Apparently, WWII is not Over

Either that, or the Russians want to go over it again.  Maybe the plan is to just paint red stars on our tanks and jets after enough people go down with Covid.

“Security experts have called the withdrawal plan a “gift” to Russia as it comes amid serious tensions between Washington and Moscow over arms control, Moscow’s support for separatists in Ukraine, the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and other issues.”

Helsinki.  Ukraine.  Facebook.  Crimea.  Mueller.  Connect the goddamn dots.  At some point, you have to start wondering if the dots were already connected before the 2016 election.  Either we cannot seem to recognize and deal with the person drawing the lines, or it’s been over since 2016, and we just haven’t been notified.

Next door to Russia is now a virtual thing.
Chinese still feeling real agitated, too.

Low Tonight 44°F

Late Spring Storm dumped a foot of snow in some parts of the high country and even left some accumulation down around the Palmer divide.  Didn’t see any flakes here, but it’s been raining all night and the furnace kicked on for the 1st time I can ever remember in June.  At least I don’t have to water the lawn for a couple days!

March in June.

President's List Again

Francie seems to have a knack for consistently earning academic and athletic accolades.  She’s also starting a new job driving for an Amazon delivery contractor today.  I get tired just thinking about all the stuff this girl’s getting into.  We’re glad to have her home after the little Coronavirus exile in Sarasota, where she spent the remainder of the semester after spring break in a Florida retirement condo community with her boyfriend and half the hockey team.

One to go…

Crew Dragon, Baby!!

It’s been a long time coming.  Space-X and NASA did us proud, at a time when we really needed it.  The greatest American space achievement so far this century was unfortunately overshadowed by civil rights unrest last week, so I waited to add a couple extra follow-on clips to round out the post.  Congratulations to Elon, Space-X, NASA and the whole team of contractors and suppliers!  Once again U.S. leads the way to space.  Best pics.

No more Russkie rides for us.

Dickhead Made a Deal…

…with the Devil – namely Trump.  It was pretty obvious the Troll-in-Chief had a special little boner for Zuck, what with the White House visits, and all.  Why wouldn’t he?  Anybody willing to allow his lies and hate speech to be broadcast with impunity makes a great ally for the government of Twit(ter).  Now the Facebrat boy who made a fortune selling the personal information of his clients has a very unpopular position to defend.  Good luck, fuckface.

What data? What hate speech?

“It’s crystal clear today that leadership refuses to stand with us,” Brandon Dail, a Facebook engineer, tweeted about the call.”  Seems like alot of that going around lately.

Fuck the Police and their GOP Overlords

110lb.  girl.  No links to stories.  Why am I not seeing alot of minority people in that crowd?  Must be outside agitators.  Everything you need to know is right below:

A police officer (L) holds down a protester while another (back) sprays pepper spray as they clash outside the District Four Police station during a Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality and racism in the US, including the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 29, 2020. – The Minneapolis police officer accused of killing George Floyd, a handcuffed African American man, was charged with murder on May 29 as authorities declared a curfew after three nights of violent protests left parts of the city in flames. (Photo by Joseph Prezioso / AFP) (Photo by JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images).

At least he is following new procedural guidance to avoid using the knee-on-throat tactic in public.  Apart from that, it might as well be a re-run of Floyd’s episode in Boston with another arguably inappropriate victim.  At least he didn’t kill her.  Fuck this shyt, and anybody who supports it – especially the Nazis, Confederates, Evangelicals, their inbred redneck legions of vapid, soulless voters and anyone who thinks Trump is/was a good idea now.  Want some more?

Late Update:  Independent autopsy significantly disagrees with the county’s preliminary report – just like the initial report of “outsiders” was a lie.  Mutherfuckers need to start understanding the days of getting away with this shyt are long gone in the era of smartphones and unfettered communications.  I guess some people are just fucking stupid.

Outside Agitators?

Damn straight.  Hell, I’d go myself if I could, goddamn agitator that I am.  Those “outside agitators” sure are well organized – able to synchronize mass protests nationwide.  Must be some small group of outside agitators, right?  I’m outside this.  I’m agitated.  Actually, I’m fucking livid.  Agitate that.

What is wrong with the media narrative I keep hearing?  Things are going terribly wrong, so it must be somebody else’s fault – some shadowy “other” group, nobody can identify, right?  I am so goddamn sick and tired of the government and media trying to tell me what to be afraid of and who to hate.  Once again, Mike Littwin sums it up well, but I do have one nitpick there:  Vandalism and arson DO prove something.  They prove that the racial divide, multiplied by the political divide + SARSco-V2 = time to wake up and pull your fucking heads out.  You know who you are.

Fuck ’em all – especially Trump, the primary perpetrator of this inanity.

Just a practice drill for January.

People know who the real enemy is, and Beau remembers where the pitchforks are.  Like Trea said – fix this shyt, or learn to breathe smoke.

Company Loyalty

Or in the Right/Wrong combination!

They actually got it right for a few weeks with the essential worker’s hazard pay.  I guess “essential” only comes into play when the oligarch’s revenue stream gets interrupted.


This blathering idiot just needs to STFU.

I’m the supreme Twit! I should OWN Twitter!!

The moron is so stupid he does not even realize the upshot of his most recent “Executive Order” should basically force Twitter to ban his useless ass.  If his equally imbecilic compatriots (U.S. Senators) are unwilling to do it, We the People will start cleaning up this mess ourselves in November.


Brazil’s Bolsanaro is stepping up to take the title of Covid-19 epicenter leader.  Trump will gladly hand over the mantle, and probably begin tweeting about how he did things so much better.  The sad truth is, Trump just set the example for one of his southerly sycophants.

“Some experts said Brazil’s stumbles are all the more shocking because of its previous success containing malaria, Zika and HIV.”

I’d characterize it more as predictable, than shocking.  Selfish, sociopaths really are quite predictable.  The only difference between Brazil and the USA in this respect is the scale of incompetence.  It will take longer for the virus to wind it’s way through our vast expanses, but the results will eventually end up the same.

“As of May 12, however, Brazil had processed just 482,743 tests. Of the 10 countries with the highest COVID-19 death toll, only the Netherlands had tested fewer people than Brazil – a country with a twelfth of the population.”

The body of Valnir Mendes da Silva, 62, lies on a sidewalk where he died, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 17, 2020. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes

I was about to guess Africa was looking to take the worst hit overall, but South America has a good dose in it now.  Thanks, Donnie – keep up the good work!

Just How Bad "Is" the VA?

Using us vets as guinea pigs for Trump’s Hydroxychloquine con was beyond the pale.  Then I got a letter from a Veteran’s Law Judge last week, reminding me just how deeply I am mired in their bureaucratic nightmare, not to mention the latest medical bullshyt from last year.  So I logged on to the website this morning like I do every couple weeks or so, to check on the glacial pace of claims progress.  It is depressing, to say the least.

8 years to process a claim. How ridiculous is that?

That is the current status of my 2nd claim submitted to the VA over 6 years ago while I was still flying Ikonos for Lockheed with my hips and back going into late stage orthopedic failure.  1st was for the right hip, denied straight up, for reasons of no records.  Sound familiar?  2nd was for the cervical spine issue.  They denied that too, despite lots of info in the records that time.  Basically what happened was the same as I imagine happens to most claims – they just deny everything by default.  So I appealed.  Then we get thrown into a years-long challenge fighting the government for benefits many have paid for with their lives.

Four years later, after a lawyer gets paid 8 grand to spell out the law for these mutherfuckers, a judge looks at my records, tasks a minion to investigate, and made at least one interesting comment in their final assessment of the case, which incredibly, had nothing to do with this claim.  Of course the upshot of it is, they have to go back and re-do everything, entailing possibly the next 16-29 months, as indicated above.  Maybe they will get it right next time around.

For some odd reason the judge also made a point of making an un-related statement:

Wonder why they felt compelled to throw that in there?

Took 4 years, just to push the appeal through.  The VA strategic claims plan is pretty obvious.  Just wait ’em out.  The tactical plan is same as the shysters who defended Trump’s impeachment:  Ignore, distract, deny and lie.  And use the hydroxy to speed up the process, whenever possible.  My Memorial Day remembrance for perpetrators of VA bullshyt goes out Monday morning.

What Justice?

Not quite yet, but trouble’s brewin’

Donald Ayer, who served as Deputy Attorney General under George H. W. Bush, said, ‘They take the position that they don’t even have to show up. That’s totally outrageous. It’s denying the legitimacy of another branch of government in the name of executive supremacy.'”

Too put it more succinctly – a dictator.  Anyone who didn’t seen this coming up 6th ave. is asleep at the switch.  Sometimes I wonder who’s worse – Trump or his enablers? It’s hard to blame a spoiled child for it’s parent’s misgivings. I guess the only real question remaining is if his closest cronies are stupid enough to try going along with it.  Remember Helsinki, and hope the base isn’t as stupid as he thinks they are.

Don't Trust the VA

We’ll try anything on the vets.

Anyone personally familiar with me knows what I went through with the VA over the past 2 years.  It’s not like I needed another reason to stay away.  Confirmation is evident.  Organizational culture develops from the top down.  The VA is just another boot-lickin’ Trump lapdog now – like the Justice Dept, the EPA, and every other now-neutered Trump government gang of thieves.  They stole my health, and continue following suit in their ongoing game of destroy America from within.

The ‘sumbich is 2 steps away from a genocidal super-villian.

Daily Testing

I eagerly anticipate the day we learn Trump’s daily testing regimen for him and top cronies comes to real fruition.  With false result rates up to 50% in some examples, that’s not odds I’d brag about in my fantastically successful non-existent SARS-COv2 testing program.  They should have been testing the tests six months ago.  Get sick and die, you miserable piece ‘o shyt.

Inaccurate and largely un-available COv2 tests may be doing more to spread the virus than stopping it.

“With a few months left until a second wave of coronavirus infections is expected in the fall, that could leave the U.S. once again unprepared and vulnerable.”

A glaring omission from the Modern Healthcare article overlooks the push to re-start economic activity along with the abysmal testing situation.  Countries around the world have already started banning some tests.  We won’t have to wait until fall for wave #2.


Chinese Gettin' Antsy

Background network noise coming out of China has started climbing noticeably again.  Haven’t seen much in the way of email bot traffic like a few years ago, but those were mostly Russian.  Chinese scanning and generic exploit bot activity has ramped up considerably in just the past month.  The lion’s share reaching my server is shown on the thickest red line below:

Here they come again.

The scary part about this is what we don’t see.  Check your passwords, and remember Moonlight Maze.