso 1965-2003

Foregone Conclusion

Musta missed, or not twisted hard enough. At least maybe there’ll be one less white nationalist skinhead to worry about in that prison. They’ll have to transfer him somewhere else when he gets out of the hospital.

Went from being a big police supporter to just wondering who they’re gonna shoot next in the span of only a few short years.
Take a Look Inside -Smokestack Lightning

Gut Check

With Thanksgiving upon us once again, I thought it timely to mention a health topic often overlooked or misunderstood by many: Gut health. I been saying diet is probably one of the biggest factors in alot of the chronic degenerative stuff we’re dealing with. The endocannabanoid system similarly goes underrepresented in healthcare these days, with doctors maybe not yet realizing they have only scratched the surface.

Glia, once thought to be mere glue that fills the space between neurons, were largely ignored in the brain for much of the 20th century. Clearly, neurons were the cells that made things happen: Through electrical and chemical signaling, they materialize our thoughts, feelings and actions. But in the last few decades, glia have shed their identity as passive servants. Neuroscientists have increasingly discovered that glia play physiological roles in the brain and nervous system that once seemed reserved for neurons.

Everything you put in your mouth….

Zoo Update

We don’t do birds. Started taking a dimmer view of them after Kiki was bringing them into the house alive for years. Then there were the Blue Herons eating my fish. Michelle takes photographer credit on this set. 🙂

They got a new dog park over by the library this year.

X – The New Symbol for Monetary Black Holes🇺🇸

When MAGA Spaceboy blew north of $40B on Twitter™, I thought “great, maybe that’ll slow him down.” It was after all, at least on paper, his money. They got a little further than last time. Starship should reach IOC by around turn of the century, at this rate.

Made it up to 92 miles. Sucks when ur playin’ catchup to Richard Branson in this business. Really sucks when taxpayers are footing the bill. FAA re-certifications alone are probably into the $milions$ by now. WTF are we payin’ for?

Need to get the NASA budget sorted and absorb this crap, borg style. Running Space like a business is gonna be problematic. We might need contractors to do Stuff, but they can’t be running the show.