Sagan Channels Asimov

The Cult of Ignorance -Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980

15 years later… “I have a foreboding of America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time–when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all of the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; with our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.

And when the dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites now down to 10 seconds or less, lowest-common-denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”

Today, it’s the MAGA Trump cult.

Liar Dissected

It’s been a great exercise in spotting deceit – getting progressively easier, as the MAGA gang become further entangled with their lies in an ongoing futile attempt to re-write reality.

In recent days in his remarks outside the courthouse, in speeches and on social media, Trump repeatedly has made false and misleading statements about the case and trial.

Have fun wallowing in the mess you’ve made, fuckface.

Brad from Ohio

This wanker sat in committee today whining about the terrible sanctions and hardships we were subjected to under Fauci’s draconian virus response. Regardless of anything the CDC, NHS, NIH, or anyone anywhere in government did or did not do in the virus response, one thing is crystal clear: They were trying to do something, while MAGA fuckwits like him and Napoleon Bonespurs endorsed doing nothing and ignoring it.

And that is EXACTLY why one of the richest countries in the world had some of the worst outcomes. It’s pretty simple, unless you’re ignorant enough to just ignore it. It’s called active ignorance.

Government Dysfunction 101

Roberts declines meeting with Senate Democrats about Alito controversy.

Checks and balances? Electoral College? Ethics? Balderdash. It’s really interesting to watch how their manifest politically untouchable attitudes emerge. Roberts knows better than anyone how fundamentally impossible any legislative challenge to their authority becomes in this partisan environment.

The only question is how much they can get away with while the political pendulum reverses course…

Deceitful lyin’ cocksuckers with GOP $ so far up their ass they shit green.

The Texas Electoral College

The electoral college scam foisted upon the young U.S. republic was never anything more than a white landowner protection scheme. Now in 2024, the Great State of Texas has seen it working so well across the country, it’s now time to implement their own, internally.

All you GOP fuckers winning the elections down there remember to say goodbye to ur reps. It’s probably the last time you’ll see or hear from ’em, if this goes into effect.

Dodged a bullet.

Pope Fuckass Strikes Again

According to the current Pontiff®, Catholics don’t need or want the LGBTQ community. He said they could be blessed some time ago. Just keep them at arm’s length, use the pejorative terms to convey truth, and shine ’em on…

According to two prominent Italian newspapers ‘La Repubblica’ and ‘Corriere della Sera’, the 87-year-old Pope said seminaries were already too full of “frociaggine”, a vulgar Italian term roughly translating as “faggotness”.

Shine -Collective Soul

Thanks for Acknowledging the A-Hole

I suspect most people would agree they couldn’t really care less if Harrison Butker is a misogynistic piece ‘o shyt. To each his own. But I don’t get what Mahomey, coach or anyone else on the Chiefs has to do with it, unless they either heartily agree or disagree. Yeah he’s a great teammate, so what? What about the housewife bullshyt? Nothing to say about that?

Then shut the fuck up.

And fuck off, bitch.
Digging In The Dirt -Peter Gabriel

If Only He’d Been There

Imagine how much time and money we’d have saved had Felonius Fuckwit actually been home and gawd forbid, furtively produced a weapon. FBI SOP’s aside, anybody carrying a firearm in a law enforcement situation not ready to use it as needed, really shouldn’t be there. His lawyers can’t even quote the paperwork correctly in their filings.

A Trump campaign fundraising email with the subject line “They were authorized to shoot me!” was sent soon after he posted on social media and made even more outrageous claims.

I wouldn’t need a search warrant.

When This Phase Is Over

I’m not making any prognostications, but some things become self-evident with enough observation and analysis, over time. Exactly what we’ll have on our hands, probably before the end of the year, is most if not all the Israeli hostages dead, Gaza razed and nothing else changed.