TX Xmas 2023

They really got it goin’ on down in the Lone Start State. Speed limit’s 75mph everywhere and appears to be a minimum target rate for most drivers. Phoebe and Tanner were great. A good chunk of family was there and we had the best home-made spread I’ve seen in quite awhile, with all the fixins. Tanner was up all night tending the smoker, ’nuff said – best Xmas dinner ever!

But as usual, I managed to screw some stuff up, not snapping any pictures on the hill the whole time, too busy hiking and taking it in. It’s just big enough for me to get around and over in under an hour. I took Michelle back trying to find where Diesel killed that coon and we did, but didn’t even have the phone with me, and she rolled her ankle. 🙁

Just a few of my favorites below, the rest here.

Diesel – star of the day-1 show, after bagging a big coon on the hill, with Merle‘s help.

It’s All About The Data

I remember back in 1999 when the DLA was attempting to implement an early data analytics system thinking “…eventually someone will figure out how to get this stuff running at scale and rule the world.” Here’s a little write-up I did for the CC at the outset of that little experience. Then came AI. All along…

The new project replaced Linux and Kubernetes with a new operating system stack at the bottom of which is a database system, the prototype multi-node multi-core, transactional, highly-available VoltDB, which Stonebraker started. Basically, the operating system is an application to the database, rather than the other way around,” he says.

Sean Payton: Bush League Thug

Yeah, Russel is, always has been, and always will be a badass quarterback. Payton will be remembered as the good coach turned bad.

No, what we’ve always been troubled by in Payton’s handling of Wilson is that the coach seemed driven, for whatever reason, to completely undermine Wilson – publicly and frequently.

LATE UPDATE: As usual, it’s about the money. -Just management’s admission the season’s over. Works for me.

Mannish Boy -Muddy Waters

Proud Coloradan

Leading the fight. Scenery only ever changes for the lead dog. DLA GS-14 quipped that at me on his way out early one evening – after my whining WRT the unproven proprietary database software they seemed compelled to deploy. I called that one, too. The scenery changed for everybody after it went to shyt on top of Y2K and everything else at the hands of the HQ weenies.

2024 Elections

AI, deepfakes, good ‘ol lying and the inclination towards using them for political skulduggery legal or otherwise, has never been stronger. Fooling people into doing things against their best interests has been a telling fuckwit hallmark throughout history. The tools for everything are getting better all the time.

Can you discern true vs. false?