My Message to Putin

Been tellin’ myself this for years, but it never happens. Let’s hope Putin wises up before too much longer. Maybe our Strike Eagles won’t need to really ask in person.

Get Over It -Eagles
Push -Matchbox Twenty

A uTube interview with a group of Chechen soldiers somewhere in the Donbas a couple months ago was very telling, to me. At the end of an oft-repeated story lamenting lack of supplies, equipment and ammunition, one simply said “…nothing has changed in the Russian Army since the Great War.” Probably a fair assessment from his perspective, with one vital exception he might be un-aware of. They’re fighting for the nazis this time.

Fear + Guns = GOP

Don’t know if anyone else noticed the trend, but it’s pretty obvious, to me:

A record 6,542 guns – 18 a day – were intercepted at U.S. airport security in 2022.

According to conservative leaders in this country, here is the list of things you need to be afraid of, and why you need more guns:

1) Immigrants/brown people

2) Knowledge (especially books about anything involving #1)

3) Gawd – because you might get some dangerous, new ideas about sex, or something equally sinful.

As if getting on an airplane wasn’t dangerous enough already.

The Week In Cartoons

I like posting a cartoon every so often because those people seem to have the best way of encapsulating bigger issues into smaller bites suitable for my consumption. Sometimes even the little grazing bites add up to an information firehose. Dailycartoonist has it covered. FOX entertained a call-in interview with the Fuckwit January 6th during the insurrection.

Murdoch, below all, represents the most reprehensible of the slimy cocksuckers. Fuck the country, who cares – it’s just business, right? Rot in Hell, miserable scum.

How’s it feel being lied to and robbed, MAGA nation?

Broadcast Television

…is little more than marketing garbage these days. That includes the political variety – marketing various morons for public office. The run-up to elections merely puts them in-your-face 24×7 for a few weeks. I imagine this includes the cable nets as well, but I haven’t subscribed to those ripoffs for at least a decade, so dunno.

Years ago I used to repeatedly lament how every new generation of television set got better at doing bad things. Now I am convinced they are good for only one thing: Sports. News and timewasting (movies, whatever) to a lesser extent, but it’s all irreparably marred with the marketing. I’m starting to count how many kickoffs I miss because they now manipulate digital delays to extend commercial time when that play is inconsequential. Don’t even get me started on the volume bullshyt.

Even the late night talk shows I used to enjoy are now just a rehash of the news with jokes inserted + entertainment industry marketing with visits from all the interesting Hollywood and music people. The YouTube™ clips save alot of time these days. Then you get the greedy bastards at places like FOX™ and their sub-imitators, who skillfully blend marketing and politics to the point where half the country is now brainwashed.

Experience? More like an ongoing nightmare.

The State of McCarthy

Must’ve been really uncomfortable for California’s alternate Speaker offering last evening. Despite needing to shush Margarine Trailer Queen, seemed like he managed to pretty much keep a lid on the most boisterous of the MAGA morons last evening.

If only he could’ve just sat there rolling his eyes the whole time.

Arkansas’ Leading Nazi

“The dividing line is no longer between right or left,” Sanders said. “The choice is between normal or crazy.”

You got that right. Here’s some crazy for ya:

This is what we call “Arkansas Crazy.”
This must be the “already thrown under the bus” look – as her state wallows in poverty.

Struggled for Days

…trying to make sense of the Nichols killing. Couldn’t see any analysis angle. Listened to all the pundits, same ol’ shyt. Then I stumbled across a letter to the Sentinel editor. According to Pastor Mayes, it’ all just down to misled sinners. Must be a church problem:

Problems like this work well for the church.

Fuck the Pope IV

“When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin,” Francis wrote in Spanish, underlining the final phrase.

I imagine if the Pope had his way, sex would be a subscription service you sign up with for a fee, supporting summer bible camp where priests get an exception for priming the minors.

Keep fuckin’ just as long as we know about it -and we don’t like that gay stuff.

Anti-VAX cult offshoot outcomes.

Here’s where this rant started. Connect the dots.

Fuck Tony Dungy, NBC and FOX

I once admired Tony for his masterful insight gained through decades of wide-ranging NFL experience. This “one oh shyt, just erased a hundred atta-boys” for an NFL talking head-right-wing-religious whack-o.

All these holy rollers want is some feel-good corporeal validation for their irrational spiritual “beliefs.” They don’t give a shyt about anything or anybody but themselves. Unabated disinformation online and in the media everywhere is destroying society. Was it the price for getting into the broadcast booth? Good for you.

Just because football represents sporting from the Roman era, doesn’t mean the rest of the world wants to re-visit the dark ages.