Man On The Run

He be runnin’ from Columbia with his tail between his legs and from more political boogeymen than MTG can shake a stick at. The unsurprising outcry at college campuses across the country should be a wake-up call for fuckwits like this. But when politics by other means gets a good grip on the collective psyche, political scores carry big bonus points.

I’m hesitant to give the commensurate crime/politics tags, were it not for the regrettable, in many cases, criminal outcomes last week. The only significant crime here is MAGA mouthpieces supporting religious violence and bigotry. Everybody knows who’s fault the whole mess really is. We’ll figure it out after the Brits step up and take responsibility.

Many students who showed up to protest Johnson’s remarks also cast him as an opportunist. They interrupted him throughout his remarks, chanting “free, free Palestine,” and shouting “liar,” “get off our campus,” and “criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.” At one point, when students’ chants of “we can’t hear you” became overwhelming, Johnson paused and smirked before quipping, “enjoy your free speech.” 

That Virginia Fox fuckwit might actually be medically demented.
Man on the Run -Molly Hatchett

Jimmy Jerk-Off Jordan Again

“You’re up next, Insurrectionist,” he then added. “Remember, Donald never gave you your preemptive pardon. If SCOTUS agrees to Trump’s presidential immunity grift, that means Joe Biden sends you to a black ops site with all of your Congressional insurrectionist co-conspirators. Have a great weekend.”

This is not Dems criticizing the jr. fuckwit. It’s his own MAGA creepsters.

Divine Artificial Intelligence

Politics and Tech with the Pope himself headlining. Imagine that.

“It is the first time in history that a pontiff will take part in the workings of a G7,” Meloni said in a video message.

I’ll give you three guesses why. It’s not because AI is anything for normal, rational people to be too concerned with. Maybe WRT the ongoing tech support conundrums. And it’s not because AI represents something church dogma is ill-equipped to deal with by any stretch. The fear-mongering fucker is in existential jeopardy himself.

I can already tell you what his regulations envision, whether they’ve written them down yet, or not. They will try to restrict models containing non-secular information, strictly censor those models, and enact punitive measures against anybody or anything daring to corrupt their version of divinity, supported in such tripe(2).

People ask alot of questions. The church has a new rival in the answer business. Actual omniscience is likely to eventually become the pinning under which traditional religion ceases to exist as we know it today.

Goddamn Devil -Ugly Kid Joe

Fuck Alito

Mutherfucker asks alot of questions.

‘Well, you know if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. He’s subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else.’ You don’t think he’s in a special, a peculiarly precarious position?”

Yeah, he’s a special cocksucker, just like you. That’s why we need protection from you fuckwits. I see the Supreme Cunt’s message system seems offline today. Imagine that.

You can stick your old white guy bullshyt straight up your nazi ass.
This one got in.

Couldn’t Agree More

Elon Musk is one of the leading right wing trolls in the world. He’s gone out of his way to transform his public image from swashbuckling entrepreneur to assholio dickwad.

He seems to have well-learned the exploiting workers part from his dad. I used to be all excited about Tesla and still love some of those cars. I’d be driving one in a heartbeat if I needed an urban commuter, except for one thing: Musk himself.

The real reason Tesla is tanking: Musk’s political self-sabotage.

Sign might as well read “Tesla Corporate HQ.”

The Aptly Named David Pecker

Who better to screen a rocky, decades-long run treating women as trophys and toys coming up against the hard place of a Presidential campaign, than the sensationalist soft-brain faux-news source himself?

The defense says influencing an election is just democracy in action. Strange how they obtusely continue admitting everything the Fuckwit is accused of. It makes perfect sense considering the mod-us operand-i of most criminal organizations: Lying, cheating and stealing. I have a strong opinion on lying, which says that lies of omission can be some of the worst.

If you’re the type of person who believes it’s OK to manipulate the news media in this manner, you can suck my dick and choke on it. Lots of stuff boils down to a simple matter of the difference between what you do and don’t know to be factual information in certain situations. BOLO for politicians trying to get more power with less truth.

Fake news dealer.

Slava Ukraine!

Pass this, mutherfuckers.

Some of these Twitter® faction fuckwits seem to think the Treasury Secretary‘s writing a check to Zelensky, or some shyt. At least that’s how they frame it for the base. The idea they’d have no clue how it works doesn’t seem unreasonable, so fair enough. I heard about a guy who just bought a new truck with all the overtime he banked from the ammo factory. Thought it odd how almost all reporting leaned right or far right on this. Morons.


LATE UPDATE: No wordpress migration issues this time – woot-woot! I just did it manually, piece-by-piece with the maintainer’s instructions, and everything worked perfect. Maybe the import/export parsing’s improved in recent years, dunno. Good luck using the Debian wiki. Seemed odd to even mention the maintainers that way, but oh well – interoperability’s a bitch sometimes…

Should check the records for accuracy, but looks like my DSL connection lasted like 6-7 years this time. It’s a new record! That was around the last time we changed ISP’s, IIRC. It’s still going, I’m just not using it. I suspect it was hacked, dunno. Time-wasting forensics foregone, I decided to re-architect things with Comcast. I had a couple ideas for better ways of doing this with some upgraded hardware anyway. Michelle’s Dexter® business needs carved out of my network nonsense. Centurylink® will be upstairs Internet, going forward.

Things arbitrarily stopped forwarding for some reason on or about 15 MAR, returning failed reset and configuration attempts for a few days. WiFi stayed online during troubleshooting, but Internet access eventually dropped, leading to a factory reset on the 18th, restoring connectivity. Not sure what’s going on with Centurylink®, but the service level dropped noticeably in the past year, with regularly expected congestion periods during evenings and weekends. Once again, a network change seemed called for.

New C-link modem arrived two days later, but I waited until the following weekend for a full dynamic diagnosis with the DSL monkeys, so as not to interrupt Michelle with the swap-out. That Centurylink® reset really resonated, but their awful tech support disappoints. That’s the last time they’ll reset my modem without permission during troubleshooting. It belongs to Michelle now. Comcast® has to deal with me for awhile again, and I have a network diagram update to do. First came a new switch upgrade, including all-new re-loads in everything live on the wire with a chip in it. Here’s one reason why I no longer trust any-body or any-thing.

Interesting 1st blush Comcast observation belies similarly brain-dead tech support, underlying a much bigger, faster network, with all the same ne’er-do-wells prowling around. Sticking my toes in gingerly, surprised to see upwards of 90% of traffic visits pulling 404’s pointing to the WordPress site. I thought online docs were the most popular, at least according to Google Analytics. That Bosch injection pump manual had more downloads than everything else combined. Looks like it’s all cached everywhere.

Sorry for focusing on the cybercrime while offline. I was one of the OG cybercops. The ongoing online list for why anybody gives a shyt about the Internet resumes here now.

Beautiful Dream -World Party

Better Off?

Cliff Dweller

New Mansions in the Neighborhood.

FSK Bridge from the Right-Wing Perspective

Chinese hackers running free.

Not-So-True People Search

Putin and his regime have weapons, but they can’t sit on them and they can’t eat them. They’re good for killing Ukrainians and jailing Russians, but they can’t save a regime from its fatal flaws.

Favorite toons saved here to mark Stuff’s offline time…

25 MAR
22 MAR
19 MAR
19 MAR
18 MAR
17 MAR
Starting around 15 MAR.

Think They Realize It Yet?

MAGA ≈ NAZI? Been sayin’ it and doing the appropriate Photoshopping with the Gimp myself for quite awhile.

On Monday, Trump ads were being served up at the beginning of a new Rumble video by the reactionary broadcaster Stew Peters. In that video, Peters touts Adolf Hitler as “a hero” for the horrific Nazi book burnings of the 1930s, calling the violent display of cultural erasure “awesome.” Peters even advocates a modern reenactment of the fiery Nazi spectacle, seeking retribution against what he falsely paints as a Jewish-led conspiracy to “make us surrender” to LGBTQ acceptance and sexual “degeneracy.”

Bob Hur: MAGA Cockpig

I can see why people might not want the job, but this is getting ridiculous…

Hur’s testimony an exercise in 2024 political messaging.

Accusations of cognitive impairment were launched by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle against the other party’s presidential nominee.

The only impairment evident to me in the U.S. government is the group-think, power-hungry lunacy demonstrated by some of the elected officials inhabiting it.

Hard Up Case -Walter Becker