Maslow's Covered

Not sure why I got into the tech industry on the security front >35 years ago.  I suppose being thrust into the military with a willingness to do whatever, being stationed in Germany when the Wall went down was a factor.  But that’s what I did for the most part – systems, physical, personnel, crypto – sometimes simultaneously depending on how poorly resourced the unit at hand was.

Guess I’m lucky enough to have made my past profession a current hobby.  That’s a nice benefit considering the now ambulatory-restricted health condition I find myself in.  In fact I’m certain the desk-bound nature of my last couple jobs with Lockheed is the only reason I made it as far as I did.  Those long walks across Schriever were getting increasingly tiring.

So the current project on the 5712 tech home front is migrating off a long-running Synology NAS.  That is a great system with few complaints from me.  It’s well-designed and easy for non-techies to use.  But (BIG but) it’s proprietary, with limited functionality and high initial outlay and O&M risk.  The biggest part of that “but” involves software security in today’s politically charged cyber war.  In case nobody noticed, the next U.S. Civil War has been in progress on the cyber front for a few years now.

I won’t be waiting around to see if Synology eventually becomes another Solarwinds-type casualty on the cyber battleground.  It’s a bit tedious setting things up manually to manage the cameras with FTP server scripts, but probably alot easier than dealing with Synology and the software community generally speaking, in the long run.

Chuck Yeager, 1923-2020

Retired United States Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager prepares to board an F-15D Eagle from the 65th Aggressor Squadron Oct. 14, 2012, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. In a jet piloted by Capt. David Vincent, 65th AGRS pilot, Yeager is commemorating the 65th anniversary of his historic breaking of the sound barrier flight Oct. 14, 1947, in the Bell X-1 rocket research plane named “Glamorous Glennis.” Yeager was awarded the prestigious Collier Trophy in 1948 for this landmark aeronautical achievement. Master Sgt. Jason Edwards

Cybersecurity Exam

Results certified and posted. Vlad and the FSB failed.

Now if Georgia could just PLEASE follow suit…

Here's Your Election Rigging Evidence

The 2020 election season was interesting for me on a different level than most.  This little blog site started six years ago while I was still working for Lockheed on the SBIRS program.  I’d previously done Systems Security there before flying Ikonos almost nine years with them and DG-Geoeye.  Knowledge of Facebook foibles and other shared social media platforms gave me pause.  So with the tools and skills to go it on my own, that’s exactly what I did.  What I did not realize was it gave me a telling clandestine cyberspace POV, as t’were.

The Blogs are just sort of an online personal journal.  Retirement was approaching, the girls were growing up with lots of changes to keep track of appearing on the horizon.  I’ve never been much for talking on the phone, introverted, so it’s also a good way for family and friends to stay in touch with minimal intervention on anyone’s part.  One of the really cool things for me tho, was exercising enterprise-class network security – sort of a pro-to-hobby transition thing.

Going back even further in my professional history to the early 2000 time-frame, I helped operate a little system called ASIM for HQ AF Space Command at Peterson, along with another box called “the honeypot.”  At that time we were tracking the Russians in Moonlight Maze.  Twenty years later, I have a new pot sitting on the shelf above my desk here at home in Frederick, Colorado.  Things on the CyberSec front were mundane and boring for the most part, with normal background scanning and generic ‘sploit noise.  But the email bots increased dramatically in 2016, along with an alarming number of Russian subscribers!

It was pretty obvious what was going on, with reports starting to pop up in the mainstream media, so I just ignored it with normal user maintenance.  Then Mueller, and the rest is history.  Fast forward to 2020, and it’s time for another go.  I kept close tabs on them this time around and the results were conclusive.  At least one abuse report I submitted pointed to the Microsoft Azure gang of electioneering hackers, taken down just weeks before the election.  Somebody in Russia downloaded my entire site the day after Trump went to Walter Reed.  APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) based in France, Romania, Hong Kong and others made repeated attempts to compromise my WordPress site – a site hosting demonstrably anti-Trump content.

So what?  It almost completely stopped on 3 November 2020.  I guess the money ran out, maybe?  Or the contract only ran until election day?  Today the Orange Fuckwit will be seen on National TV once again decrying election meddling and fraud.  Donny Boy, the biggest liar of them all – Emperor Trump – wears no clothes.

Yep – my word against his.  Not alot of links and supporting evidence.  Actual forensically-preserved relevant data could be released to the appropriate authorities upon request, but I imagine they probably know way more about it than I do by now.  People been having a hard time re-writing authentic digitally-recorded history of accounts for things that actually happened lately – eh Rudy?  Who you gonna believe?

EPILOGUE – Don’t ever forget how this election transpired remains in evidence painting a large swath of people living in the USA today being fine with White Supremacy, Racism, Corruption, Treason and other GOP-hosted niceties, regardless of the veracity of the information they so irresponsibly consume.  That’s just the unwitting supporters.  I’ll always wonder what percentage of ALL voters realized just how close we came to losing this thing – not the election.

Internet Anonymity

It’s the new bandanna – I call it my bandito-kerchief, donned at the doorways of all public buildings I enter these days, fewer and less frequently than ever before.  100 years ago they only showed up on the occasional bank robber or cattle rustler around here.  2020’s bandito-kerchief is called Internet Anonymity.

Despite online service providers’ attempts to reign in the problem, it’s not going away, because it simply cannot.  The ease and speed with which bogus accounts may be created and exploited on various social media platforms fuels their cash engines.  Zuckerberg could not possibly care less who or what generates his revenue, as long as he can stay on the right side of the law – law only recently going into development.

Take this blog for example.  There is little to be found here not contained in public records or seen by simply walking past 5712 Wetland Loop on the sidewalk.  The problems start, where people have things to hide.  The Internet is showing it’s teeth after a 20-year gestation period.  It’s hungry and social media is feeding it the wrong information.

Knock, knock – who’s there?

In “Book III of Odes,” circa 20 B.C., Horace wrote: ‘Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.’

The Battle is Joined

Let’s do this, mutherfuckers!

Never thought I’d team up with Microsoft. I hate those fuckers, too.  Fucking rat bastards everywhere.  Funny how a common enemy brings people together.  Shifting attention to the ones we can see today…

That's My Boys!

(And Girls!) We caught the Russian separatists shooting down an airliner over Ukraine a few years ago.  That was good, but too bad a couple hundred people got killed right afterwards.  This time, the system paid off big time.  Traumatic brain injuries are no fun, but at least nobody got killed.  This type stuff is where defense spending needs to go.  Look up the word “defense” in your favorite dictionary.  Some say the best defense is a good offense.  I’m pretty sure that only applies to football.

Dominance in space is the only advantage we have left. For now.


Likin' Centurylink

They re-organized as “Centurylink” so I gave them another shot, despite vowing that particular band of thieves would never get another penny out of me after the Qwest bankruptcy scandal.  Something must be going right.  It’s a 2-channel DSL billed at $45/mo for 60/6 and always runs a bit higher, with few exceptions.  I was starting to think a solid, trouble-free connection was unobtanium.  Best part is I’m on the fixed price plan.  They say my price will never go up.  We’ll see.

That low latency is what makes it fast.

Too bad I don’t really need it like alot of school kids falling behind across the country right now.

Solar Time Lapse

I just thought this was so cool:  “Every second of the 61-minute video represents images taken over a single day, starting on June 2, 2010, with the last frame captured on June 1, 2020.”

F$cebook Needs F$cked

It took awhile for people to realize Facebook never was anything other than a way to extract advertising money from people’s private information.  Zuckie thought he had a lock on things with Donnie’s little dick stuffed way up his anal canal, after it became a propaganda tool for political undesirables.  Good luck with that, mutherfucker.

Good luck protecting those profits!

Crew Dragon, Baby!!

It’s been a long time coming.  Space-X and NASA did us proud, at a time when we really needed it.  The greatest American space achievement so far this century was unfortunately overshadowed by civil rights unrest last week, so I waited to add a couple extra follow-on clips to round out the post.  Congratulations to Elon, Space-X, NASA and the whole team of contractors and suppliers!  Once again U.S. leads the way to space.  Best pics.

No more Russkie rides for us.

Chinese Gettin' Antsy

Background network noise coming out of China has started climbing noticeably again.  Haven’t seen much in the way of email bot traffic like a few years ago, but those were mostly Russian.  Chinese scanning and generic exploit bot activity has ramped up considerably in just the past month.  The lion’s share reaching my server is shown on the thickest red line below:

Here they come again.

The scary part about this is what we don’t see.  Check your passwords, and remember Moonlight Maze.

Pixel Zoom

Early sun on a clear day makes for a pretty mountain picture around here.  I took the opportunity this morning to do a little zoom demo with the Pixel 3:

Biggest issue I see with the zoom is the image file resolution appears to be a watered-down, smaller size.  It’s pretty clear in the loss of detail.  Google Pixel zoom fail.  Either software extrapolation is not really all it’s cracked up to be, or the next big hardware advance is waiting in the wings.  Starting to look forward to the model 5.  Glad I did not sample the 4, beset with an inadequate battery and other issues un-expected from the Pixel group.