Spoilin’ for a Fight

Stoltenberg’s trip to D.C., ostensibly about leadership succession matters, is just one facet of a multi-part message to Valdimir Putin. That won’t be the only item on the agenda.

The “Air Defender 23” exercise will run until 23 June, bringing together some 250 military aircraft from 25 NATO members and partner states, including Japan and Sweden.

NATO’s Biggest Air Exercise Ever Kicks Off, Led by Germany. One thing we know for sure about the Russian military now: Their tanks have soft tops. A-10s Back in Europe for NATO’s Defender ’23.

We’re comin’ for ya Vlad. Cozy up to Kim real close. There’s not many places left for a tin pot dictator to hide.
Spoilin’ for a Fight -AC/DC

Lindsey Graham Is a TOTAL POS

This Trump toady just had a little interview on ABC This Week, where he failed to answer a single question. I kept waiting for the host to reply with something like “well senator, we’re asking about Donald Trump. The subject of this interview is the former President, not the Clintons and Bidens, laptops and all.” That is literally all Lindsey could bleat about in response to every single question. Pathetic.

If this bloviating fuckwit had two brain cells to rub together, he’d know the only people presently in trouble for former POTUS’ classified mishandling, are the custodians who failed to properly process their inventories at first blush, Trump’s included. DOJ is just climbing to the top of the steaming pile of political excrement I started calling Trumpomania back in 2017.

The most sensational part of this case the general public, media, probably 99.9% of all the people following the story including this fuckwit obviously seem unaware of: Classified information at all levels is continuously tracked and accounted for on a daily basis. How brazenly stupid could Napoleon Bonespurs have been to ever believe he’d get away with it?

And the enablers? Puhleeeez. Politics is like the definition of sleaze.

Keep suckin’ that Trump dick, mutherfucker.

Weaponizing the DOJ

As one of the fashionable mantras supporting many repug talking points these days, it’s important to note the eminently lemming-like remarks coming from GOP candidates regarding Il Douche Trumpollini‘s latest indictment. With Paxton going down hard in Tejas, and MAGA tears raining everywhere, Sympathy For the Devil is waning all across the country.

There’s a good reason politicos still wax faithful to The Fuckwit. Just watch Pence squirm in his recent CNN town hall. They don’t want accountability. It doesn’t matter who or what white collar crime we’re talking about, if it’s sexual harassment, real estate/bank/tax fraud or trashing the military and intel communities with unforgivable criminally traitorous acts of deceit.

Weaponizing the DOJ? Goddamned right, mutherfuckers.

Sympathy for the Devil -Rolling Stones

Sick People

Reporting indicates Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has given Team Crazy written notice of their targeting in the classified documents investigation. At least the Tangerine Traitor seems to have a good memory for the long list of crimes he’s committed. The high-level citation given himself below sums it up pretty well. I can’t wait to see this son-of-a-bitch in tears begging for his freedom.

Feeling a bit politically under the weather myself, actually.


It’s interesting to note how Christie continued sucking the Trump dick for years during appearances on ABC This Week and so forth.

DeSuckass’ Disney Dilemma

Maybe too late for that new project, but if you’re feeling lucky, I bet the Disney folks would go for it, provided enough moving incentive in the form of customary tax breaks, etc.

Colorado: Where MAGA goes to die. Been a couple days, haven’t heard anything from the Florida fuckwit.

“If the @nuggets win the finals against the @MiamiHEAT, Disney World will move to Colorado, the ACTUAL happiest place on earth to do business, have fun, and be free!” Polis said.”

You can have Buck the Cuck and Lowrent Boozbag if we lose.

How Many Smoking Guns?

Why is half the electorate not keenly disturbed by the idea that someone might go about believing they can rule the world by just lying their ass off and getting enough people to believe it?

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]

MAGA: Make Attorneys get Attorneys I rekon around a half dozen smoking guns should suffice for putting this former POTUS POS in prison.

Benedict Dotard‘s got a dressing down coming up. Hope he gets it from a judge he appointed himself.

Stupid Coloradans

Between Lowrent Boozbag and that senile cowboy Buck the Cuck, Coloradans ought to be ashamed of themselves. Once again – let ’em do a default. Go ahead, I dare ’em. Hard lessons tend to be the most well learned.

They ought to be old enough to know what happens when you let a cunt like this open her mouth in front of a microphone.

Try It On For Size

I’d really like to see them try the Default option on for size this time around. They’ve raised the debt ceiling what, umpteen times in recent decades? The only difference in any of these stunts over the years is the political sensitivity and economic heat driving the rhetoric.

It’s literally a terrorist political tactic. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Try it, I dare you.

Let’s see how stupid they really are – it’s not even an election year.

Florida’s Best

No doubt I’ll throw up another DeSuckass attack soon as his foregone failed POTUS bid begins materializing. In the meantime, we’ll deal with one of the other known Florida quantities of corporate GOP greed by the name of Rick Scott. This fuckass seems to think the socialism buzzword is all he needs to motivate dwindling numbers of senile MAGA mutherfuckers inhabiting his state.

Over thirty percent of all Florida government expenditures come from Federal government funds.

What this bastard is, is a greedy cocksucking capitalist pig, thanking FDR and the New Deal for plenty of strong workers to oppress under the yoke of a brutally ignorant gang of government-sponsored Capitalist cocksuckers.

Stupid enough to vote for me, lay in that Florida bed you’ve made for yourself.

Turning Point

Bakhmut has been a contested city in Eastern Ukraine for many months. Assuming the Uke plan was to exhaust Wagner and the Russians in a costly attempt to take a ruined town, it worked spectacularly. Now we’re waiting to learn just exactly how overstretched, confused and demoralized the Russian forces have become at this point. It’s going to be a bloody Ukrainian summer for alot of unlucky Russians.

KYIV, May 21 (Reuters) – Ukraine said on Sunday that its forces were still advancing around the edges of Bakhmut, aiming to encircle the ruined eastern city after Moscow congratulated the Wagner private army and Russian troops for capturing it.

It’s on now. “Meanwhile, the “Freedom of Russia Legion” took responsibility for the attack and claimed it had even ‘liberated’ a settlement.”

Congratulations to the Russkies! You occupied a destroyed city, for a few days.

Saturday Night Special

Getting all jazzed up about an assault weapons ban seems a bit misguided to me. Perhaps consider the facts, if you’re really worried about gun crime generally speaking. I haven’t looked into the overall crime stats vs. just homicides or vetted the data presented by the Columbus Law Firm, but it’s cited as of 2019 below, so likely legit.

Saturday Night Special – Lynyrd Skynyrd

So She Admits It

White supremacists are out there, and it might be OK to call somebody a nigger? Thanks for the confirmation. The lowest of the stinking lowlife congressional bigots is on record.

Name-calling must be one of her specialties. Pig-faced GOP whore looks to be chubbin’ up with nothing better to do than run her mouth.