White House Pill Mill

Worst part is they were buying the brand name stuff. Probably had some Pfizer and Eli Lily lobbyists approving orders.

Through in-person inspections and interviews with over 120 officials, the report concluded “that the White House Medical Unit provided a wide range of health care and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and regulation and DoD policy. Additionally, the White House Medical Unit dispensed prescription medications, including controlled substances, to ineligible White House staff.”

Leading MAGA Fuckwits

If these two spent half the time and energy doing their job they do supporting illicit power grabs, we’d have a balanced budget and world peace.

Lies of Omission

….They’re particularly useful to politicians with ulterior motives and their own real interests to hide. Haley is and always was a Trumplican, wholly responsible for the debacle in the “Stan, as the U.N. Ambassador at the time. Whether she made the deal or failed to stop it, either way, I hold her 100% responsible. You can be sure she’ll never mention a word about the topic, because it’s one area of her so-call political expertise that leaves a huge black mark on the history of this nation. There’s a Pandora’s Box more to come…

I’ll be leaning more to posting pointed uToob™ clips with author credit only, as opposed to link-backs due to their business model running afoul of reasonable client-server relationships. Financing this stuff with advertising was never a great idea – about as great an idea as petrochemicals behind rubber seals in the automotive world. It made alot of people alot of money for a long time. But those days are over now, at least as far as I am concerned, in the long view.

Beau of the 5th Column Toober…

One Kid with a Gun?

Originally published immediately following the horrific Uvalde incident. It bears repeating in light of the Justice report today. Beau lays it out.

And they need a Command Post? Biggest LE response in Texas history for one kid with a gun and they need a FUCKING COMMAND POST!? Seriously?

“In this crisis, no responder seized the initiative to establish an incident command post,”

I’ll settle for anyone with half a pair.

If you were a cop on scene in Uvalde that day and stopped anybody from going in instead of going in right behind them, you are a fucking coward.

Jeopardy -Greg Kihn Band


Credit to Colbert for this one – a scrotum that can also be a vagina. I found it interesting how it’s lawyer comes right out openly admitting her stupidity and deceit on a podcast.

X Users reacted after the clip was shared on the platform. One user replied, “Trump is on tape talking about how his (failed) airline employees didn’t need to be qualified if they look good. I guess he hasn’t changed his hiring strategy.” Another added, “Sound legal strategy from Trump.” A third X user wrote, “Her interviews are more honest than her court filings.”

Dan Bishop: Living, Breathing Oxymoron

“The problem that exists now is the problem that has existed all along, which is that there is a significant body of the Republican conference who will not fight to achieve meaningful conservative gains,” the North Carolina Republican said.

Not real familiar with this fuckwit personally, but he sure seems to tow the fuckass-freedom-cockass-party line. What was that about meaningful conservative gains, again? Shutting down the government for political blackmail? Lemmings like this dickhead need to be running post-haste to Baron von Fatfuck’s comeuppance.

Deal rejection is their specialty. One of the problems with these type in”duh”viduals is oft’times the wronger they are, the more stubborn they get.

How you like mongerin’ that fear now, mutherfucker?
The Royal Scam -Steely Dan

Yeah, Fuck Tony Dungy

“The next time you think you’re underqualified for a job remember there is somebody at NBC who was paid to come to the conclusion that what NFL fans want is more of Tony Dungy’s opinions during games,” one fan wrote.

Here’s my opinion of the mutherfucker FWIW.

Media fuckwits need to steer clear of religion and politics unless they are reporting factual news – even if it’s just NFL politics

Iowa Repugs Batshyt Crazy

I wonder if the total lack of self awareness and brazen selfish stupidity will become a real motivator at some point? How will the brain cells respond confronted with sudden, complete, deep-seated cognitive dissonance of existential gravity? Must be the mental corollary to corporeal death.

POS belongs behind bars.

Marijuana Not So Bad

Ya think? 80-some years to de-bunk this capitalist fraud? Hope it doesn’t take so long with that Lying Anus-Faced Treason-Weasel. The Leafly rundown.

Marijuana abuse does lead to physical dependence, the analysis noted, and some people develop a psychological dependence. “But the likelihood of serious outcomes is low,” the review concluded.

I’m not even reading it. Wonder if they make any distinction between the plethora of major and minor Cannabanoids? If not, it’s a just a huge well-documented government anecdote. Imagine what they’d find in the same study with alcohol. It’s not even scheduled, but would qualify for Schedule-II minimum, if they were honest about it..

Kentucky distillers one of the big blocks keeping fuckwits like McConnel in Congress.

Death Threats

Can somebody please just start issuing them to these fuckwits?

In a hearing before the D.C. Circuit Court, the former president’s lawyers argued that he should be immune from criminal prosecution for his role in the attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. This argument has an obvious flaw: It implies that the president is above the law. Such a blunt rejection of the Constitution and the basic concept of American democracy is too much even for Trump to assert—publicly, at least—so his lawyers have proposed a theory. They say that he can’t be criminally prosecuted unless he is first impeached and convicted by Congress.

Record Low in U.S. Satisfied With Way Democracy Is Working. Ya think?

Team Trump struggles mightily with the ‘assassination’ question. They just keep steppin’ on it, harder and harder, over and over again. The hubris and arrogance must stop.

May every Mango Menace supporter draw your last breath soon.

Genocide Matters

Why? Because it’s becoming a more popular political tool again, worldwide.

However, even if Israel loses this round, it probably will not comply. The same journal post observes that only about 50 per cent of “provisional measure” cases achieve compliance. In high-stakes conflicts, states have fewer incentives to comply with the court.

But when was the last time evil cocksuckers met their obligations and agreements?