Mike Pence: Cocksucking Mutherfucker

Like I’ve been saying all along, that son-of-a-bitch was totally complicit, if not fully participatory. He was just waiting to see if he could collect some book money, like the rest of the rotten parasites infecting the previous administration.

Cowardly bastard Mike Pence can suck my dick and choke on it.

The Terrorist News Network

Maj Ojeda (Ret.) tells it like it is.

“It’s in the news!” Guy’s just not smart enough to evaluate information. How much more sedition and insurrection we gonna keep feeding him?

Electronic Election Rigging

Despite Lindell’s claim of cyber monitoring, it looks like the 2022 election cyber threat was nothing new, unusual or even worse than before. My limited POV actually saw a decrease in election meddling. Email bots previously abundant in election season were almost non-existent. Maybe the Russians were too busy with Ukraine.

There were a few high-threat targeted APTs, maybe 10% of the level it was two years ago. We had one significant DOS attack (that I’m aware of) Monday night, but that might have been more football than election-related, for all I know.

Echo this chamber, mutherfuckers.

Trump-Appointed Judges

Maybe not all bad:

“Try to be on Twitter less than you otherwise would,” he said. “Try not to be searching for the feedback or the plaudits or anything else. Just focus on the craft and find as much internal satisfaction in the craft of judging and writing as you can.”

Too bad a couple of the worst are sitting at 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC.

Lauren Boebert – Asshat Supreme

I been having difficulty evaluating the plethora of extreme GOP politicians lately. There are so many running the gamut from election deniers to xtian nationalist creeps to greedy business bastards, to outright white collar criminals, it’s just getting hard to tell which is worse. Some combine more than one of these traits.

After seeing how the Bobitch handled herself over the past couple years, she gets the coveted bi-annual Stuff’s Biggest Political Butthead Award for being the most currently disgusting GOP/MAGA mouthpiece. She managed to get the Denver Post to publicly denounce her. Might be a first for that level of political angst around here.

MAGA dicks to suck are gettin’ fewer and farther between, sweetie.

Told Ya this Guy is a Fuckass

Nazi spawn revels in his ability to influence things with the little cult following. Kitchen sink aside, this particular billionaire appears to be on a very interesting trajectory:

“In this case, the article recycled a baseless claim that the personal life of Paul Pelosi, the speaker’s husband, somehow played a role in an intruder’s attack last week in the couple’s San Francisco home, even though there is no evidence to support that claim.”

Seriously fucking brilliant(?) Maybe for a scorched earth takeover. Attempting to leverage the security and monetization angles simultaneously should effectively accelerate the implosion. He’s gonna kill Twitter. The ironic thing is, he’s trying to save it from a natural death as a MAGA and Corporate America life support device. If you thought social media was a crapshoot before, standby for further updates

LATE UPDATE 20221031: Didn’t take long.

Whatever happened to “mind your own business?”