Jokers Had No Idea What They Were Getting Into

Not that far removed from the notion of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Unlike Yamamoto, Putin simply did not come even close to correctly calculating the implications. Deliberate intelligence failures in your own organization hurt alot more than poor planning, too. Putin’s corruption has flared to tear him a whole new asshole in a costly wargame nobody wins, except the likes of Lockheed and Raytheon.

Putin’s Puppets Admit Total Military Embarrassment.

Rot in Hell, heinous bastard.
War Machine -ACDC

Susan Collins Must be Senile

How’s that Spraytan Stalin “learned his lesson,” working out for ya, granny? What more reason does anybody need for term limits? These political anachronisms grow old and die in office, dragging their imbecile base right along with them.

I won’t bother counting the times this waste of taxpayer salary dollars went on a talk show or infotainment interview claiming Kavanaugh certainly would never go against RvW. What’s the point? She’s a proven incompetent judge of character multiple times just recently, qualified to be nowhere near a Senate seat, if she ever was.

How’s it feel being lied to? People in Maine need to wake the fuck up – and stick your woke tropes where the sun don’t shine.

Nice work, dumbass.
The Maine voters must be even worse.

Hungry Nazis

Pandering to a shrinking base will call for more extreme measures, going forward.

This Country Won’t be Safe…

…Until Benedict Dotard and his entire fucking family is in the ground.

“Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?” -Donald J. Trump

I asked the same thing about The Fuckwit himself, but I was looking for 2-in-the-hat.

Does anybody in government actually take the oath seriously these days?

“because the divisions in the country had created political paralysis.… Better ‘an end with horror’ than ‘horror without end,’ asserted one Nazi leader.”

Courts A-Political?

Originally posted 27MAR22.

Don’t know much about the three cockpigs depicted below, but I’ve seen enough reporting now to say the bitch in the red dress can suck my dick and choke on it. That goes for her fuckwit husband and their despicable friend, fuckface McConnell, as well. The senate minority leader from Kentucky co-conspirator must be having lotsa fun with what happens after you get in bed with Trumpty Dumpty.

Go fuck yourselves, MAGA mutherfuckers.
Stop the stupid, maybe?
Cocksucking mutherfucking piece of shit.

Broke the record – five f-bombs in this one.

Third Time’s a Charm

I’ll assume impeachment counts for contempt in this context. I’ve held The Fuckwit in contempt since shortly after he was elected and began dragging the flag and this nation through the mud.

Rot in Hell, Fuckwit.

Covidiot’s Just Rewards

There could not possibly be more obviously stark, revealing evidence of natural selection in action. Certainly many of these people are totally innocent victims. But many more victims of conservative dogma’s selfish avarice stoked the Covid fire with their own stupidity.

How ironic the mandate resisters and vaccine hesitant, not to mention the full-blown qanon crazies, become the biggest demographic in the Covidiot disease and death aftermath scenario. Good luck with that, fuckwits.

I’m vaccinated, but still want you to stay away from me. -Beau of the 5th Column

QAnon Followers ‘Waking Up’ To Realize They’re Fools.

New Nazi

Apparently this little Trumplican sycophant decided to become a nazi sometime on or about the 6th of January, 2021. That would be the point at which he realized the Fuckwit’s cock was so far up his deceitful, traitorous ass, there was no other choice.

Eat shit and die, mutherfucker.

Courts Trashed

A question about the general political status of the courts in this country was asked here a few weeks ago. It was answered in full song by this cunt in Florida named Kathryn Mizelle. Now we get to see what decades of unqualified Trump-appointed judges brings.

Maybe the CDC did overstep it’s authority. Maybe some procedural rule was broken. All the early evidence indicates not. One thing is certain. The CDC’s very agency itself is now in question and public health is officially a political football.

Official nazi, officially not qualified.
Fuck Trump, the courts, the GOP and every goddamned MAGA mutherfucker out there.

Mallory McMorrow is a Badass

You go girl.

ALL these mutherfucking xenophobic MAGA assholes need to sit down, shut up and wait to die. It’s LONG past time dems started adopting this attitude. Speak truth to hate and greed.

Frederick Nazis

Just a little snippet from my gMail sent folder:

The five people running for Town of Frederick Trustee this cycle got an email from me a few weeks ago. Only one, Adam Mahan, had the nerve to respond. It contained a simple inquiry, requesting a simple yes/no response. The question is repeated verbatim here, for clarity:

“Do you believe the 2020 Presidential was fair and lawful?”

It’s also a pretty simple litmus test to quickly and easily determine if you’re dealing with idiots these days. All you nazi mutherfuckers down the street, around the bend and across the country better keep quiet and stay the fuck away from me, if you know what’s good for you.