Nancy Mace: It’s All About Her

This little POS fucksack sat on ABC This Week literally simply refusing to answer questions, repeatedly referring to nothing but herself in every single response. The hubris and condescending immoral inanity is just amazing.

Repeatedly bleating about being Stephanopolous’ shame target, the bitch rightly ought to be ashamed. Her demeanor and low-info political whoring is IMHO, well beyond shameless. It’s disgusting, un-American, and downright traitorous at this point. I totally get how declining to confirm your support for a convicted rapist with 91 felony counts against him must feel pretty goddamned shameful. Were you asking for it when the Liar-in-Chief laid a little infrastructure pipe down your tonsils after that one rally?

The MAGA whore shame is palatable.

Fuck the Pope V

What, no surrender suggestions for the Palestinians, yet? Jews not worthy of your full support for some reason? Looks like the Catholics have taken sides with Russia. Stupid curmudgeon can take his white flag straight to Hell. He sits on his throne pontificating while the world burns. What a fuckwit.

ROME, March 9 (Reuters) – Pope Francis has said in an interview that Ukraine should have what he called the courage of the “white flag” and negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow’s full-scale invasion two years ago and that has killed tens of thousands.

The only courage this piece of shit knows is how to hide his dishonesty, begging for money from his poor followers.

Keep suckin’ hard on that Putin cock, mutherfucker. Dictating the Gawd stuff is so much easier than dictating the real stuff, with illusory mortal fear at your behest, eh?

Hyde-Smith: Embryonic Imbecile

“I support the ability for mothers and fathers to have total access to IVF and bringing new life into the world. I also believe human life should be protected,” Hyde-Smith said.

Cunt seems a bit confused about some of the more fundamental concepts surrounding life on this planet. Wonder if that chicken-before-the-egg riddle ever ran through her low bandwidth, politically-crippled mind?

I don’t see the stinking bitch’s name on this list.

Probably be the first one to vote against funding continued Gaza airdrops.

Baron von Fatfuck Pumps the Bo-Bitch

“Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a Proven Conservative and Effective Leader who delivers for Colorado, and our America First agenda,” Trump said…

Should’ve mentioned how she effectively led her marriage to divorce and son’s delinquency to a full-fledged crime spree, only just recently. What’s left after the guns, groping and generally shameful behavior?

Makes total sense. Birds of a feather, eh?

Kevin Stitt: Political Apologist

Even as most every one of these Trumpist cocksuckers in Congress nodded their heads in lockstep to kill the best border deal ever at Napoleon Bonespur’s behest, just recently…

As if this doesn’t end up with Florida smoking meth and pissing on the Alamo while a drunk Tennessee gives swirlies to that square — OK, that square with a panhandle — Oklahoma in the gift shop bathroom, as Texas tries to explain that there’s still quite a bit of Texas south of San Antonio, so please keep driving.

Yes, they will likely fuck it all the way up well before they even reach the border. I believe Clint Eastwood called it a clusterfuck. Team Trump email dried up. Must be outta money.

Everything’s just fine in Oklahoma. It’s all Biden’s fault.
And the mainstream media just repeats whatever they’re told, for the most part. Wonderful.

In Other Air Force News

Hours before the self-immolation, Bushnell wrote on his Facebook page, “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

Oddly, nothing in this feed leaned right. Nothing from AF Public Affairs ATT, either. Friends struggle to comprehend.

The opportunity to live-stream on Facebook™ is the primary instigating factor.