Not Today

I have a special post lined up for Mr. McCarthy – or whoever gets the speakership. Maybe we’ll find out tomorrow…

Good luck, mutherfucker.

In Like Flynn

Mike Flynn’s testimony is old news, but gets reiterated here in light of the Select Committee’s report. The retired Lieutenant General known to me as Flim Flam Flynn needs recalled to active duty for a court martial.

This POS is a total disgrace to all who’ve ever worn the uniform.
How’s all that MAGA election shyt workin’ out for ya Mr. Mike?
You’re gonna need to pull another pardon out of your ass, mutherfucker.

Abbott’s Xmas Gift

The Texas governor has issues he seems unable to effectively manage himself.

14° xmas eve on the street at Kamala Harris’ residence. The thing is a monster.

The Dred-Scott Decision

“The House gave final passage to legislation to replace the bust of Roger Taney, the Supreme Court justice who wrote the Dred Scott decision, in the Capitol with one of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black person to serve on the high court.”

There’s a passel of current justices and congresspeople who have voluntarily forfeited their opportunity the ever have a statue of them displayed in our nation’s Capitol.

Good riddance, mutherfucker.

Twitter™ Phase Ramping Up

The Truth Social debacle called for extraordinary recourse. I have to admit, Felonius Fuckwit‘s doing a good job keeping it all about him, just not in the way he’d like.

Keith Olbermann has this Stuff figured out before it happens.

If you thought Twitter™ was bad before

Starting to look like sheltering the racist and ignorant has gone completely off the rails in this country. MAGA puppeteers like Apartheid Klyde here, know they can’t win the online debate with charlatans, creeps and morons.

The Grift that Keeps On Grifting

As I’ve suspected for quite some time, Donnie Dipshiticus is running low on cash. Can you imagine these jokers sitting around dreaming this shyt up? It just boggles the mind. Southern NY District clamps on the tax fraud case probably have him and the MAGA seriously under-funded at this point.

Disgracefully humiliating -not to mention creepy..

Former POTUS fancies himself a cowboy and astronaut? What a moron.

TikTok Banned?

I’m not writing an opinion piece on this. Not worth my time. When are these reality-challenged politicians ever gonna realize they can’t just ban Stuff they don’t like and it’ll all be hunky-dory? How’s that been workin’ out, I mean just historically speaking?

Get those IoT warning stickers out there, guys – you’re on your own.

Morality Police

Forgive me for not following Iranian society more closely, but seriously? The Mullahs are just plainly overt about the same bullshyt the xtians are harping on here: Authoritarian Control. Iranians started hanging people from cranes in the street yesterday.

Iranian Islamic fundamentalist definition of morality is anything but.

Sinema Independent?

Stealth GOP attention whore from Arizona was never anything but a shill for the MAGA.

“Arizona has shifted from once reliably red to become a swing state since Sinema’s election in 2018. It’s electorate is roughly one third Democrats, one third independents and one third Republican. But if Sinema runs as an independent, she could split the votes with a Democratic candidate and give an opening to the GOP to flip the seat red in 2024.”

Waiting for Manchin’s angle…