WTF is Article 25 for, then?

Der Komissar.

I was calling for it back before the impeachment started.  Now we have a POTUS that probably owes a half billion dollars to Putin standing in front of the nation on live TV refusing to denounce white supremacy.  Oh wait – now I remember!  We don’t use the Constitution any more.  I guess the framers never anticipated an entire cabinet full of criminals surrounding some fool like this would conspire with half the government in a bungled authoritarian power grab.  What a shitshow – debate, administration, court, government and all.

Just listen to the discourse.  Last evening was a culmination of the rotary-oscillator impelled excrement that’s been floating around Washing DC all term.  That’s the problem – people don’t listen to contrary information after they get a particularly comforting idea seated in their head.  All I’ve heard through the impeachment and countless media interviews with everyone on all sides ever since amounts to a complete disregard for all norms of decorum – legally, Constitutionally and morally.  In the backdrop of a pandemic, American politics vainly slashes at itself in the throes of a cartoonish death match.

The GOP strategy has been around forever and it’s called FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt.  You can wrap up literally any and all cockamamie utterances emanating from the Fuckwit-in-Chief under this category.  That’s all they got.  But it sure is enough to create the mess of my lifetime when the President of the United States uses it as his only tool.  When all you got is a hammer…

Colbert nailed it – forget fact checking, they couldn’t do sentence finding:

Cable News Gasbags

Hannity, Carlson, the entire Fox and Friends cast and creators for that matter. – WTF?  I used to be a FOX watcher back in the early 2000s, mainly because it was the only broadcast TV station coming in here fairly clean at the time, before DTV took off.  I’ve caught a snippet here and there in recent years, but remained mostly unaware of just how badly distorted the legally-sanctioned Alt-Right propaganda machine has become.  I mean, they are just spewing bullshyt so fast it makes your head spin.

The FOX take is well, let’s just say, interesting…

McEnany replied by likening the report to a “hit piece” and saying it is a repeat of “the same playbook they tried in 2016.”

They didn’t have the paperwork in 2016.

“The network’s relationship with the White House helped make Fox News summer’s most-watched channel on prime time.”

If wonder if they know how many of those viewers like me just love the entertainment value, laughing and pointing at the TV screen?

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Because I for 1, am ready to kill some people.

IRS Refund

“Trump claimed a $72.9 million refund and that refund is the prime subject of an IRS audit.”

No shyt.  BIG fucking surprise.  The list of criminal complaints against this cocksucker just keeps growing.  It’s not even time for the October surprise yet.  Can’t wait for THAT one.  Nice to know your average disabled vet is paying more Federal Income Tax than the Orange Fuckwit.

Somebody’s got a big, fat throbbing cigar for your ass, mutherfucker.

"The Law is not Adequate"

Of course it’s not adequate to penalize rogue police officers.  it’s designed to protect them.  What did anybody expect?

“What the Kentucky prosecutor said today is that, when three police officers barge into your house in the middle of the night, and shoot you six times, that’s not a crime.”

The scary part is, oppressing minorities might be one of the less critical aspects of “the Law’s” deficiencies.  We have some other niggling issues like pandemics and starvation to consider when treasonous criminals are encouraged in laying waste to our society by “law-abiding” legislators.

Yeah, we definitely have an adequacy issue here.  More than 1.

Careful! We have guns and we’re not real smart.

It's Time for MORE

It’s time to get past the Marijuana thing.  If your body is anything like mine, and I’m pretty typical, by the time you reach 60yo things start wearing out and breaking.  If you’re more like me, you were already breaking stuff a long time ago.  This is what I look like to the Veteran’s Administration at this time.  At least it seems they fast-tracked the C-Spine appeal.  That was starting to get ridiculous.  I’m awaiting the 1st formal response to my recently filed 1151 for the left hip/L4-5 malpractice.  That’s the worst of my medical issues and not even in the mix as far as they are concerned right now.

Depression “not” service connected? OK, whatever.

You’d never know it by just looking at me, but I’m pretty messed up – dual nerve root damages with advanced arthritis everywhere and lots of surgically-installed metal to show for it.  I had a couple scary episodes with prescribed pharmaceuticals, taken as directed in recent years.  I suspect the combination of Tramadol, Venlafaxine and Gabapentin nearly gave me serotonin syndrome.  Etodolac sent me the ER with chest pains.  I doubt my kidneys miss the mass quantities of NSAIDS.  Alot of it is downright toxic.  I’ve swallowed enough pills to kill a horse over the years, but I’m still alive.  I credit The Weed.

They don’t like to admit it, but the medical community doesn’t really have much to treat this type stuff long term, except joint replacements.  I’m living proof of that.  Nada for the neuropathy/radiculopothy.  But Cannabis does the trick.  It’s no cure-all, just an effective home remedy for these sorts of things making life tolerable.  The government and medical community needs to wake up and smell the TerpenesGet with the program.

Here We Go

I’m almost tempted to guess this might be a bolt of brilliance right out of the blue. But if you’re gonna do the herd immunity thing, all this half-assed DIY whatever only prolongs the problem.  On about a millisecond’s consideration, it’s likely more of the same – either just willful ignorance *or* another deed in the ongoing plot to destabilize and eventually overthrow the U.S. government.  Maybe DeSantis thinks the Swedish experiment needs another go in Florida?  After all, it didn’t work the first time around, either in Sweden or Florida.  What was that thing about the difference between smart and dumb people again?

The idiot Kemp from Georgia tried similar shenanigans with the Atlanta mask restriction a couple months ago.  It was pretty clear he was just kowtowing to Trump at the time.  No, what we have here is the beginning of the end for Florida – a state with one of the highest elderly population densities.  They are either too stupid or too ignorant to realize what DeSantis is doing to them and the healthcare system.  Can’t wait to hear Beau’s take on this.

We’ve already seen how pandemic regulatory confusion plays out in countless episodes across the country.  It’s really pretty simple:  Bad things happen and more people get sick and die.  People don’t like being told “livelihood” takes a backseat to “life.”  And there’s still a couple problems with a free society we haven’t quite worked out yet.  Right or wrong, people do what they want, believe what they want, and they see what they want.  Too bad you can’t see Coronavirus.

We’re comin’ to get ya!!

And if the NFL has issues with insurance costs and potential liability, DeSantis said that “maybe we’ll address that after the election here in Florida with the new Legislature.”
Late Update:  Yeah, the 5th Column Perspective was priceless.

The U.S. Senate is Lost

The cocksuckers are totally corrupt.  There is little hope of this ending well, now that Trump has already openly declined to follow the bedrock American principle of free and fair elections.  Keep your powder dry.

It’s no longer a government. It’s an oppressive, dictatorial regime. Not my country.

Seth covers it pretty well.  Dark humor.

Now We Know…

…Why the CDC was impotent to do anything about the virus early in the year.  The one, single MOST important viral outbreak mitigation is testing.  In this case, it was non-existent and slow-rolled, right from the start.  It’s the CDC’s whole reason for being – unless it’s being run by some sort of religious fuckass.

Redfield rejected the medical norms for handling the (AIDS) epidemic and called for a more faith-based approach:

“It is time to reject the temptation of denial of the AIDS/HIV crisis; to reject false prophets who preach the quick-fix strategies of condoms and free needles; to reject those who preach prejudice; and to reject those who try to replace God as judge. The time has come for the Christian community—members and leaders alike—to confront the epidemic,” he wrote. Redfield named the breakdown of family values and increasing number of single-parent households as key factors responsible for the spread of AIDS.”

This useless fatass needs a good case of covid himself, so we can look at filling a new vacancy at the CDC.

Hey cocksucker!! How about giving Gawd a call for us, huh?

I was unsure what his dry, sarcastic demeanor masked at first, but it’s all clear now.   Instead of using the WHO kit like South Korea and other sensible people, we waited for this moron’s garbage that did not work, while the virus spread uncontrolled around the country.  The idiot is a long-standing political appointee with a bible up his ass, and no intention of “directing” the CDC towards anything but a morass of confusion.

The Battle is Joined

Let’s do this, mutherfuckers!

Never thought I’d team up with Microsoft. I hate those fuckers, too.  Fucking rat bastards everywhere.  Funny how a common enemy brings people together.  Shifting attention to the ones we can see today…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I’ve enjoyed dabbling in political punditry with my own irreverent style on the little Stuffisa site here ever since I learned Trump was a treasonous criminal a couple years ago.  Many others in journalism around the world have informed my rants.  But Colorado’s own Mike Littwin caught my attention more than once, with his uniquely insightful breakdowns of the obscure machinations in this country’s government(s).  I’ll leave it to him for summarizing a new facet of the unfortunate political situation we now find ourselves in.

Ruth’s diminutive physical stature belied a giant of the legal profession.  No words I have can do her JUSTICE.  Following the passing of one of our greatest Supreme Court Judges,  all I can do post a pic and sit here crying.

Fighting Cancer for decades, she hung on till the bitter end – but not quite long enough.

Lost Another One

Trump needs something to fabricate election fodder, despite nearly single-digit polling results showing foreign policy anywhere on voter’s radar.  But he can sit his fat ass in front of a piece of paper with a bunch of cronies spouting their benevolence and hard work on this so-called “peace deal.”  It’s just another loaf pinched off the never-ending stream of POTUS bullshyt.

Looks like the Taliban wins.  Seriously.  A bunch of rag-tag mountain men with single-shot rifles ran off an objectively superior military force.  Where have I heard that one before?  The Wiki article titled “Afghan Peace Process” reads like a war story that is in fact, still in progress to this day.

The Orange Fuckwit claims victory as thousands of our children lie dead after 18 years of fighting, while the Taliban victoriously re-enters Kabul.  Nice job, Republicans.

Afghan kids with no place to learn. Are we beginning to understand that concept on some level?

Corroboration, Finally

After dealing with dozens of doctors over the years who like writing drug prescriptions and rarely ever seem to find anything wrong, this was a real breath of fresh air.  I assume partial responsibility for my failures with the medical community, because I just don’t know how to deal with them or trust anybody.

Jeff, the guy from the article, has the exact same cervical spine injury I do.  He literally exactly describes the symptoms I was suffering 7 years ago before getting my shoulder repaired.  Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective, the C6-7 injury was only a contributing factor in the shoulder job, and continued worsening with Degenerative Disc Disease ever since.  Spinal decompression currently maintains it at a lessening tolerable level, but the writing is on the wall:  A spinal fusion surgery for that could eventually be a possibility.

Fast forward to January 8th 2019, where a VA-contracted surgeon skillfully tore open an annular tear at L4-5 during a left hip replacement.  That one’s fused now, but the end result is nerve root damage afflicting me at both ends of my spine.  Looks like we are in the wait-and-see stage with Dr. Donner.

That's My Boys!

(And Girls!) We caught the Russian separatists shooting down an airliner over Ukraine a few years ago.  That was good, but too bad a couple hundred people got killed right afterwards.  This time, the system paid off big time.  Traumatic brain injuries are no fun, but at least nobody got killed.  This type stuff is where defense spending needs to go.  Look up the word “defense” in your favorite dictionary.  Some say the best defense is a good offense.  I’m pretty sure that only applies to football.

Dominance in space is the only advantage we have left. For now.


The Banana Republicans

This is what happens when you make everything political.  Chaos and confusion reign.  It’s no longer about government, governing or anything resembling managing the country.  The following compendium identifies a few perps as co-colluders in the United States’ first concerted attempt to overthrow the government with overt, authoritarian tactics:

Fuck FaceBook

It's Almost Over

Solution, or Root of All Evil?

Kellyanne Cuntway

Nunes the Nincompoop

You Can('t) Make this Shyt Up

Pompeo the Prick


Buck the Russian Cuck

Monkey See…

Boot-Lickin' Barr

The Gentleman from Georgia

Sackless Trump Toady

The Honorable Lyin' Piece 'o Shyt

Fuckassery 101

A "Real" Trump Bitch

Here It Is

Current White House Talking Whore

Well-Cured Excrement

The New 3 Stooges

Chad Wolf is a Servile Little Bitch

HHS Secretary Alex Azar is a Lyin' CockPig

Trump the Fuckwit

So we have the U.S. Attorney General publicly declining to acknowledge the simple fact it is blatantly illegal in every municipal, state and federal law where the topic appears, to vote more than once in an election.   This guy is a real piece o’ work.  It boils down to a bungled overthrow attempt.  Wittingly or not, that’s what they’ve done either directly or in oblivion.

Once these wheels are in motion, they cannot be safely stopped. We are at the tipping point of a failed state.  What it’s about is staying in power by any means necessary.   Corrupting the judiciary was their fail-safe, but quickly spiraled out of control.  The means they have chosen to inform the base is simple, reliable, long-standing and well understood:  Propaganda.  But it needs a receptive audience to be effective.

That last part about understanding propaganda refers to any receptive listeners still on the Trump train.  They are gonna find a bridge out at the end of this tunnel.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar is a Lyin' CockPig

Operation Warp Speed should have been named Operation Warped Politics.  All you need to know this fact is see  Fauci’s demeanor in his most recent interviews compared to Azar’s reaction to pertinent questioning from the media.  I guess they forgot to hit the igniter before turning the gas all the way up on that light – I could almost smell the stench coming from the TV.

The Senate minority leader finally had enough, calling for Azar’s resignation last week.  At least the CDC Director finally grew a pair.  If it’s not a widespread conspiracy to club America into submission with the uncontrolled spread of a deadly virus, it sure looks like one.

“The department defended the actions of Caputo and a top aide, Paul Alexander, after POLITICO first reported that they sought to alter key CDC scientific bulletins and prevent top infectious disease doctor Anthony Fauci from discussing the impact of Covid-19 on children.”

Joblessness impacts mortgages. Better be independently wealthy, mutherfucker.

Covid HVAC Upgrade

This project started back in March as soon as I was able to ambulate after the back surgery and it started looking like the pandemic was not going to go well.  I began by hauling a couple hundred dollars worth of PVC from Home Despot and putting up the prototype with a junk fan to test the hypothesis.  A few months later we were inundated with wildfire smoke and the idea took on a whole new meaning.

Initial results were better than expected.  The basement was no longer a stuffy, closed space without adequate air circulation.  Temps edged closer between the up/downstairs and the air was noticeably cleaner throughout the whole house.  That became quite obvious a couple weeks ago when it nearly got dark here in the middle of the afternoon.  A permanently installed full-blown upgrade was called for.

That filter is the same thing you see hanging off the fender of a big dump truck, probably at least 100 times more efficient than most residential HVAC types.  I believe it’s rated at around 15um single-pass.  But more importantly, it runs continuously in this application.  Something most people don’t realize about filters is they tend to filter better the longer they remain in service.  Trapped dirt adds to filter depth making it more efficient.  Leave ’em in there, as long as flow remains adequate.  That is the same filter I now run on the CTD.  It has not been changed in 5 years, still flowing great, per the filter minder.  I believe the air filter on the Bimmer has been on longer than that.

The UV-C sanitizer is the really  big idea here.  I saw a news story a few weeks ago about one of the local private schools spending a quarter million dollars to upgrade their HVAC with these.  Seemed like a good idea and the light was only $125 – much cheaper than a stay in the ICU.  And again, it runs continuously, not just when the A/C or heat is on.  The vertical column under that filter creates about a 3x larger internal volume per foot than the 4″ PVC running around the basement, so the air column moves more slowly past the sanitizer light, increasing efficiency there as well.  The aquariums give us good humidity stability, so I would not be surprised to find the air quality in this house exceeding the controlled spaces in the best hospitals anywhere in the world.

Putting a 5″ hole in the stairwell wall was a non-trivial task, due to the location requirement – the hole had to be in that exact spot.  There was just enough clearance by the floor joist to get it cut, but it needed a radical, not-well-aligned double 90° bend in the tubing to make it work (duct tape to the rescue).  The PVC duct tees off to the far corners of the basement, where variable-speed fans pull filtered, sanitized air down from the upstairs ceiling.  One basement leg is about 20 feet longer, so that fan runs a step higher to balance flow.

This project can be done in almost any 2-level house for a total of around $500 in materials and equipment.  You might need to go through a floor, or come up with imaginative piping solutions, but the concept is simple – ventilate, filter and sanitize.  It’s a pretty high-value system if you are Covid-sensitive living in a wildfire-prone area.

Functional Empty Space.