Patriarchal Neo-Fascism

It’s an age-old political ideology recently re-imagined by people in organizations like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Of course they don’t call it that. To them it is Xtian Nationalism or some flavor thereof, including a whole plethora of sub-genres running the gamut from anti-government to homophobia to gun culture to economic elitism all rolled up in misogyny. The GOP took all the worst attributes of U.S. culture and declared a war rational people are now obliged to oppose.

Benedict Dotard is their leader. For now. But there will be others. The evil will to subjugate and oppress society for personal gain is inherent in human nature. History is replete with shining examples of kings, dictators, emperors and priests who managed to get enough naive followers to do their hateful, violent bidding. Not today, not in this country, not here ever.

Join the military if you want to dress up in uniforms and play with guns. Stop pretending and learn something about the monopoly on violence.

Rot in prison, fuckwits.
Neighbor -Ugly Kid Joe

Looks Like a Bang-Up 2023 Comin’

“The new year has brought a shocking string of mass killings in the U.S. – six in less than three weeks, accounting for 39 deaths.”

My main concerns with our ongoing sporadic, random civil massacre circumstances are two-fold. To start with, de-sensitization has taken place. The sheer number and frequency of these occurrences now means only the the victims and close acquaintances are being directly affected by this nonsense. So remediation will continue to go largely un-addressed.

The second thing I find particularly disturbing about this whole rotten situation is the typical LE response. Stop repeating the same old “danger to the public” refrain. Maybe even some actual public relations? NOT making announcements about ongoing manhunts is very counter-productive.

The danger posed by a growing number of prospective mass shooters is real and imminent, it’s not going away, and we don’t want any more lies to that effect every time you apprehend a suspect.

Same old story, huh?

Donalds Update

These mutherfuckers seem to think it’s OK to take the country back to the dark ages as long as everybody goes to church and keeps voting for them. So I took a minute this morning to pen a quick update to one of the Florida fuckwits:

Or just keep flappin’ your gums on Fox News, fuckwit.

Chips are Starting to Fall

…in one of the biggest political poker games this side of the pond since Castro thought it might be a good idea to start playing with nukes. A big fatal flaw in arrogant, conceited people is their perception of somehow being smarter and better than others, by default. It leads them to make foolish assumptions, at times. Gangs of sharp lawyers can assume whatever they want to argue a point and accomplish literally almost anything in this litigious, business-oriented society. But words still have meaning, and reality is a tough proposition when pitting truth against lies in a U.S. courtroom.

A Florida-based federal judge has ordered nearly $1 million in sanctions against Donald Trump and his attorney Alina Habba, calling the former president a “mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process.”

Need More Badass Women

We raised a couple. Let’s get with the program, people.

“In many ways, she was the anti-Trump figure,” Miller said. “They both came into office in 2017 … but she went off to the United Nations and she decried isolationism, brandishing an image of being an internationalist or being a globalist.”

Nice work. Setting a good example can be quite difficult sometimes.

Fuck the Church of England

Everybody needs to come online and say exactly what side of the fence they’re on. The fact they have this grey area between blessings and marriage should tell you all you need to know about honesty and “the Church,” as t’were. They can have their cake and suck my dick, too.

“Under the proposals, the Church of England’s stance that the sacrament of matrimony is restricted to unions between one man and one woman will not change.”

Deceitful nazis come from all walks of life.
Mother -Danzig

Classified Documents

If there’s one thing I know about, it’s classified documents- all the way up. Twenty years in the military, all classified, TS-cleared almost the whole time, read in to the Mountain (Cheyenne) ending a 20-year-long stint there as a Command COMSEC Inspector. Then there was Lockheed, and it just got better (worse?). My resume is on LinkedIn, but most of it is hidden in government records from places where people weren’t allowed to talk about what they did for a living.

I saw a few people get in trouble with it over the years. It was always just carelessness, except for the hacking crap. There’s a long list of those fuckers still running around free because they live in China and other places where the State freely and openly engages in all sorts of skullduggery. When the shyt went wrong, prosecution vs. soft discipline always just boiled down to intent.

Here’s a big newsflash for anybody who thinks there is even the slightest comparison between BIden and Trump’s classification issues: They play fast and loose at that level, and most of them don’t even know the rules. I just told you how and why it typically happens. There’s a guy named Jack Smith who’s soon gonna tell everybody about one of those rare cases.

Didn’t take long for SCI-HUMINT feedback to clear that up.


Government/legislative ignorance has reached a new high water mark in the great state of Wyoming.

“Therefore, in order to protect the incomes of people who earn money extracting hydrocarbons from the ground or moving them around the state, sales of new EVs must be banned in Wyoming by 2035, the bill argues.”

People need to understand the days of burning stuff for energy with big herds of cattle roaming the prairie are over. The only income they’ll have left is being on the dole after nobody goes there anymore. Probably not a real big change, after all.

Must’ve just elected a new class of Repugs up there.


This what you get when ignorant criminals go into politics – not to mention the judiciary.

Not a good look for the right-wingers. Doctor in Denver $300k PPP fraud. Don’t forget Kudlow’s wife.

“Garcia had sued Peña in August 2022, arguing that Peña was not eligible to serve in the legislature because he is a convicted felon and was not pardoned by the governor,” the APD said. “A judge ruled in September that Peña could remain on the ballot because the law is unconstitutional.”

This asshole is gonna get the prison stretching every repug in this country elected or not deserves. And that judge can go suck a fat, hard throbbing cock.

Sounds Like a Good Deal

Two Scandinavians for One Türkiye? Turkey might control the Black Sea, but it’s a pretty weak bargaining chip. We control the air over everything. Fuck Ergodan. He is using NATO expansion for nothing but an excuse to get concessions for himself. Turkey is no less a terrorist towards their neighbors than Russia.

“The two countries ended decades of neutrality last May and applied to join NATO in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but Turkey objected and accused the countries of harboring militants, including from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and demanded steps be taken.”

Ergodan can kiss my rosie red rectium.

Here’s Your Voter Fraud

I would like a better understanding of just what it is that makes somebody do this? I mean, what in their background or upbringing leads people to become fraudsters? It shouldn’t be hard to recognize and counter as common as it seems, what with all the shining examples floating around these days. Santos? Seriously? At least we have a good definition for defrauded voters now. I guess if Agolf Shitler can go for milliions, what the hell. Santos even literally cited the bastard for his lying precedent.

“She filled out “dozens of voter registrations, absentee ballot request forms, and absentee ballots containing false information,” and delivered absentee ballots, sometimes without the knowledge of the people whose names were used, according to the indictment.”

And why does my confirmation bias suggests it normally seems to be Repugs doing this shyt?

WTF did she think 23 fraudulent votes was gonna get her? I guess the logic defaults to any means necessary at some point.

Never Forget

Democracy and Freedom remain subject to the whims of traitorous authoritarians. Their belief among other irrational concepts, is that they alone have the knowledge to determine what is right and good in this country. I for one, will not stand for it.

Leaders for the religious and corporate organizations and their political compatriots are hereby warned: Mind your own business. If that business negatively affects me and my family in any way whatsoever, as long as votes are not enough to stop the idiocy, you’ll have me and the Capitol Police to deal with.

Bass Pro fashion show.
2nd anniversary of the 1st time this kinda crap happened.

Waste My Hate

Somebody(?) certainly has their hands full now. Managing empowered haters is never going to be easy. How the Bobitch continued managing to muster enough hateful hillbilliy votes in district 3 is beyond me. Those people will continue lying in their self-made bed for the foreseeable future. Increasing reality of the hateful fucks I plan to give more frequently as the days go by, will gain intensity.

Watching lawyers trying to screw each other over has become a mundane political pastime. This is what you get when greedy, ignorant idiots play politics: The so-called “Freedom” Caucus – freely subjected to corporate and religious slavery, can suck my dick and choke on it.

They can’t even have a red wave amongst themselves.

Wasting My Hate -Metallica
Clown show USA 2023.
How’s all that Trumplican shyt workin’ out for ya now, mutherfucker?