Kristi Noem – Banned Indigenous

This stupid cunt should be banned from breathing. I hear Alabama has a nice new mask for that – only used once, so far. I see how SD’ers get behind a cute little tart like this, just not sure how imported MAGA grievances bolster the crush.

A South Dakota tribe has banned Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from the Pine Ridge Reservation after she spoke this week about wanting to send razor wire and security personnel to Texas to help deter immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and also said cartels are infiltrating the state’s reservations.

As if South Dakota doesn’t have enough problems of it’s own, not to mention zero international borders.
Wanna send The Guard south on false pretenses? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, baby.

Note to Stuff: HTTPS

Just to clarify, after receiving a number of inquiries: There is nothing for sale here and no transactions of any kind involving PII, financial or otherwise take place on this system. That goes double for the federales fishing for illusory crap. So there’s no need for transport layer security. Still probably the safest web site you’ll touch all year. That should be all you need to know about it in a perfectly social online world.

…Not to mention vulnerable, resource-intensive and really just totally superfluous. So there’s your answer. Those inquiries will reference this post, going forward. Some of you Russian fuckers ought to know this by now. You had the whole thing spider-ed for years.

Too bad we didn’t bake in security and model this more on brick-and-mortar from the git.

Not the Issue you might’ve been led to believe.
It’s all free, and all comers welcome. Just remember communication is a 2-way street – both corporeal and electronic.

Time to Shut It Down

I been harping on this for more than twenty years, but fuckwits made too much money with it. Now we have some incel and a bunch of similarly inclined greedy cocksuckers expanding their reach into society through China’s marketing grasp on our children, among other things.

One of the problems with Capitalism is everything has to be a money-making proposition. Enough is enough already. You might be a vetted user(s) with an Internet connection. Or not.

Application-level user vetting must happen, followed by good-faith top-down vendor enforcement – or shut it down. You can shove the parental controls and user tools straight up your greedy assholes. It’s like giving addicts safe injection sites. Great idea, but not exactly addressing the root of the problem.

PA man posts uToob video of beheaded father, calls him a traitor.

This post is categorized crime and politics NOT tech because the Repugs learned how social media suits their depraved agenda long before the libs. Governing by Twitter® lit the fuse.

Why uToob, Instagram, Tik what-the-fuck-ever Tok? Parasites on humanity. Same reason all the various psychos including your duly elected representatives use it. Mostly ill gotten fame and fortune, nefarious or not, but lotsa violence with the age floor dropping, pumping the ads these days.
No shyt? It was easy sitting around pointing and laughing for awhile. It’s not funny anymore.

It might’ve went better if some of our legislators like Cotton weren’t such idiots to begin with.

Take the Money and Run -Steve Miller

Democrat Witchcraft

Repugs gonna be making alot more trips to the ER getting brain aneurysms diagnosed after AI gets wild with this shyt. Their first response: Distribute Swiftie AI porn. Un freakin’ believable. Jimmy Kimmel delivers another astute analysis.

HAMAS Tail Waggin’ the U.N. Dog

It (Israeli dossier) accuses Hamas of “methodically and deliberately deploying its terrorist infrastructure in a wide range of U.N. facilities and assets”, including schools. Hamas denies that.

Regardless of political sympathies, who or whatever they are must be characterized as double agents. If true, what else makes sense? Finer-grained U.N. intel would be tremendously advantageous in that environment. Why do I always have to play Captain Obvious?

Trying to remember the last time an indigenous terror organization fighting a state-sponsored military didn’t attempt to infiltrate every civil, military, government and social enclave in the country. Viet Cong? Nope. Australian Aborigines? Nah. RCA today? No, what we have here is entirely expected skulduggery and the intended responses.

Babies out with bath and dead messengers aplenty.

No Title Required

If you’re against politicizing healthcare, reject religion and the nutjob politicians pandering to them.

‘Niners Got Lucky

…And the Lions ran outta gas. Nothing against San Fran – they won! But if Detroit kept up the pressure, or one of those lucky plays went the other way, this would have been a different post.

Late Lion fumble made for gamer-changer #2

Lankford Lies

This Oklahoma fuckwit continues balancing the entire GOP platform on a thinly veiled patchwork of contrived border crises stretching back decades. Lately they like to salt the drivel with alot of “Biden” and “last three years” references, while the issue has been little more than a GOP hot-button campaign slogan since the Reagan era. At the expense of torpedoing a pending deal to start fixing it, it’s literally all they have to run on nationally now.

The irony cannot be lost on anyone paying attention. So the only way to continue doing that is just straight up lie. The fuckwit’s either expected to know what he’s talking about being a U.S. Senator, OR he’s expected to lie through his teeth in the same tired old political ploy they’ve been using to scare the base all along. Too bad the latter’s alot easier and often works on ignorant voters with short memories. What a bunch of total cocksuckers.

“In any event, the work authorization regulation contains a carve-out that explicitly bars aliens paroled under that 2009 ICE directive from applying for employment authorization. They must file asylum applications and wait to apply for work authorization, like any other applicant for that protection.”

Look for the FTN clip later where this fuckwit repeats the same lie, over and over for the cameras. Get your own house in order, then bitch about the border.

This piece ‘o shit cares about the border only insofar as the problems get him re-elected.
Just remember who said what about those regulations and procedures you guys study for a living.

Political News for the Religious Right

Elections matter. Votes count – regardless of what Napoleon Bonespurs might have to say about it.

Just over half, 55%, say they are not religious because they don’t like religious organizations or have had bad experiences with religious people, while 44% say they don’t need religion or don’t have time for it.

The rise of the nones has resulted in not only lessened religious participation but also a decrease in civic engagement with nones being less likely to vote, do volunteer work, or have strong friend groups or community, according to Pew.

Undoubtedly, CHURCH is the root of all my evil. I’m autistic and Grandad was a deacon in the church. The stage was set for that little devil-possessed boy.

Tesla Another Musk Victim

I wanted Tesla to do well, as one of the promising EV makers with a real shot at putting a dent in the fossil fuel industry. Then somehow, for whatever reason, the Cybertruck marketing people convinced Musk they needn’t take into account a significant portion of the buying public who actually work with these things and use them for real truck stuff all day long.

Certainly there’s also a market for suburbanite Cybertruck drivers with little more than Costco requirements. I’m no automotive market guru, but I suspect there’s more money in the former.

Tesla’s woes are also a sign that the company’s recently released and long-awaited Cybertruck hasn’t exactly ignited renewed optimism. It’s clear by this point that the EV maker has had to make major compromises to bring Musk’s pet project to life, with the truck disappointing fans with a lackluster range.

Only the biggest, most glaring entry on a list of things new owners are already griping about.

Have sticker-price cuts and stock-market skid tarnished Elon Musk’s and Tesla’s reputations?

ICJ Message to Israel

“Stop trying to kill them all, and we really mean it this time. We’re gonna count to three.”

That’s how I read it.

Friday’s ruling may have sowed more division than reconciliation, but Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, said at least one thing was clear. The decision “puts Israel and its allies on notice that immediate action is needed to prevent genocide and further atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza,” Jarrah said.

They know the limits of their authority, extending to somewhere within earshot of the front door of that building. Certainly won’t be testing it against the governing bodies who put them there.

Very similar message NATO sends to Pootin.