The Dead Internet

Oh it’s dead alright – long gone. Been complaining out loud since 2017. I alluded to this in my offline post last month. The article fleshes it out in greater detail. I find the alignments interesting and contend it’s not the tech itself – or industry – or government – or any of the myriad factors contributing to it’s abysmal trajectory, enslaving the population. It’s just people misusing it.

When they become personified in the institutions, services and facilities provided, those same functions have a singular societal purpose: To generate more revenue by hook or crook, either way, doesn’t matter. Bad actor’s only distinctions in this ecosystem is nobody has yet figured out how to legally define high tech ethics, one way or the other, much less reach consensus on the topic..

It is, however, an interesting lens through which to view the Internet. That it is no longer for humans, by humans – this is the sense in which the internet we knew and loved is “dead”. The freedom to create and share our thoughts on the internet and social media is what made it so powerful. Naturally, it is this power that bad actors are seeking to control.

Fuck Zuck, Musk, Bezos, etc. Nothing but a bunch of greedy cocksuckers who somehow got to the top of the tech heap early. Gates is laughing all the way to the bank AFTER a multi-billion-dollar divorce.

~ Boiing! ~

Like a compressed spring, the Starliner is readied for launch. The star imagery gets lost on me. We’re burning more hydrocarbons than an entire small town uses to heat their homes all winter just reaching orbit in one shot.

Then comes a crewed Starship, at some point soon. The Boeing vs. Space-X saga continues, with illusory bottom lines shifting faster than the shade I been throwing on Boeing for twenty years. I’m sure the astronauts have all their affairs in order.

The bottom line is that Boeing technically earned the flight software milestones in its commercial crew contract. But by not putting in the work for an end-to-end test of its software, the company failed its final exam.

Failure is not an option, mutherfuckers.

Stack OverFuck

Anybody who didn’t see this coming up 6th Avenue has tons of Meta® and Google® adds popping up everywhere thanks to their sponsorship, as well. 😉

Users who disagree with having their content scraped by ChatGPT are particularly outraged by Stack Overflow’s rapid flip-flop on its policy concerning generative AI. For years, the site had a standing policy that prevented the use of generative AI in writing or rewording any questions or answers posted. Moderators were allowed and encouraged to use AI-detection software when reviewing posts.

Time to start covering your tracks, people. Gen up a good AI game-plan if you have any valuable intellectual property. Everything’s for sale somewhere. lotsa Stuff is already comprimised. Think AI hallucinations might be an issue?

Stack Overflow users sabotage their posts after OpenAI deal.

Shakedown -Bob Seger

Divine Artificial Intelligence

Politics and Tech with the Pope himself headlining. Imagine that.

“It is the first time in history that a pontiff will take part in the workings of a G7,” Meloni said in a video message.

I’ll give you three guesses why. It’s not because AI is anything for normal, rational people to be too concerned with. Maybe WRT the ongoing tech support conundrums. And it’s not because AI represents something church dogma is ill-equipped to deal with by any stretch. The fear-mongering fucker is in existential jeopardy himself.

I can already tell you what his regulations envision, whether they’ve written them down yet, or not. They will try to restrict models containing non-secular information, strictly censor those models, and enact punitive measures against anybody or anything daring to corrupt their version of divinity, supported in such tripe(2).

People ask alot of questions. The church has a new rival in the answer business. Actual omniscience is likely to eventually become the pinning under which traditional religion ceases to exist as we know it today.

Goddamn Devil -Ugly Kid Joe

New Netgear

Comcast was commissioned here on a new switch to replace the old no-name Chinese bargain-basement unit that served well for many years. I try to upgrade/replace stuff before it fails in some cases, like the important infrastructure. Wish more of my tax dollars got pointed in that direction with every new wheel-bending pothole traversed. Imagine if better collision-avoidance measures had been built into an upgraded Baltimore Bridge. Have I mentioned my 20/20 hindsight before?

Micro$oft Again

The funny thing to me is, this has been here forever. I been tellin’ people there’s gremlins in these things – ya think? It’s like listening to the news on the car radio when the story about ur defective tire’s lawsuit comes on.

Better send these off to the tire pile early.


LATE UPDATE: No wordpress migration issues this time – woot-woot! I just did it manually, piece-by-piece with the maintainer’s instructions, and everything worked perfect. Maybe the import/export parsing’s improved in recent years, dunno. Good luck using the Debian wiki. Seemed odd to even mention the maintainers that way, but oh well – interoperability’s a bitch sometimes…

Should check the records for accuracy, but looks like my DSL connection lasted like 6-7 years this time. It’s a new record! That was around the last time we changed ISP’s, IIRC. It’s still going, I’m just not using it. I suspect it was hacked, dunno. Time-wasting forensics foregone, I decided to re-architect things with Comcast. I had a couple ideas for better ways of doing this with some upgraded hardware anyway. Michelle’s Dexter® business needs carved out of my network nonsense. Centurylink® will be upstairs Internet, going forward.

Things arbitrarily stopped forwarding for some reason on or about 15 MAR, returning failed reset and configuration attempts for a few days. WiFi stayed online during troubleshooting, but Internet access eventually dropped, leading to a factory reset on the 18th, restoring connectivity. Not sure what’s going on with Centurylink®, but the service level dropped noticeably in the past year, with regularly expected congestion periods during evenings and weekends. Once again, a network change seemed called for.

New C-link modem arrived two days later, but I waited until the following weekend for a full dynamic diagnosis with the DSL monkeys, so as not to interrupt Michelle with the swap-out. That Centurylink® reset really resonated, but their awful tech support disappoints. That’s the last time they’ll reset my modem without permission during troubleshooting. It belongs to Michelle now. Comcast® has to deal with me for awhile again, and I have a network diagram update to do. First came a new switch upgrade, including all-new re-loads in everything live on the wire with a chip in it. Here’s one reason why I no longer trust any-body or any-thing.

Interesting 1st blush Comcast observation belies similarly brain-dead tech support, underlying a much bigger, faster network, with all the same ne’er-do-wells prowling around. Sticking my toes in gingerly, surprised to see upwards of 90% of traffic visits pulling 404’s pointing to the WordPress site. I thought online docs were the most popular, at least according to Google Analytics. That Bosch injection pump manual had more downloads than everything else combined. Looks like it’s all cached everywhere.

Sorry for focusing on the cybercrime while offline. I was one of the OG cybercops. The ongoing online list for why anybody gives a shyt about the Internet resumes here now.

Beautiful Dream -World Party

Better Off?

Cliff Dweller

New Mansions in the Neighborhood.

FSK Bridge from the Right-Wing Perspective

Chinese hackers running free.

Not-So-True People Search

Putin and his regime have weapons, but they can’t sit on them and they can’t eat them. They’re good for killing Ukrainians and jailing Russians, but they can’t save a regime from its fatal flaws.

Favorite toons saved here to mark Stuff’s offline time…

25 MAR
22 MAR
19 MAR
19 MAR
18 MAR
17 MAR
Starting around 15 MAR.

Not So True People Search

The truth is that these people-search companies will continue to thrive unless and until Congress begins to realize it’s time for some consumer privacy and data protection laws that are relevant to life in the 21st century.

Good luck with that.

Code Monkeys Gettin’ Antsy

Like 9-11, when we couldn’t find the Shanksville jet because all the radars were pointing in the wrong direction?

“This is a reminder that any organization can be affected by a cyber vulnerability and having an incident response plan in place is a necessary component of resilience.”

In-house guy who forgot to check those boxes, right?

Search for Boeing

Just On Stuff. Been talking about it since before I retired from USAF. Been writing about it for at least a couple years. The last conversation I had with a Boeing employee was standing in front of a comm rack at the SBIRS facility in Boulder. We’d been waiting for the new links to go live for a few hours when I decided to go check on them. He was in the middle of swapping out a crypto module when I walked up looking over his shoulder and jokingly quipped you guys know what you’re doing? IIRC he replied simply saying “I’m competent.” I stuck around and helped him key the box, but detected a little eye roll as if to suggest maybe all four of that particular gang here that day weren’t.

Having been exposed to both sides of the customer/contractor fence in DoD aerospace contracting from the purely military perspective, I shudder to think what shenanigans go on in the private sector. The human factor always looms large. If I had a nickle for every time I had to ask who was the last one touched it… Try doing that job as a COMSEC inspector.

Lawsuit says seat belt saved passenger after door blowout.

Tik Fucking Tok My Ass

Money for Nothing -Dire Straits

If there’s one thing the Chinese are really good at, it’s imitation. We been through it already with Zuckerboy, Musky, et al, busily evading responsibility for exploiting social media’s dark side since forever. I guess the government only gets really worried about it when the threat becomes existential to themselves.

In Small Part…

Mandiant Threat Intelligence reported in June 2019 that the People’s Republic of China created a network of hundreds of inauthentic multilanguage accounts across social media, including on TikTok, and attempted to “physically mobilize protesters in the U.S.”

As part of this campaign, short videos on TikTok and other platforms discrediting Chinese dissidents and U.S. officials were created and promoted to the feeds of U.S. citizens. Many of the videos provided the targeted individuals’ contact information and home addresses, Mandiant said.

In 2021, the PRC sponsored a campaign that targeted Asian Americans with thousands of posts urging them to protest the profiling of Asians in the U.S. on April 24 in New York City. The posts, illustrated with a large wrist smashing the “whites,” urged Asian Americans to “fight back.” Mandiant observed later reports saying that the protest was “successful,” with other minority groups joining the Asian Americans.

There’s no end to the options and opportunities out there if you need an Internet platform to advertise some product, good or service. Free access to a big user base certainly is valuable, but free is never REALLY free. Just figure out what it’s worth to you, personally.

Free Ride -Edgar Winter

Army Grabbing at Straws Again

ALARMIST RHETORIC: Today, the U.S. Air Force faces an almost-existential crisis… The U.S. military is woefully unprepared for warfare in this newly contested subdomain of the air littoral. Needless to say, the U.S. drone inventory looks nothing at all like Ukraine’s. It is a fraction of its size and scale, focusing on small numbers of highly advanced systems.

Boils down to old retired military dudes in a pissing contest, but I have questions. Is the honorable retired general unaware how drone technology has been a high-priority USAF focus ever since Gates fired the Air Boss back in…? Maybe he didn’t get the memo about ongoing Ai integration in the CCA program? I’ll forgive him for being ahead of the times Billy Mitchell was sinking battleships in this same scenario.

I am somewhat familiar with how the Army operates, and please believe me when I say they never seem to be opposed to doing things the hard way. He contradicts himself with a link to our own massive drone inventory. No, what we have here is an old ground pounder waxing nostalgic on the glory days before the zoomies started having all the military fun. I agree his guys need better localized drone protection. Try slicing up the Army budget correctly first, before eyeing bigger shares of DoD – and whenever they get in a real hot spot (not a 1-off blunder), just radio the nest locations and we’ll cluster the whole outfit with one shot, for ya. 😉

Give Up the Funk -Parliament

For the Benefit of All Humanity

Quizzical skepticism is always my first reaction when i hear Elon is up to no good again. It’s like, aw crap, what’s he tryin’ to pull now? At least alot of the other leading MAGA fuckwits seem to stay in their respective lanes of dis-ingenuity. Didn’t take long for some of the underpinning details to surface. Seems Musky‘s idea of beneficence to mankind focuses mostly on his $Billions and how it benefits him personally.

SpaceX fosters serial sexual abuse.

Go away, raging billionaire incel – for the benefit of all humanity, for fuck’s sake!
Scared Ketchup rocks.

Now We’re Really in a Pickle

Been outta the biz professionally for almost ten years, so honestly have no real clue what’s going on at the zero line these days. Back in the day, sharp keyboard jockeys would be careful un-zipping stuff. Now it’s in a pickle. Same shyt, different day?

Supply chain vulnerabilities are so ubiquitous and insidious it’s just amazing, to me. Am I wrong to feel like my whole career was based on a big house of cards? I find the Github issues particularly disturbing. Apart from the state-sponsored espionage world, impactful malware and cybercrime effects have traditionally been quite imminently tangible. Trying to remember around when/where it was people might have begun suspecting they were even working with a clean code-base?

FROM THE COMMENTS: Considering that AI models are black boxes generally lacking source code or documentation… It can’t be considered surprising that there’s malware lurking in some of them.

AI pervades everyday life with almost no oversight. States scramble to catch up.

BUCKLE UP: Trump supporters ‘share AI-generated images’ of ex-president with Black voters.

One of Several Reasons I Hate M$

They’ve always been they’re own worst enemy. Long story short:

Microsoft patched a high-severity Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability in February, six months after being informed that the flaw was being exploited as a zero-day.

Windows users are advised to install the February 2024 Patch Tuesday updates as soon as possible to block Lazarus’ CVE-2024-21338 attacks.