Here's Your Election Rigging Evidence

The 2020 election season was interesting for me on a different level than most.  This little blog site started six years ago while I was still working for Lockheed on the SBIRS program.  I’d previously done Systems Security there before flying Ikonos almost nine years with them and DG-Geoeye.  Knowledge of Facebook foibles and other shared social media platforms gave me pause.  So with the tools and skills to go it on my own, that’s exactly what I did.  What I did not realize was it gave me a telling clandestine cyberspace POV, as t’were.

The Blogs are just sort of an online personal journal.  Retirement was approaching, the girls were growing up with lots of changes to keep track of appearing on the horizon.  I’ve never been much for talking on the phone, introverted, so it’s also a good way for family and friends to stay in touch with minimal intervention on anyone’s part.  One of the really cool things for me tho, was exercising enterprise-class network security – sort of a pro-to-hobby transition thing.

Going back even further in my professional history to the early 2000 time-frame, I helped operate a little system called ASIM for HQ AF Space Command at Peterson, along with another box called “the honeypot.”  At that time we were tracking the Russians in Moonlight Maze.  Twenty years later, I have a new pot sitting on the shelf above my desk here at home in Frederick, Colorado.  Things on the CyberSec front were mundane and boring for the most part, with normal background scanning and generic ‘sploit noise.  But the email bots increased dramatically in 2016, along with an alarming number of Russian subscribers!

It was pretty obvious what was going on, with reports starting to pop up in the mainstream media, so I just ignored it with normal user maintenance.  Then Mueller, and the rest is history.  Fast forward to 2020, and it’s time for another go.  I kept close tabs on them this time around and the results were conclusive.  At least one abuse report I submitted pointed to the Microsoft Azure gang of electioneering hackers, taken down just weeks before the election.  Somebody in Russia downloaded my entire site the day after Trump went to Walter Reed.  APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) based in France, Romania, Hong Kong and others made repeated attempts to compromise my WordPress site – a site hosting demonstrably anti-Trump content.

So what?  It almost completely stopped on 3 November 2020.  I guess the money ran out, maybe?  Or the contract only ran until election day?  Today the Orange Fuckwit will be seen on National TV once again decrying election meddling and fraud.  Donny Boy, the biggest liar of them all – Emperor Trump – wears no clothes.

Yep – my word against his.  Not alot of links and supporting evidence.  Actual forensically-preserved relevant data could be released to the appropriate authorities upon request, but I imagine they probably know way more about it than I do by now.  People been having a hard time re-writing authentic digitally-recorded history of accounts for things that actually happened lately – eh Rudy?  Who you gonna believe?

EPILOGUE – Don’t ever forget how this election transpired remains in evidence painting a large swath of people living in the USA today being fine with White Supremacy, Racism, Corruption, Treason and other GOP-hosted niceties, regardless of the veracity of the information they so irresponsibly consume.  That’s just the unwitting supporters.  I’ll always wonder what percentage of ALL voters realized just how close we came to losing this thing – not the election.

190 Fall 2020

Just a quick update on the “inside” piscine pets.  The guys in the big tank (190 gallons) upstairs got a good cleaning and water change the other day.  The population has been very steady for the past few years.  I recently had to euthanize two of the biggest Firemouths after they grew too large  and started tearing up the tank, fighting all the time.  There was a period of a couple months last spring where they were spawning every other week and just going crazy for some reason.

I’m gonna stop in at my favorite Boulder Aquatics specialty shop today and pickup a couple new Garra Ruffas. The 15-year-old one we had finally gave up the ghost last month.  They’ll join the Loaches and Cats on the cleanup crew.  Those Ruffas are great for eating algae off the inside glass.  Took me at least a half hour to get that done the other day.

The glass looked like the back side all the way around.

Late Update, 11/10:  Those little Rosie Reds are almost all gone now.

Root Cause in Your Dreams

This piece ‘o Shyt was outed literally decades ago, yet remains at the helm of the Federal Agency behind the most incompetent, politically perverted pandemic response the world has ever seen.  These fools, including the NIH and other Federal accomplices are responsible for the uncontrolled spread of a deadly virus throughout the country.  Trump is the root cause, with listening to him just the excuse.

FILE – This undated file photo provided by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows CDC’s laboratory test kit for the new coronavirus. (CDC via AP, File)

The fuckers should have been testing the tests in January instead of listening to bloviating fuckwits.  I’d call it dereliction of duty and negligent homicide under a more focused jurisprudence view.  Guess this is just how it goes under authoritarian regimes run by idiots.

Fairy Tale Presidency

Now get the fuck out.

The death march to authoritarian GOP domination stops now, following their Covid-stricken victims to the grave.

Won't Get Fooled Again

Yes we will.  It’s the nature of the business.  But at least maybe if we try to do better, people like Pete Townsend could write some other songs.

John Prine at an apartment on Briarcliff Road during John Prine on campus of Georgia State College – November 12, 1975 at Georgia State College in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. (Photo by Tom Hill/WireImage)
– John Prine (October 10, 1946 – April 7, 2020) Covid-19 victim.

“Trump fatigue lies over the land like a fog that just won’t break.”  Thanks Mike.

Behind the Power Curve

Despite my best efforts to remain hopelessly depressed, deeply buried in the 24×7 news cycle, I somehow missed at least half the Administration’s recent Toady Award-winning antics.  YouTube™ to the rescue!

I lived through the Ugly American thing overseas all over the world with the Air Force for >14 years.  I cannot imagine what the current crop of troops has to look forward to.


Makes you wonder who the boss is in this scenario.

After two major surgeries a year apart early 19-20, the 2nd to correct damage done in the 1st, indications from both are I’m probably lucky to be alive.  Been around this block enough times to know what’s coming up at the corner.  I was worried about the right knee a few weeks ago, but it’s pretty clear what’s up with it now. It’s the same nerve thing that feels like a pair of vice-grips applied to my elbow when the C6-7 part flares.

The topic is a new term I coined myself for the sensation of undergoing major surgery (lumbar fusion in this case) with inadequate anesthetic.  This one definitely gets filed under the “Whatever doesn’t kill ya…”  category.  Even spine doctors need a little education once in awhile:

Subj:  Shaffer / Update
From:  Paul <>
Oct 23, 2020, 7:29 AM
to frontdesk, Michelle, Francie, Phoebe

On 2nd thought, I’m pretty sure I don’t need any more midsection X-Rays. Maybe my last message was misunderstood, but I really just need to hold off on any more medical care for the time being. I thought we were in a Q’n-A session and it was your turn to go. The tele-health thing only goes so far. I just want to thank everyone for getting me taken care of. The rest of this is to Dr. Donner, directly:


Remember getting a call from the recovery room nurse? Put that on the back burner, we’re gonna return to it.

I’ve met at least a dozen doctors in recent years, however you did more for me in 1 day than all the rest of them put together. The new left hip is nice, but it came with a big surcharge. So this was the 1st time I ever met a new doctor with a handshake attached to somebody I couldn’t see a half minute before getting stuck with a discogram machine. Seemed an odd way to meet a new doctor. Is that typical there?

…Maybe it’s related to the next question, so what’s up with Chris’ comment about a little Fentanyl before the procedure? Teasing for a reaction after Thieman referred me as probably just another attention-seeking drug user? The young lady who introduced me to Chris mentioned you see alot of his patients. Probably just me being weird, but that seemed odd too.

I still wonder if “the VA” (meaning individual healthcare personnel directly concerned with me) recognizes just exactly how wrong they got it – all the way through, on many levels, up to and including their (former?) Chief of Orthopedics at the big new Aurora hospital. Acceptance is hard to find without definitive elucidation.

But you’ve certainly mastered the scalpel part. Regardless of your pharmacology skills trying to talk me out of the only medication that ever helped with this nightmare, please discuss any Cannabis-using patients you may have with the anesthesiologist going forward. Those people need more anesthetic – alot more in some cases. Put it on one of your surveys if it’s not already. Then ask again, because despite it’s current legal status in CO, patients may be reticent to talk openly, due to lingering pockets of incorrect orientation on that topic.

Try the epidural if you want to actually be conscious for the whole thing!

Maybe it was all good and that’s just how it goes with these procedures, dunno. And like I wrote on the questionnaire, I am a 100% satisfied customer. But I’m afraid I might inadvertently laugh out loud next time I hear some woman mention the pain of childbirth. That’s coming from a guy thru 2 hip replacements, with the 2nd including a torn L4-5 annulus for good measure. Try rehabbing that. I imagine it could potentially be quite unfortunate for the phytocannabanoid – anesthesia interaction to go wrong in a bigger way on somebody else.

I can still walk at least a bit, seems like a big plus at this point – and I will be eternally grateful for the fusion repair. I just want to know what’s wrong and what to expect. That sentiment hasn’t changed since around the middle of last year either, maybe it won’t ever. That’s why I was planning on attending our last appointment, maybe a c-spine preview, but that would call for a new referral and there’s really no point. The masks hide facial expressions, and I recall hearing you mention you saw all you needed to see last time.


…and THANKS AGAIN to everybody! 🙂

–Paul D. Shaffer, MSgt, USAF (ret.)

LATE UPDATE: Just FYI – Marijuana is a topic on one of the pre-engagement surveys, and I stopped all Cannabis four full days prior. Minor adjustment, or complete oversight? We’ll probably never know.

Pack that Mutherfucker

The Supreme Court, that is.  Building on yesterday’s little high court law lesson leaves us at an interesting judicial juncture.  Installing that Coney cunt the other day calls for a long overdue reckoning.  The old saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely” has been demonstrated true in the U.S. Federal Government.

The Court’s integrity as a discussion point is no longer on the table.  Bitch McConnell and his treasonous senate compatriots have seen to that.  Chief Justice John Roberts once rebuked President Trump’s partisan view of the courts by insisting that “we do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges”  Nice sentiment if only it were true.  Naiveté on the part of a Chief Justice seems so last century.

The Law only means what the people in power want it to mean.

Now it’s time to pack that mutherfucker and get down to business.  I don’t mean even it up.  NO – PACK THAT MUTHERFUCKER!  …WIth a lopsided majority, then start gunning down every goddamned bullshyt Trumpian piece of nonsense flouted through the system in the past 4 years – and make it stick this time.

Kavanaugh Lawgic

It’s kinda like Pseudo-Science – ya know, where virus’ just go away, and pandemics round corners – stuff like that.  Fratboy justice Brett eagerly took the opportunity to demonstrate his ineptitude on The Court yesterday.  Posed with a question about ballot counting, the junior justice impostor referred to a non-precedent, clearly labelled as such, even a law-layman such as myself can understand.  And OBTW, it was of his own making 20 years ago.  Didn’t even have to waste time dreaming that one up.

Who has time to count ballots with the country in shambles?

The Law means FUD.  Overlook oblivious harkening back (because face it – it’s NOT precedent) to his own case in 2000 explicitly disclaiming this exact scenario forseen.  So we get Justass Kuntvanaugh casting “suspicion of impropriety” in an opinion based on as yet unknown future ballot counting outcomes.  I guess pointing out the court’s inability to predict the future seems pointless dissent when the obvious course has already been set.

One thing we can fearfully be certain of beyond any shadow of a doubt is fratboy here has his tounge far enough up the fuckwit‘s ass to taste his breakfast.  Not knowing the law or his job is just a sideshow for this sycophant.  Lawdy, what drivel may we expect from Ms Amy?!

It’s all fake news – everything on Google too.

6-0, Headed for #7 at the Pandemic Bowl

Things almost went south after an impressive 1st half, but they held on for the win.  Will this be the season Pittsburgh emerges as the NFL’s premiere team for the seventh time in history?

Will TJ eclipse big brother as the most feared defensive player in the league this season?

“Or as T.J. Watt put it: “We won, but we’re not happy.”  Sounds like a winner, to me!

It Bears Repeating

This came up a couple years ago when I started wrestling with the worst bout of political cognitive dissonance ever.  The problem then appeared as a vacuum – couldn’t see it at all, much less understand it.  How could this happen?  Talk about frustration.  I’ve noticed that most of the times I’m having trouble and getting frustrated with some mechanical gizmo it’s simply due to not being able to see what I’m doing.  More light, better angle and ultimately the right tool almost always leads to success.

In retrospect, we are far more fortunate than most to have the tools and plenty of light to get the job done.  At this juncture in our country’s political journey, it’s time to try a new angle.  Conservatism as an ideology is not inherently wrong or bad – except when it leverages the wrong angle.  The job’s not getting done and people are dying by the thousands because of it.  Here’s the light:

History really does repeat itself.

Guess I Forgot Ratcliffe

Where do these people come from?  Guy gets rejected for lying on his bio and still ends up DNI (acting?) a couple years later?  Then this clown has the temerity to participate in partisan election meddling in his official DNI capacity.  I’m pretty sure there’s no reason left to trust anything coming out of the government at this point.

Think I’ll spend a little time doing some Ratcliffe review before posting his newly embellished bio intro here…

The Boy's Gettin' Randy

I’m no cat behavior expert, but aren’t these 2 just adorable?!  We’re inside a week to their spay/neuter appointment on the 29th.  Judging by the behavior, I suspect it won’t be a day too soon…

Hey baby, how YOU doin’?!