Disinformation Amplified

Dis-misinformation. propaganda, lies, deceit and related human foibles have been around forever. The concept seems to support the rise of religion as a means of social control. We’ve repeatedly seen tragic outcomes over the years when truly sinister fuckwits get to doing it politically on a mass scale, outside the church’s confines. But things are different these days.

Politics has always been fertile ground for opportunistic liars plying disinformation supporting their elections in various ways. Whether it’s mudslinging against opponents or tugging single-issue voter heart strings, the talking points are always peppered with less than truth and more like total lies in many cases. The trick has always been getting the word out. Whoever commanded the newspapers were last century’s societal Chief Information Control Officers.

There used to be a premium on truth back in the day, when electronic information traveled across telegraph wires, waiting to be transcribed to paper by hand and later read by voice to crowds gathered in a town square. The price paid for truth in today’s Internet-charged infotainment ecosystem is reflected in a serious oversupply of dubious information with a resultant big drop in demand. Today’s truth is probably lucky to be worth about a penny on 1860’s dollar, when and if you can find it in politics.

Free speech becomes a whole different animal combined with ubiquitous data and broadcast communications. It should be obvious to anyone paying attentions who knows the history, that people did not think this whole Internet thing all the way through. Obfuscated and false sources make critical listening, reading and thinking more important than ever. So when the Chumpenführer and gang became the first to learn there were enough idiots with cellphones and TVs who would believe whatever they were told, it was game over in the political info-war. Simply propagandizing those right-wing groups focused on religion, white supremacy and corporate money into a voting base was trivial.

Nazis and Qanons don’t need books, newspapers, soapboxes or even much word of mouth with a cellphone in every pocket and purse.

Child Porn Biggest Issue

After the repugs found no fault with judge Jackson, they proceeded to fabricate it from whole cloth. Throwing livid tantrums to demonstrate their dissatisfaction based on the nittiest of picks, they pointed to a small subset of Jackson’s prior case sentencing, perfectly aligning with the exact same thing 70% of all other federal judges were doing at the time.

I suppose with plenty of pedophile priests and perverted pulpit holders, it is an issue for that demographic. But at the end of the day it’s really just all about airing white grievance. Nothing new here.

Most highly qualified Supreme Court candidate ever.
She broke more than glass schooling the repugs in respect and demeanor.

Let America be America again.

More Openly Homicidal

I’ve heard more than a few pejorative descriptions for Lindsey Graham, but Trea Crowder’s characterization couldn’t have been more currently apt. Openly calling for Putin’s assassination was one thing, but his little tirade at the confirmation hearing yesterday was telling. Not that the slime-bag ever cared about human life before, but so quickly forgetting who freed the Taliban from Bagram only weeks before the final evacuation is probably just another indication of demetia creeping in.

I can think of a few people I wouldn’t mind seeing die in prison, myself.

The cognitive dissonance must be crushing.

Best qualified Supreme Court candidate ever.

They’ve been planning this for months. Lindsey’s turn to be the asshole.

Ted Cruz – Critical Cocksucker

Teddy’s lame attempt at reading children’s books to attack judge Jackson at her confirmation hearing perfectly demonstrates exactly how stupid this vapid mutherfucker really is. I lost count how many times the idiot baited his questions with the term critical race theory. These raging imbeciles just cannot stand the idea that they are not a superior race. And if their children must suffer for it, all the better. This SOB is just such a waste of human flesh.

Race is critical for understanding the nazi’s deceitful political plans.
Last 3 taken together can’t hold a candle to Judge Jackson’s background and qualifications.

Josh Hawley – Supreme Sack-o-Shit

Repuglican fuckwits in America spent a year stalling Merrick Garland’s legitimate appointment. Then at the first opportunity, swooped in to seat a drunken misogynist and a free-fucking baby-maker, right under the wire. So when it comes time to appoint a liberal judge, we get cock-sucking nazi mutherfuckers like Jerk-off Josh here, asking questions only a bona-fide nazi moron could dream up.

Regardless of any truth to his disdain for sex offenders, jack-hole Josh thought those sentencing guidelines and policies applicable to all judges might be a good topic to attack judge Jackson on. Fist-pumping nazi pricks like this need barred from ever holding public office in this country ever again.

Josh Hawley is a Napoleon Bonespurs dick-sucking nazi.

Gaetz’ Big Lie

Foolius Ceasar fealty makes these political theater performative artists discard any semblance of self respect. There should be an annual contest to crown the champion slimy cocksucking liar, by tabulating the most blatantly false utterances in various categories: Personal Finance, Sexual Pastimes, Dictator Preferences, etc.

If only Trump’s Big Lie was his biggest legal problem.

I suppose that happened unwittingly when he decided to start banging underage girls. This Epstein wanna-be is gonna get to experience Federal lockup, with pedophile background. The mutherfucker will get some extra special asshole stretching with that street cred going for him.

Gaetz running for reelection amid investigation.

Putin Lovers

Haven’t seen this long a pause in the Faux/OAN/CrapMax crew’s fawning authoritarianism ever. The walk-backs will be epic. Watching Tucker grovel is particularly satisfying.

They sold us out to the Russians, and the grift goes on….

Greene Goes Full Retard

Eatin’s not gonna make it go away, darlin’

Goddamned right this war is gonna be prolonged – until Pootin is either dead or in prison, along with half his incompetent, criminal army. This stinking Kremlin whore needs raped by baboons and deported to Russia.

Shitstain McAssface and all his strap-hangers belong in prison. MTG’s one of them. Here’s a partial list of current American Traitors to Democracy.

“The eight GOP “no” votes were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Dan Bishop (N.C.), Glenn Grothman (Wis.) and Chip Roy (Texas).”

Putin’s Puppet

It’s formally documented at this point. I’m no longer wondering if this depraved incel actually knows what he is doing. Told ya these Faux news mutherfuckers were just a bunch of Kumquat Caligula cocksuckers.

His speech is free. You get not only what you pay for, but bonus Russian propaganda for good measure.

Cawthorn Lies

Disgraced car crasher from the great state of North Carolina sent an email update brimming with big numbers about all the work he’s done for the citizens of North Carolina.

You can learn more about what a lyin’ POS he is.

Click on the pic and it goes to the same HERE. link to his DC homepage, containing literally almost nothing about the lies stated in his update email. He knows most don’t look far past his pleasantly slimy persona. This mutherfucker is a traitorous, lyin’ cocksucker.

A Betrayal

Retired Air Force Colonel Seth Brtescher wrote a letter to Air Force magazine a couple months ago. It contained a very accurately characterized and poignant description of the Afghan debacle.

“But the honor stopped at the gates of the airfield. As our defeat unfolded, nothing good came from the decisions made by our leaders at CENTCOM, the Pentagon, or in Washington, DC. The decision to close Bagram Air Base and abandon the Afghans to terrorists and fanatical fascists was naïve and abhorrent. The White House turned their backs on our 20-year Afghan allies, NATO, and the coalition partner nations who served with us. They betrayed the Americans who didn’t come home from Afghanistan, 13 of whom were added to the count on Aug. 26. They betrayed our wounded who still carry the scars of the battlefield. They betrayed not only our Gold Star families, but also the families of the 800,000 of us who served in Afghanistan; all of whom are left wondering “… why …?” They sentenced Afghan girls, 1.6M of whom were in school in 2008, to a life of poverty, enslavement, and illiteracy as many of them are sold into marriage.”

Trump and everyone connected to his administration in a high-level executive function belongs either in prison or barred from holding public office ever again.

Full text here.

The Story of the Afghan Airlift