The Equivalency Baseline

Right-to-Life (RTL) = Tyranny. More and more of these terms, phrases and ideas generally speaking, are becoming synonymous with Conservatism and the GOP in this country. Extremists in the RTL camp believe Society and Civilization may only be preserved by quashing Science. Of course this is entirely true from their perspective in the medieval mindset. Anti-Vaxxers? Seriously? Social control and tyranny are the hallmarks of religion, and Christianity is the foundational bedrock of the Republican party. These idiots must be extracted from the political process, or we are doomed as a nation and society.

Small Devices?

This is why I liked Hangouts, and Messages for Web needs voice integration:

Don’t much care for the small devices.

This Country Is Fucked

Christianity. Government. Separation of Church and State. Freedom. Abortion. Trump.

What do these terms have in common? Taken together with their interwoven fabric of fundamentally moronic asshats, they suggest the biggest hypocritical fraud to ever smear the human condition on this planet. I will not vote in another U.S. election until after these cocksuckers back off and take their rightful place in the dustbin of history. They may have won the Crusades, but the next one will be different.

Religious charlatan overseers amass billions in wealth from the financial support of armies of mindless cretins, enjoying tax-free status with devout leaders seeded throughout all levels and branches of government. Anyone believing this state of affairs reflects freedom and religion’s separation from state matters is truly daft. These assholes get away with making laws controlling women’s bodies with no accountability to the taxpayers funding their salaries because gawd told them so. That’s been the plan all along. Let the people vote with the illusion of free will, but regulate any and every thing possible to the benefit of the church(es) and businesses paying with votes and campaign contributions.

Fuck Christianity and to hell with the fuckwit legislators who support it and their medieval mindset. These people are scary. Political engineering needs to come out of the shadows of corporate America, including the churches. Stop talking out one side of your mouth, while denying everything you are SUPPOSED to stand for out the other. And stay the fuck away from our daughter’s bodies.

Doesn't Work:

I know, because I kept exercising until all my joints were worn out 3 years before I retired early at age 56.

Persistence Pays Off!

Back in April I posted a little story about trying to remote control publishing issues with Air Force Magazine. Initial results seemed promising after I finally got somebody’s attention, but more than a month went by before I started getting annoyed about it again. I decided to finally take the gloves off, knowing I had at least 1 good email address with a potentially responsible actual human reading it:

Daily Report Nonsense

Within a few days the high res images were back. Looks like threatening someone’s job is the only way to get things done in Washington DC these days. Apparently that tactic doesn’t work on the POTUS.

Entertainment Value

I’ve really been enjoying the current U.S. political situation for the sheer entertainment value it creates, and look forward to even more fun if/when impeachment proceedings begin. But it might be a nice respite if, after this chapter is finished, some jackholes reevaluate their general disposition:

Open Letter to Americans Everywhere

The More Things Change…

I continue following SBIRS, the career-long space program I worked on while employed with Lockheed and the Air Force on-and-off for 34 years. Looks like it’s raising eyebrows at the highest levels once again. A recent article from C4ISRNET covers it pretty well:

“The missile warning mission in space is tricky. The program’s predecessor, SBIRS, faced significant cost growth over the years. According to an April 3 Government Accountability Office report, the SBIRS program grew by $19.9 billion, or 265 percent, over initial estimates. Furthermore, the first satellite launch was delayed by roughly nine years and the fifth and sixth satellites, which are slated for launches in 2021 and 2022 respectively, are at risk of delay. At $1.6 billion, the Air Force’s 2020 budget request for SBIRS is double what Congress approved last year.”

David vs. Goliath, sorta Literally

Had a great time racing the Bimmer down at High Plains Diesel Shootout in Pueblo yesterday. They have a really nice motor-sports park with just about everything you could ask for in the off-road wheelin’ fun category – dragstrip, road course, HUGE dirt track and a dyno. The car ran well, consistently posting mid-13s on street tires fighting traction control for 100′ off the line. Won 3 of 4 runs, coming close to the money, posting the 2nd fastest time (13.44) in their “True Street” class. The winner was almost a full second faster than everyone else, but that’s how it goes with heads-up racing. It would be good in a bracket with traction control, but I was greedy, going for the big purse.

I decided against getting on the dyno after watching the guy running it almost drop a truck off the loading ramps. Bimmer was the only car-type vehicle competing and raised alot of eyebrows. People kept asking stuff like “what’s in that thing?” and “Is that really a diesel?” This confirms what I knew ever since finishing the upgrades – she is a beast. It will easily be into the 12’s with slicks or drag radials, traction control off and somebody who knows how to launch it.

Goldie's Winter is Over

They moved out to the pond 3 days ago.Seems like early May is going to be the time-frame for that. I had it ready mid-April, but it took about 3 weeks to get warmed up enough for the fish to be moved. It’s really satisfying to see how happy they are to be back outside. That 120-long tank is 5 feet across. The biggest of these guys is now 6 years old and about a foot long tip-to-tail, with only 4 of the original 10 remaining.

Another School Shooting

I waited a couple days to see what the media response was going to be and as expected, we are being treated to another ongoing round of sensationalized grief and gun control nonsense. Go ahead – get me wrong. We need to recognize the simple fact that people are the problem – not guns. I’m thoroughly convinced it’s all down to parenting. People need to stop producing fucked-up kids. Fucked-up kids grow up to be fucked-up adults and they are liable to do really stupid, fucked-up shyt at any point along the way. Call me Captain Obvious, but I was one, who managed to transition into a semblance of normalcy. Some obviously don’t.
Mental Health Awareness

Wingter is Almost Over!

As much as I like the spring and fall seasons for their mild temps and lack of insects, we don’t get enough. They are typically less of a “season” in the normal sense of the word around here. Spring and Fall are short periods of maybe a month at most where we transition from cold to hot and all their accompanying niceties. Looks like today will be the last blast of wingter before we can get on with good weather for the next 7-to-8 months.
Wingter 2019
Wingter 2019
It’s not unheard of to see snowflakes here in June, but I’ll wager against that this year. Fallter usually rolls through around early December.