IT and Healthcare in the Crapper

Probably not alot of Product and Program Managers skewing the numbers. Some of them probably are in IT and Healthcare, so the picture for those industries must be pretty bleak. One of the reasons I liked being enlisted in the Air Force for twenty years was I always got a new job every couple years, whether they thought I needed it or not.

It’s not just IT and Healthcare, if the Help Wanted signs I see posted everywhere are any indication.

DIY Hot Tub Top

I hate these things, doomed to premature failure. Anybody who ever owned one knows it. They’re manufactured this way for two reasons only: cost saving and max profit. Ends up being one reason, at the end of the day. Styrofoam and vinyl fabric are cheap. Sewn together in handy hot tub covers they can even be quite attractive and useful. Leave them on the tub for a few years and they become waterlogged nightmares as the stitching unravels. Go ahead waste ur time trying to dry them out on sunny days. Then either buy another one, or probably like rich people do, get a whole new tub.

Admittedly the materials bill for this one was probably as much as the cost of a new replacement due to the skyrocketing price of glue, coatings, and materials of all kinds, not to mention the disturbing trajectory on my time premium lately. With the exception of the fasteners, handles and reinforcing fitment hardware were fabbed from on-hand scraps. The center handle insert was a big aluminum safety sign that used to hang on a wall down at RedneckĀ® years ago. The thing is mostly just Styrofoam, but now practically impervious to all patio hazards, including moisture ingress. It’ll probably outlast me.

I won’t bore anyone with a step-by-step or itemized bill of supplies because it’s really simple, just time consuming and tricky: Cut stuff up, glue/screw it together and paint. I’m pretty sure you could do this with just the Styrofoam and Truck Bed Liner (TBL) for around $300 if you can find the right thickness, cut to size and coat, without all the fancy design queues. I just like things a bit more robust and serviceable, so I’ll mention a few items of note with some examples and pics. There’s a little video showing how to make fastener holes in the Styrofoam for anyone wanting to spend some $$$ going for the full monty.

Most importantly, be sure to get the water-based TBL and test it, for at least the first couple coats – goes for glues, as well. The Super 77 pictured below works well, BUT (big but) the carrier/propellant, which flashes off in seconds, is styro-reactive. Just go very light on direct application with it. Acrylic paints are mostly safe for non-reactive Styrofoam application, but the TBL is all you really need. You might imagine any number of even more expensive epoxies, whatever. How much is totally budget dependent and probably directly correlates to longevity. I’d say a minimum of three TBL coats would give decent durability, if you’re careful with it. Have a place with good, active ventilation to work on the coating for as long as it takes to do that. Outside in the summer would be ideal.

This prototype is a 2-layer design spray-glued-and-screwed together for reinforcement and handles. The screen added as a first coating layer gives it better chip and impact resistance. Just remember everything you do to it adds weight. I can easily handle this one with my back broken in two places, so it came in light enough on the scales. That value would be the amount my hardware and TBL out-weighs the old vinyl fabric. Not sure how much of the coating mass cures off but IIRC, this one is just a bit heavier than the dry original with six coats on it. It’s what instigated this project in the 1st place – I can’t handle the old one anymore – too heavy. Still debating if I’ll put an apron on or just paint it again with white roof coating later next summer after it’s completely cured, leading to the last important note…

Total time spent on construction probably around thirty hours including stuff like looking for fasteners at Lowes. Be sure to anticipate at least a couple weeks curing time before actually placing the thing in use, if you go the TBL route. The stuff dries to touch quickly, forming a soft rubber-like coating in just a day or two. But it continues gassing out for weeks until a much harder surface eventually emerges. That’s why it’s sitting on the tarp now. Otherwise it sticks to the tub top.

OBTW, the Styrofoam itself is 50% thicker, so it should pay back with electricity savings over time. Already noticed it’s not running as much. There might be a market for this and I bet they could easily be mass produced for less than $100 a pop. Just need the right equipment and facilities. The handles and reinforcement could be 1-piece injection-cast plastic or aluminum with a real 1-pass commercial-grade spray-on or dip coating.

Without a Trace

It’ll start turning up – bit-by-bit, when and wherever the clients and sycophants fumble and feign. At least the Mar-a-Lago stuff seemed somewhat localized there at fascist coup central, for all we know. Wonder if Meadows already completed the pooch-screwing, or he’s just hanging on to it?

Russian intelligence was only a small part of the materials in the binder, which was described as being 10 inches thick and carrying a host of information about the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.

Rot in hell, fascist MAGA cocksucker.
Crossfire -Stevie Ray Vaughan

Controlling the Narrative

Bodycam bullshyt. Imagine that. The media companies do it too – hurts revenue. Next time somebody warns you they’re doing something for ur own good just reply, no thanks, I’m feelin’ lucky.

Undoubtedly a step in the right direction. But the police body-cam song remains the same. Video is not all that far removed from audio and written accounts, mishandled, misrepresented, manipulated, and disregarded by the crooked cops’ secret society since forever.

I’m a big police supporter, always have been. They might have the biggest discrepancy in job risk-to-pay out there. The numbers don’t really make it an issue. There’s plenty of jobs more dangerous. But you can’t overlook the random chance of gunplay and high-intensity disaster-type stuff.

And the innate desire to protect one’s own certainly comes into play. It’s a huge, undeniable not necessarily malicious factor. Privacy? Meh. Chances are it happened in public most of the time anyway, if it’s on cop bodycam footage. In any case, sometimes it’s just another detail in the cover-up process.

Dirty Laundry -Don Henley

Binding Global Treaty

One of the Chief Fuckwits is gettin’ antsy about AI. Again. The Catholic echo chamber walls are closing in. How’s all those binding global treaties been workin’ out lately, ur highness?

They immediately get scared upon realization the shyt gets real at some point.

Ethical Hacking

Some of you mutherfuckers in the C-Suites might perhaps consider evaluating the disposable worker bees writing your code and running your systems a bit more favorably, going forward. That goes for the gubmit morons attempting to regulate that for which they lack clues. And don’t forget the willfuly malicious, selfish cocksuckers everywhere with an account or asset waiting to be exploited.

It’s long past time to turn over a few of those rugs the scumbags been sweeping shyt under.

You fuckwits have another thing coming. Alot of us been thru the system. Like, really thru the system(s). Cobol, anyone? Started w/FORTRAN on decks of punch-cards.

U.S. Takes Action to Further Disrupt Russian Cyber Activities.

That little speck in the distance is the headlight on my train.
Once Bitten , Twice Shy -Great White

Health Status Update

13 DEC 23: Just a couple of steady-state items to note. The bedtime 50mg CBD doses with melanin help with sleep and a noticeable improvement in 1st thing out-the-bed sore/stiffness. As noted before, C-spine decompression is clearly the main factor maintaining that, probably has been all along, albeit indirectly through inversion years ago. Skipping it starts the elbow tenderizing process with arm-numbing accompaniment. Consuming around 150mg CBD/day total. Feels like I could use more, but the stuff’s expensive. Inflammation is a primary instigator in both the arthritis and nerve stuff. Vaping about half the THC-type cannabis I was at some point previously. I think this is probably due to getting more efficient with it, better equipment, spiking the already HP stuff with kief and bubble hash. Still basically using as much as I can tolerate. That is clearly the therapeutic threshold, for me. Need to be able use enough without going blotto, to blunt pain. It’s a simple tolerance issue, just exactly opposite the way stoners think of it.

Doing the Most Good

I’ll say it again: Fuck the Mideast. And where’s the Brits who created the culturally-defined religious time bomb known as Gaza and greater Israel when the fuse smolders? Fuck them, too. I’ve noticed alot of you GB’ers passing by lately. Get off ur lazy asses and get this shyt sorted.

We’re not doing it for you this time.

If anything good can be said about goings on in Ukraine, their people and the military in particular are the best ever.
Bringin’ Me Down -Lost Angel

Be the Change

Unfortunately, todayā€™s society is so crooked that it is not even seen as strange that powerful interests control the very research that shows that precisely what they make money from seems to be the most effective remedy for the suffering the system they are a part of caused.

Sackler, anyone? It goes to more than just the sad state of personally debilitating mental affairs, but Julia-X from Sweden has that part figured out. I keep telling myself fuggedaboudit, things change, it’s just the way it is – changing. Then I think of something to do next, maybe write a blog post.

Ever wonder why some of the MAGA mutherfuckers seem just, let’s say, crazy? Personality Traits Associated With Dementia Risk.

I find the systematic nature of the MAGA movement change-worthy

Everybody Wants a Subscription

Tucker Carlson’s streaming service to charge $9 per month.

“We’ve been working in secret and producing an awful lot of material for months now. We’re launching a brand-new thing very soon,” Carlson said in a post on the X social media platform on Saturday, as he unveiled the website for service.

Oh, no doubt it’ll be about as revelatory as the election fraud evidence nobody’s ever seen. Seems Tuckie’s wagon hitched to “eks” is in a rut. The driver’s low as the snake named Trump’s belly in that wagon rut. The only thing this cretin ever worked on was getting paid for shooting off his hateful, rascist fuckwit mouth.

Tucker Carlson Misrepresents Defense Secretaryā€™s Remarks on U.S. Troops, Ukraine Aid.

Cable news gasbag turned podcast MAGA mutherfucker.

Diva Down Nailed It

it’s a searing broadside that hits the Tesla and SpaceX CEO where it hurts: as a guy with genuine accomplishments who often seems deadset on undoing that legacy with a series of increasingly public outbursts, irrational conspiracy theories, and ham-brained business decisions.

Grok this.

First off, let’s talk about your obsession with X. It’s like you’re trying to compensate for something, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it’s your inability to understand basic human emotions or your lack of self-awareness. Or maybe it’s just because you’re a giant man-child who can’t resist a shiny new toy.

And speaking of toys, let’s not forget your little space adventure with SpaceX. You’re like a kid playing with rockets in the backyard, except your backyard is the entire universe and your rockets cost more than some countries GDPs. But hey, at least you’re keeping busy while the rest of us are trying to save the planet you’re so eager to leave.

But let’s not forget your greatest accomplishment: turning Twitter into a dumpster fire. Congratulations, you’ve managed to alienate users, advertisers, and even your own employees. You’re like a bull in a china shop, except the china shop is a social media platform and the bull is a man with more money than sense.

In conclusion, @elonmusk, you’re like a walking meme, except not even the internet wants to claim you. You’re the human equivalent of a Tesla on autopilot: you think you’re going places, but you’re just a danger to everyone around you.

-Grok AI, Courtesy Spaceboy himself.

Elon Musk’s First Wife And Mother Of 5 Kids Says He Had The Marriage Therapist Break The News He Was Filing For Divorce ā€” And Claims He Was Engaged To Another Woman Just Six Weeks Later.