Viral Video

No – not THAT kind:  Should be included in mandatory training for all elected officials in this country.

A Really BIG Dose of Stupid

This Kemp guy in GA must have his tounge so far up Trump’s ass he can taste the POTUS’ breakfast.  How many political points are scored against one Covid death?  I suspect these particular conservative morons are at the end of their political line – if the Republican party itself even survives the next election.

Bend over bitch, time to rescind those mask orders.

Somebody please inform these morons viral public health threats are apolitical.

Covid-19 Tracker

The great folks at Colorado Sun (Mike!) posted the link to another online Covid number cruncher.  The snapshot for today depicted below shows the U.S. leading the world by far, with no end is sight, as politicians argue the veracity of science.  At least sane people well learn their hard lessons.

South America will be a continental-scale disaster zone when the dust settles.

Here It Is

Didn’t take long for Navarro’s true role in Trump’s criminal enterprise to become apparent – he’s the “hit man.”  The hit is on Dr. Fauci.  Accompanied by the White House’s CDC complaints, it couldn’t be more clear how badly Trump is twisting in the wind.  This time the truth has been laid bare all year long, despite their cowardly attempts to hide it.  It’s one story, and one story only:  Negligent Federal Pandemic response.

So rather than doing their jobs and actually trying to help the country, the fuckwits just start shotgunning blame.  Now the sons-of-bitches are gonna try to hide it by cooking the books.

See, I really am a lyin’piece ‘o shyt.
At least people are no longer believing the gaslight.

Summer Rain

Only Problem is, it’s not wet, at least not at ground level.  The technical term is “verga.”  Basically it becomes so dry and hot, rain evaporates before hitting the ground.  This stuff didn’t even get close.  Sometimes it will be dark and stormy and you’d swear it’s about to pour, but maybe only a few drops make it all the way down.  Colorado certainly has a very wide variety of weather patterns.  Here’s a couple more verga pics from the other day.

Dry heat on display.

New Kiki

Shouldn’t take long for the “new” part to wear off.  Francie found her at a friend’s farm down by the river east of here.  She’s the runt of the litter, and that makes her really special to us.  Old Kiki was a very small cat, probably a runt as well.  But what she lacked in physical stature was more than offset by an intense fighting spirit.  Kiki was always the one out on the back fence fending off intruders, while the big, lazy tomcat, Marshall stayed inside.

Her sister, Tigger, is obviously much bigger.  I took Kiki to the vet the day after we got her, for a quick checkup, just because she was so small and unsteady at 7 weeks.  He said we should wait a couple weeks for 1st shots due to her small size, but otherwise she seems OK.  

One Last Shitbird

“Gardner strongly supports Trump’s continued efforts to kill the Affordable Care Act, which protects against pre-existing conditions. This, along with expanded Medicaid coverage made possible by the ACA, provides health care for nearly a million residents of Colorado. A Supreme Court decision on the Trump case to kill the ACA is due after the election.”

“Gardner defends federal negligence in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 130,000 Americans and shows little sign of slowing down, as compared with other countries that have managed to bring it largely under control.”

“Gardner was silent when news broke that Russia was paying bounties to Afghan Taliban fighters to hunt and kill American soldiers!”

Sorry for all the cut ‘n paste, but Claudine Schneider sums it up pretty wellThe voting record clearly speaks for itself.  Gardner is obviously now a dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporter.  I imagine Bitch McConnel had his phallus far enough up Cory’s butt to keep him in line for the impeachment, so he’s now a known quantity:  Cocksucking power grabber, with no motivation for anything except staying in office.  Good luck with that, fuckface.

Does McConnel’s cock feel good all the way up your ass?

OBTW – if I see your stupid fucking children in one more TV ad, they will join in the fun here next time.  Just sayin’ – you started it, dickhead.

Lives Don't Matter…

…to what appears to be a large majority of elected officials across this country.  This was becoming apparent for some weeks now, but really hit home here in Colorado yesterday.  Willful ignorance may turn out to be more dangerous than expected in terms of public health.  Good luck.  Those who decline to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

No 2nd waves here. It’ll just keep getting worse come Fall.

Drill down to see how stupid the people are where you live.

Why are we even bothering with testing, at this point?

What's His Angle?

This Trump bitch might have been one of the first to warn about the pandemic clear back in January.  Yet Navarro is still carrying Trump’s water to this day, aggressively inserting “China” and “Chinese” virus into responses to journalist’s questions about economic issues.  Throw in the trade deal bullshit and it becomes quite clear this administration is nothing short of a bunch of bumbling fools.  The so-called “Trade Advisor” cannot even follow his own narrative, as the amateur hour club deliberately sabotages pandemic efforts planning indoor political conventions in Florida while ER’s overflow with Covid victims.  What sort of cretins do that?

How’s that 20/20 hindsight now, bitches?

A "Real" Trump Bitch

I suppose I’ve been overlooking this particular political whore since her involvement has been less overtly outrageous and politically focused than some other members of the Trump gang.  But being a long-running female member of the White House team’s Destroy America from Within Project, It’s time to expose this servile little bitch for what she is.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks to reporters about the coronavirus at the White House in March.

“Today’s announcement is about stopping the Trump administration’s latest effort to steal from working families to give it to the very privileged,”

I wonder how many of Trump’s bitches are starting to wonder about those 2-term promises?  Stupid cunt.
Late Update:  Fuck this whore.

Kiki Is Gone

One day a couple weeks ago she just disappeared.  I’m guessing she got careless and was taken by a coyote or owl, maybe the new neighbor’s dogs.  She is going to be hard to replace.  This cat was the most prolific hunter we ever had.  I’ve been having “critter in the house” drills at least a couple times a week from spring through fall, chasing birds in the basement or mice that didn’t get killed before she brought them in.  At the same time she was the most affectionate cuddler.  Bye-bye Kiki.

Best cat ever.

July 4th 2020

Doubt I’ll get any arguments this year is different.  We keep hearing about inflection points in multiple active national crises.  One thing is not gonna change, if I have anything to say about it.

“Our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence more than 240 years ago, and within the document were certain unalienable rights, for many we continue to strive to live up to that promise. But we believe America is a dream, a dream worth fighting for.”
Best Fireworks from 2020 4th:

I had only the fire:

Taking a long time to get that deck done.

Time for 2-in-the-Hat

Trump clearly chose a path of duplicitous deceit and traitorous crimes against this country.  The legal definition of treason with regard to wartime footing is debatable,  just like his impeachment was “debatable.”  I am calling for this nation’s military leadership to take the necessary action at this time.  Time’s up.

Putin-Loving Piece-o-Shit

“Twenty American service members were killed in combat-related operations in Afghanistan last year, the most since 2014.”

This cocksucker signed a peace agreement with the Taliban two days after he was briefed the Russians were paying their operatives to kill our guys.  Go ahead and send the Secret Service, mutherfuckers.  I’m loaded for bear, with a bad case of insomnia.

Follow your oath to this country.

Stop the threat of Trump-Enhanced Bullshit.

The President who can’t Read.

Are There Enough…

…of these fat, dumb MAGA’s, to get the Virus-in-Chief re-elected?  With the Trump Administration’s overall pandemic response depicted in this single photo, the answer seems certain.

Wow, this is Soooo Great!