Time to “de-Militarize” Russia

One of the characterizations Putin made to justify his little imperialist adventure was a move to de-militarize Ukraine. Fair enough. We’ll just have to do this the hard way – like North Korea. And if China wants to formally join the axis, more power to ’em!

Authoritarianism is alive and well, for the time being. World War II in Europe ended right next door to where WW-III is starting. One of the things they just don’t get is economics. Capitalism and Democracy sure have their drawbacks, but at least we can make alot of money and weapons with ’em. Good luck, mutherfuckers.

Cancel culture just went viral.

With Oil ‘n Gas underpinning an already small, shaky economy, and renewable energy coming on strong, there’s gonna be alot of hungry Russians next winter. If they thought they were losing money to Uke petro deals before, they got another thing comin’ now.

You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ – Judas Priest

Russian Vodka

Abbot and several other state-level fuckwits once again took advantage of an opportunity to demonstrate their dearth of common sense while patting themselves on the back:

Who’s gonna reimburse the store owners for all that? Not this fuckwit.

It’s easy for the Texas Trump-sucker to decree whatever he likes and look good doing it, up against the fearsome Russian bear and all, right? Why doesn’t he ask them to stop stocking it, instead? Because he’s a moron who doesn’t think things through for anybody but himself. Things like abortion bans, power generation, etc, etc.

Now he just robbed his small businesses of how much more?

Testament to a Historic Truth

Mike Dense made a reappearance to enlighten us with some fascist wisdom in a Faux News interview recently. According to Pence, “weakness arouses evil,” blaming Biden for the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sitting idly by while that bloviating fleshbag and his goons destroyed the country, emboldening Putin every step of the way showed strength? Waiting his turn at the wheel, who is he to talk about weakness? This POS is as much if not more to blame for this travesty than anyone else.

Might he be referring to the weakness of releasing all those Taliban from Bagram in his so-called “Peace Deal?” Maybe it was a weak reference to Russian bounties paid for Americans in the ‘Stan? Or possibly the notion that only he was the anointed one to save the country from Trump at the 11th hour?

Mike Pence is a testament to historically epic stupidity and political corruption. Rot in Hell, you traitorous cocksucker.

Historically, fuckwits like this, have no association with truth whatsoever.
Facsist fuckwit.

Mike Pence is #2 on the sedition list. The subpoena is coming.

Putin Just Committed Political Suicide

That’s not a good thing in the near term. On the contrary, the prior Russian status quo, being by no means comfortable for anybody, would have been preferred to the Ukranian carnage now in progress. As bad as it gets, Putin may see worse himself, sooner than anticipated. Xi is probably prepared to carry him for awhile. How long that ends up being depends mostly on how much imperialist adventure the Russian populace including his well-heeled buddies, can tolerate.

The pundits all mention how Vlad and the ruling class have plenty of cash and gold on-hand. That doesn’t buy much or last long in a paralyzed country burying soldiers at an alarming rate. Might be longer than you’d expect in some other cultures, but everybody has a bullshyt tolerance level, and some things you just can’t hide and lie about.

Link to live streams.

Watch it Unfold in Real-time

I remember the young Airman 1st Class epiphany when I fully learned and understood the concept of Realtime. In the context of software, it represents the most mission-critical sensitive programs supporting life-saving and life-or-death decisions. It underpins the systems in contemporary cars with all sorts of driver-assist networked whiz-bang tech.

“Why the constant, often blatant lying? For one thing, it functioned as a means of fully dominating subordinates, who would have to cast aside all their integrity to repeat outrageous falsehoods and would then be bound to the leader by shame and complicity.”

It’s what’s happening in U.S. government NOW.

Let’s hope it’s not too late.

Lamborn is a Total Fuckwit

The last half dozen propaganda emailings from this moron were all about religion, and boy aren’t they all jazzed up about the SC case to establish legal discrimination. It’s time people start recognizing the ol’ seperation of church and state refrain is noting but a misdirection for these heinous creeps’ excuse to gain political power.

This dirtbag is so stupid he effectively deliberately spread Covid throughout the staffs in both DC and the Springs offices by refusing to abide by any Covid protocols. These mutherfuckers want nothing but to do as they please in total disregard of humanity and common sense.

Nothing really important going on except an irrational desire to deny service to others who don’t look like them. What a waste of human flesh. Buck-the-Cuck better keep his ass out of the news, if he wants to go quietly.

Look who’s gonna be denied some service here pretty soon.

Twitter Analysis Complete

It’s just another one of the Big Tech Capitalist Social Control networks. Religion falling out of favor in that vein recently needs help! Have you heard the Trump cult is trying to start a new social media platform of it’s own? It’s gonna be hard gettin’ this shyt done these days without one. Religion and Social Media have become almost interchangeable thermostats in the context of today’s political heat. The levers of power are in government, and the adjustment knobs have moved to social media.

Look at the posting rules for Facebook, Twitter™, Youtube, whatever. They all say pretty much the same things. The usual anti-social behavior surrounding things like hate speech, threats of violence, etc. are of course, strictly prohibited. But their devil is in the details, and how those rules are interpreted, applied and enforced in entirely arbitrary ways to enable censorship, narrative control and maximum monetization.

My entire Twitter™ history is on record here, for all to see – not just the spooks, deciding what they do and don’t like as it might relate to their revenue numbers. I spent almost two years hurling depraved insults at every MAGA/Conservative/Repuglican target, for any random reason coming to my attention, on a more than weekly basis, up to and including the highest government officials, sports celebrities, commoners, anybody smelling repug or covidiot, to me. It’s all right there.

A few missteps with death suggestions garnered deserved 24-hour lock discipline during the course of those 2 years and 130-some tweets. But the only time it was considered serious enough for more time and ultimately a permanent suspension was when the targets were entertainment industry people. This is the algorithm cash-flow area where the bottom feeders generating the most money-for-nothing dwell. Those two tweets (Weiss and Piro) were not even all that salacious or evil. But they hit the big ad$ followings.

It’s been well known ever since Spraytan Stalin started governing by tweet, celebrities and high-ranking politicians enjoyed special media moderation status, for obviou$ rea$on$. Too bad we come to find out some tend towards the less than average intelligence group. So have fun with that social media folks! Just remember alot of what you see there is well prepared and curated for you.

Free speech is fine, as long as it doesn’t reflect badly on the bottom line.

Arizona Fuckwits

“This seeks to have government interfere with those private businesses and come put their finger on the scale in support of a single industry,”

But gawd forbid anybody say they must wear a mask for public safety. The Republicans have launched a full-frontal assault to legislate against anything for election propaganda or they might not agree with, while they still have a chance. The whole 2A/gun control topic is a non-issue for anyone not politicizing it. Fuck these assholes.

Guns ‘n money, huh? That’s all that really matters in AZ?

Tired of Winning Yet?

Here’s some actual malice for ya: This stupid cunt needs to go back to Alaska and cool her MAGA heels.

“Outside the courthouse, Palin expressed bafflement over the judge taking a position before jurors made their own decision.”

He’s not stupid, like you. Sarah Palin and ALL these fuckwit politicians need to learn the rules apply equally to everybody. Their elite status should mean nothing compared to anyone else in the eyes of the law.

Legal bills just now sinking in??