Yeah, Fuck Tony Dungy

“The next time you think you’re underqualified for a job remember there is somebody at NBC who was paid to come to the conclusion that what NFL fans want is more of Tony Dungy’s opinions during games,” one fan wrote.

Here’s my opinion of the mutherfucker FWIW.

Media fuckwits need to steer clear of religion and politics unless they are reporting factual news – even if it’s just NFL politics

Cyber Truck Not So Fast

Gearheads gotta race everything. I’m guilty as the next guy. Longmont Popo got me at 78 in a 55 couple weeks ago in the old Dodge. He was complaining about the black smoke, too. I just looked real surprised and said “78?!! I didn’t know this thing would go that fast!” It does have 4.10 gears, so plausible in factory trim with stock-sized tires. He was cool about it. White privilege, baby – I’m milkin’ it! 😉

The analysis of Tesla’s own promotional material and additional information obtained by Engineering Explained via MotorTrend refutes Tesla’s Cybertruck performance claims entirely, implying that Tesla is misrepresenting the performance of its electric pickup to potential buyers.

I would assume it’s not the only thing they are misrepresenting.

Iowa Repugs Batshyt Crazy

I wonder if the total lack of self awareness and brazen selfish stupidity will become a real motivator at some point? How will the brain cells respond confronted with sudden, complete, deep-seated cognitive dissonance of existential gravity? Must be the mental corollary to corporeal death.

POS belongs behind bars.

Badass Meets Beauty

The cognitive dissonance is strong when a homegrown lady like this crops up, being the latent misogynist I am. I’m no fan of the whole beauty pageant thing, but if it gets attention for the Air Force and women meeting men toe-to-toe in every meaningful respect, I’m in.

FWIW, I believe she is a UPT student at this stage.

Marijuana Not So Bad

Ya think? 80-some years to de-bunk this capitalist fraud? Hope it doesn’t take so long with that Lying Anus-Faced Treason-Weasel. The Leafly rundown.

Marijuana abuse does lead to physical dependence, the analysis noted, and some people develop a psychological dependence. “But the likelihood of serious outcomes is low,” the review concluded.

I’m not even reading it. Wonder if they make any distinction between the plethora of major and minor Cannabanoids? If not, it’s a just a huge well-documented government anecdote. Imagine what they’d find in the same study with alcohol. It’s not even scheduled, but would qualify for Schedule-II minimum, if they were honest about it..

Kentucky distillers one of the big blocks keeping fuckwits like McConnel in Congress.

Football Weather

The NFL culture of pain, playing hurt, injury roster management and depth, and the whole concussion conundrum combine to sow commensurate confusion and uncertainty in an atmosphere where we’re gonna play in Buffalo and KC this weekend. I’ll be surprised if somebody doesn’t get frostbite in an injury-laden mess of a game somewhere.

I don’t really consider myself to be all that sadistic, but these guys truly are exemplary badass mutherfuckers.

LATE UPDATE: Bills-Steelers playoff game postponed to Monday. 😉 Backstory.

The winner on Monday, maybe Tuesday now, will have a real short few days to recover.


It’s just a word – with alot of context in this post. Fighting the oil ‘n gas industry while simultaneously saving the planet and running a business in this cutthroat market must be quite the challenge. My hat’s off to these folks.

We got the real Namaste treatment after Mother Nature got a bit too personal here a few years ago. They replaced the inverter under warranty, although I suspect it was not really a covered repair, at a time when we really could not afford it due to all the related damage.

Keep up the good work!

Death Threats

Can somebody please just start issuing them to these fuckwits?

In a hearing before the D.C. Circuit Court, the former president’s lawyers argued that he should be immune from criminal prosecution for his role in the attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. This argument has an obvious flaw: It implies that the president is above the law. Such a blunt rejection of the Constitution and the basic concept of American democracy is too much even for Trump to assert—publicly, at least—so his lawyers have proposed a theory. They say that he can’t be criminally prosecuted unless he is first impeached and convicted by Congress.

Record Low in U.S. Satisfied With Way Democracy Is Working. Ya think?

Team Trump struggles mightily with the ‘assassination’ question. They just keep steppin’ on it, harder and harder, over and over again. The hubris and arrogance must stop.

May every Mango Menace supporter draw your last breath soon.

Genocide Matters

Why? Because it’s becoming a more popular political tool again, worldwide.

However, even if Israel loses this round, it probably will not comply. The same journal post observes that only about 50 per cent of “provisional measure” cases achieve compliance. In high-stakes conflicts, states have fewer incentives to comply with the court.

But when was the last time evil cocksuckers met their obligations and agreements?

Bosnia – Here We Go Again

The joint drill was a “demonstration of the United States’ enduring partnership with the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven L. Basham, the deputy commander of EUCOM, said in a statement. “American support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Armed Forces is ironclad, forged over years of close cooperation.”