ICJ Message to Israel

“Stop trying to kill them all, and we really mean it this time. We’re gonna count to three.”

That’s how I read it.

Friday’s ruling may have sowed more division than reconciliation, but Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, said at least one thing was clear. The decision “puts Israel and its allies on notice that immediate action is needed to prevent genocide and further atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza,” Jarrah said.

They know the limits of their authority, extending to somewhere within earshot of the front door of that building. Certainly won’t be testing it against the governing bodies who put them there.

Very similar message NATO sends to Pootin.

Tuberville’s Military Knowledge

Ever heard the old saying “he probably knows just enough to be dangerous?” If you did and they were talking about you, you might be somebody like a green Army captain selected to assassinate some rogue operator in the Mekong Delta, or possibly just about anyone who ever volunteered to do anything in the military.

Appears to be a reasonably accurate yardstick with which to measure some of these bible-thumpin’ fuckwits with political platforms consisting predominantly of various forms of fear mongering and intimidation peppered with bigotry-fueled misinformation. Tooby’s forays into leveraging the U.S. military for Alabama holy roller’s gain are a textbook lesson for pure political deceit in this Alabama boy’s lexicon.

Mis-using some of the nation’s most precious shared resources – literally lying for personal and political gain personifies the concept of snake oil salesmen with limited knowledge pushing selfish interests to ignorant consumers. Tuberville’s knowledge of matters military generally speaking, goes about as far as his forethought into whatever shred of decency he may have left.

Next bill will be to legalize razor wire in the river.

This is what your Alabama votes and tax dollars are doing in D.C.
Christo-fascist nutjobs – the lot of ’em.

The Royal Scam

It’s not about any of these topics outlined below. It’s about how to exploit their interactions in illicit ways if possible, to get yours.

Economy – have a product to sell? Design the demand around it to form an irreplaceable piece of critical infrastructure or national security. Oil ‘n gas comes to mind.

Transportation – Big country, lotsa places to go, stuff needs delivered. Anybody got some planet-killing infrastructure we could rely on?

Healthcare – People getting hurt and sick ofttimes in transport. Then there’s the fat, lazy ones and that whole imperfect thing we call life, lock, stock and barrel. Lotsa ineffective drugs and specialized scientists performing dangerous procedures should keep prices high, supporting the madness for awhile longer.

Technology – Gotta keep all this stuff organized, managed and in communications. And OBTW, we can sell the bleeping computers with amazingly efficient built-in controls that literally turn their own knobs now.

Media – Ever wonder what’s goin’ on with all this crap? Depends on if the C-suite fuckwits are making enough money. We’ll let you know what to worry about and where the problems might be, in our greedy, biased, unqualified, myopic points of view.

Government – These mutherfuckers get to make the rules. So let’s check that economy and see if there’s some things we don’t fully understand where we can fuck it up, or potentially generate some more activity with wars and such.

Politics – Wanna try to run this shyt? Or maybe just exploit it for your own personal gain? We have elections in progress. Now get off ur ass and get corrupting!

Go find a job somewhere up there and see if you can get yours!

Psychobabble – Steeley Dan

White House Pill Mill

Worst part is they were buying the brand name stuff. Probably had some Pfizer and Eli Lily lobbyists approving orders.

Through in-person inspections and interviews with over 120 officials, the report concluded “that the White House Medical Unit provided a wide range of health care and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and regulation and DoD policy. Additionally, the White House Medical Unit dispensed prescription medications, including controlled substances, to ineligible White House staff.”

Extreme Enough For Ya?

Flash flooding sparks emergency in San Diego after four inches of rain in six hours.

Don’t be surprised. We’re just entering the cusp of this weather era.

The BMW M57

There’s one in the Bimmer. Horaitu’s article scratches the “comprehensive” surface. I have to admit falling into the M57 purely by chance. We needed another car after the girls started driving. Perusing Car-and-Driver one day, I happened across a gushing review of the then new 6-pot diesel BMW had recently foisted upon an un-suspecting driving public here in the USA. Found a good used example down in Castle Rock, initially appalled and eventually amazed after finishing up the roadworthy mods it needed, because BMW nearly choked it to death with emissions controls.

I’ve become more-or-less familiar with a few engines over the years, certainly nothing near a representative cross-section of what all’s available. But there’s a feel for the moving parts and clatter emanating from one of these things, regardless of who designed it. The M57 exudes the most buttery smooth quiet (for a diesel!) mechanical serenade I’ve ever come across, with unparalleled efficiency and power wholly uncharacteristic of an oil-burner. Properly tuned sans emissions equipment, the car runs 42MPG at 70MPH nominal, pumping out around 600 foot-pounds of torque with zero twin-turbo lag – a true wolf in sheep’s clothing. Best part: After tooling around down in Texas for a week last month, clocking 160k miles now, feels like it’ll probably outlast me, at this point.

Leading MAGA Fuckwits

If these two spent half the time and energy doing their job they do supporting illicit power grabs, we’d have a balanced budget and world peace.

Lies of Omission

….They’re particularly useful to politicians with ulterior motives and their own real interests to hide. Haley is and always was a Trumplican, wholly responsible for the debacle in the “Stan, as the U.N. Ambassador at the time. Whether she made the deal or failed to stop it, either way, I hold her 100% responsible. You can be sure she’ll never mention a word about the topic, because it’s one area of her so-call political expertise that leaves a huge black mark on the history of this nation. There’s a Pandora’s Box more to come…

I’ll be leaning more to posting pointed uToob™ clips with author credit only, as opposed to link-backs due to their business model running afoul of reasonable client-server relationships. Financing this stuff with advertising was never a great idea – about as great an idea as petrochemicals behind rubber seals in the automotive world. It made alot of people alot of money for a long time. But those days are over now, at least as far as I am concerned, in the long view.

Beau of the 5th Column Toober…

One Kid with a Gun?

Originally published immediately following the horrific Uvalde incident. It bears repeating in light of the Justice report today. Beau lays it out.

And they need a Command Post? Biggest LE response in Texas history for one kid with a gun and they need a FUCKING COMMAND POST!? Seriously?

“In this crisis, no responder seized the initiative to establish an incident command post,”

I’ll settle for anyone with half a pair.

If you were a cop on scene in Uvalde that day and stopped anybody from going in instead of going in right behind them, you are a fucking coward.

Jeopardy -Greg Kihn Band


Credit to Colbert for this one – a scrotum that can also be a vagina. I found it interesting how it’s lawyer comes right out openly admitting her stupidity and deceit on a podcast.

X Users reacted after the clip was shared on the platform. One user replied, “Trump is on tape talking about how his (failed) airline employees didn’t need to be qualified if they look good. I guess he hasn’t changed his hiring strategy.” Another added, “Sound legal strategy from Trump.” A third X user wrote, “Her interviews are more honest than her court filings.”

Dan Bishop: Living, Breathing Oxymoron

“The problem that exists now is the problem that has existed all along, which is that there is a significant body of the Republican conference who will not fight to achieve meaningful conservative gains,” the North Carolina Republican said.

Not real familiar with this fuckwit personally, but he sure seems to tow the fuckass-freedom-cockass-party line. What was that about meaningful conservative gains, again? Shutting down the government for political blackmail? Lemmings like this dickhead need to be running post-haste to Baron von Fatfuck’s comeuppance.

Deal rejection is their specialty. One of the problems with these type in”duh”viduals is oft’times the wronger they are, the more stubborn they get.

How you like mongerin’ that fear now, mutherfucker?
The Royal Scam -Steely Dan