Social Media Opinions

To bend another tired old saw, opinions are like assholes – everybody has one. I’m pretty sure judges are the only ones who get paid by the government for theirs. So what happens when a whole lot of amateur opinion holders share dangerously misinformed ideas?

Welcome to my nightmare.

Lotsa crazies, (assholes?) to deal with.


Limp-dick senator Rand Paul hailing from the great state of Kentucky, where fuckwit politicians use pandemics for fund raising purposes, likes to formulate questions demonstrating astonishingly presumptuous stupidity.

Thanks DrF, for declining to do the homework for these rotten, lousy pieces of Trump dick-sucking shit.

It’s not hard to imagine how attacking one of the people positioned to really fight the pandemic makes sense in GOP bizzaro world. It’s easier to fight a man than a pandemic, especially if you can make money and get re-elected doing it. Who cares if the crazies take it to the next level?

All Fox, All Fuckwit

Madison Cunthorn from the Great State of North Carolina, where the iron clench of repug gerrymandering has stymied progress for decades, is goin’ down.

Typical Trumpeteer – too stupid to know the difference between a Russian spy and a dick-sucking whore.

Most important topics? Swamp, Squad and NASCAR. This gem of an Appalachian asshole from Asheville obviously has no respect for his workplace. I don’t believe he deserves to work there any longer.

These Republican Fuckwits

…keep coming on weekend news shows, fouling the airwaves. Here’s my response to the dis-honorable Mike Rounds from The great State of South Dakota, where imbecile bitch governors and people like Roundass keep driving the country into the dirt.

You really don’t want my attention. cocksucker.
Maybe a staffer, too.

Many of the sons-of-bitches seem to have forgotten who they work for. These cocksuckers are just up the road from here…

You Have the Freedom to be Stupid

…as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. It’s an institutionalized corollary to Darwinism in this country. Seems to be proceeding apace in recent years, considering the Covid death toll now decidedly tilting towards the un-vaccinated. But every so often the law needs to step in, preventing the truly psychotic from causing excessive collateral damage.

Has anybody yet realized the actual problem with being directed to get vaccinated in all this government overreach/freedom bullshyt? You’re too stupid to know what’s good for you. Let’s call it the PC term: Extended Immaturity. It leads to the current Supreme Court case with dimwits running around full of misinformation and lies. Now you’ve managed to paralyze not only the healthcare system, but the country as a whole more-or-less, from an economic standpoint.

Let’s not forget greedy. You have that freedom too. Nice work, fuckwits. I’m talking to you, Zuckerboy – and that bearded twit.

“We were hearing from small business owners that they very much valued their freedom to do business their way, and they felt like this was very much an encroachment of that right and that freedom,”

Good luck, mutherfuckers – you packed the Court.

If Ted Cruz was on Fire…

…rolling around on the floor in front of the assembled Senate Chamber, nobody would piss on him to put him out. Can’t even remember the talking points.

Candidate for most pathetic, obsequious POS in the Federal government.

In Trump’s Head

Admittedly, there’s not much room in there despite the emptiness, but let’s cut to the chase. Teeny Weeny Mussolini knew he was probably on the inside track to a tax fraud conviction long before he left office. His options were limited. Staying in office was the one with potentially less litigiously disastrous negative outcomes.

How’s it feel to have those options pointing towards all sorts of prosecutions these days?

Leave your balls on the courtroom floor, please.

So they planned a coup, while the country reeled under Covid.

How Could It Happen Here?

Pretty simple, really: Elect corrupt, lying fuckwits. There’s a long line of them sitting on their shitbag elected asses in DC right behind the fuckwit, right now.

To every one of them, every supporter, every family member, every friend, associate or acquaintance of these people: If you believe or even question the BIG LIE and all it engenders, consider yourself my mortal enemy. Rest assured, I will personally devote every breath of my remaining life to seeing the end of your delusion.

Trump and ALL his supporters from ALL walks of life can go straight to Hell.
Benedict Dotard will be left holding the bag, and his cast of Senate criminals won’t be there to save him this time around..
Fuckin’ eh.

Bye-Bye Bitch!

“Greene, in a statement following her Twitter suspension, said Twitter was an “enemy to America and can’t handle the truth.”

What Twitter™ and anyone with a lick of common sense for that matter can’t handle, is lies and bullshyt. Perhaps a little remedial civics study and a cattle prod up her ass would enlighten this imbecile?

I don’t think they let you use Twitter in jail either, so get used to it.

Peter Navarro is a Fascist Cocksucker

After repeatedly railing about “the Chinese virus” in response to trade and transportation issues for months, this POS even had time to help organize a fucking coup. Should be interesting to watch which way they turn and how hard they fall as one-by-one, down they go.

Saw this asshole for what he is a long time ago.
Claims he did not understand they were performing a coup.

Joe Manchin is a Total POS

This mutherfucker stopped pandering to any voter base a long time ago. At some point he realized legislative gridlock was great for keeping his name in the news. No such thing as bad PR, so the self-induced crises makes political popularity a game of pin the tail on the donkey for legislators unconcerned with anything but themselves. They’re quite happy to blindly pin failure anywhere it sticks, while Americans suffer in sickness and poverty.

Look up “Conflict of Interest” and find this cocksucker’s picture in most current references.

“Manchin says BBB risky for climate change.” Manchin and his coal-burning criminal enterprise are the biggest climate change risk – at least as far as the WVa hillbillies are concerned. We need more people working on adjusting the gullible hillbilly demographic’s political outlook across this country.

Coup Kingpin

Meadows always seemed like a smarmy-enough POS to be a key player in the Trump criminal enterprise. Apparently he is just deceitful and traitorous enough to actually be at the center of the modern era’s biggest criminal government conspiracy. Not really knowing much at all about the in”duh”vidual, it’s not hard to think he’s alot smarter than Schmuck Ă  l’Orange, but who isn’t?

“Trump has denied Meadows’ account, calling it “fake news,” and the former president was said to have been furious at the revelation about his health in the book.”

It’s all “fake news” according to the New York Turdherder. That is, except maybe OAN, Fox, Newsmax, etc. It would be fairly entertaining watching these cocksuckers wrestling each other in the legal mud if it weren’t so goddamned dangerous for the country.

Only thing missing is the swastika.
Lyin’ cocksuckers were in on it. Rot in jail, traitors.