The Beginning of Humpty’s End

Wouldn’t be surprised to see another couple pop up elsewhere across the country before he’s through. Humpty Trumpty will be genning up new charges going forward, most likely. All I have to say about it now is, if this mutherfucking piece of shit doesn’t end up behind bars, there’s something fundamentally wrong with this country.

All I need is a passport photo, and I’m on my way to Costa Rica. That’s a fucking promise.

Trump’s Atlanta Gang

Televise Trump’s Trials

Must be a buttload ‘o crap waiting to surface out of AZ, WI & MI.

Russia Vows Retaliation

“There can be no justification for such barbaric actions and they will not go unanswered,” ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app.

It’s almost like the way Humpty Trumpty hurls accusations and insults at his opponents, projecting his own vile, disgusting actions on others. It would be truth uttered by Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His statement to DL opening the winter war last December stands true today.

Truth is a concept totally foreign to the Russian MOD.

Lessons in barbarism tend to be well learned…

Clarence Cocksucker Thomas

‘Nuff said. Still waitin’ to see what Roberts and the gang gonna do with their nigger…

CHATSUM: Calls are growing for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign from the U.S. Supreme Court following a report revealing previously undisclosed gifts he received, including 38 vacations, private jet flights, and yacht cruises.

More Thomas Corruption Revealed But No Investigations In Sight.

Looks like this asshole had more time for vacationing than lawyering. Eat shit and die, fuckface.

Military Promotions

I touched on this topic when it first bubbled to the top of the GOP cesspool. This Tuberville toady gives us a great view into the MAGA mindset of the mentally-challenged. Can’t get what you want? Just take it from somebody else with a little extortion under duress. It’s the same selfish attitude that makes people believe they are saved by Jezus with the gawd-given right to control your procreation activities. And don’t forget: Trump was anointed by Gawd. That’s what I heard.

In this particular case, Tuberville can’t seem to get enough military support for the right-to-lifers constituting the majority of his voting bloc. What the cretin fails to calculate in his moronic political grandstanding is the military’s lack of concern with his antics. It’s just another bump in the road.

Political perversion aside, they have important work to do, and doing it under difficult conditions is one of their hallmarks the coach would never understand. Acting commanders will get things done, taking longer with lowered effectiveness. The real upshot will take longer to process. Redstone Arsenal’s anticipated expansion is only the beginning of the economic impact. Our military doesn’t have time to deal with this type nonsense. Personnel assignments get trickier and so forth.

Haven’t heard anything out of him WRT that brawl on the Mongomery docks yet. I’m sure he believes it’s just fine, whatever. Expect to see Alabama’s participation in this nation’s defense in retrograde for a long time to come.

Mississippi Kid -Lynyrd Skynyrd

The Motherland Monument

It’s gonna be alot of work rebuilding when this is over. Looks like a good place to start. They should have a program to collect every soviet symbol, artifact, sign and remnant of the Russians. Get that shyt palletized and start dropping it over Belgorod.

3rd Indictment, To Me

Trump’s gonna get everything he has coming sooner or later. But that’s not my main concern. What this means in the larger scheme of things is, the rest of the world can now recognize us as a nation not necessarily predominantly comprised of the Ugly Americans they think we might be. And just as importantly closer to home, we are not really as divided as we are being told.

I understand some very close associates are indicted co-conspirators. Time for 2-in-the-hat. Again. Save everybody alot of trouble.
Better In the USA -Glenn Frey
You have the right to be lied to. Works even better when you finance it for him.

I’m Guessing They Have The Video

Apparently Felonius Fuckstump fancies himself some sort of mafia boss. Probably does feel that way how “The Boss” runs things under his purview in that vein. Problem is, these DOJ guys are not the Keystone Cops.

I repeatedly offered my mantra “it takes a long time to organize this much bullshyt” at various junctures over the past couple years while media and entertainment wonks everywhere bleated about the lack of progress in pursuit of justice for Benedict Dotard. That time-frame now appears to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 years in this case. Don’t expect closure, and don’t expect endless loose ends (small-time co-conspirators, various related perps and ongoing appeals) to resolve quickly. This democracy is not going down that easy.

Prosecutors also said they recovered the document involved in an incident in which Trump, bragged about a “plan of attack” against another country in an interview at his New Jersey golf resort.

The price for freedom will be paid.

Get comfy and get your story straight, fuckwit. You have alot of court appearances coming up…
Nothing like being given enough rope to hang yourself.
Up next…

Desi Lydic Foxsplains

New category combo! Politics and Art. With Hollywood and the TV business out to lunch, podcasters are getting it on. I can almost comprehend this incredibly entertaining young lady with enough weed in me.

Chip Roy vs. the VA

I don’t know where these jackholes get off opposing every and anything that comes up outside the MAGA sphere of interest, but this one just really needs to go fuck himself.

Chip Roy is a shameless MAGA piece ‘o shyt.

Glitch McConnell

Everybody thinks Biden’s too old, but this geriatric sack ‘o shyt can no longer even muster the words. Guess we’ll have another brain-dead representative sitting around in Washington waiting to die in office.

The cocksucker stood in front of a joint session of Congress proclaiming “We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next…” Then he proceeded to participate in the cover-up. Miserable piece of traitorous shyt – every goddamned last one of them.

There was the whole Garland holdup, among other dubious political parlor tricks over the years. This well-curated piece of MAGA shyt can fuck off and die. Hopefully we won’t have much longer to wait before he kicks the can in office, eventually joining Feinstein, Grassley and that moron from Maine at the big political fuckery show in the sky.

Term limits now! That goes for everybody from the Chief Justice on down the fucking line. People been clamoring for term limits decades now, but they insist on continuing to embarrass themselves.

Lackeys got a link. Have a nice day.

I recommend Cannabis therapy and rest with minimal stressful political activity.

Woke ≠ Dead in FL & OH

That’s the formula for vaccine politics. Deja vu. Basic observation and simple math tell the story when you’re talking about stuff seems like everybody’s doing. The entire COVID response and resultant travesty from the death of that first Chinese doctor to the media lynching of Dr. Fauci was nothing less than a widespread exercise in government negligence.

Trump is guilty of Mass Manslaughter. Lesser covidiot villians pepper the planet.

Excess death rates for Republican and Democratic registered voters in Florida and Ohio during pandemic.

Mutherfuckers still trying to cover it up, even run him again. It’s just fucking insane.

Why Not a “Z”?

You can run, but you can’t hide behind a new logo. Twitter™ stench will stain your nazi soul for eternity. Ask Zuckerboy how that whole Meta™ thing‘s workin’ out.

Elon Musk plans to change Twitter’s logo from a bird to an “X,” marking a major change since he purchased the platform for $44 billion last year. He aims to implement the change worldwide as soon as Monday.

You mean “another” major change?

Jason Aldean is a Culture War-Pandering Cunt

I was waiting to see if this fuckwit was going to do exactly what I expected after being called out for the MAGA POS he is. He did not disappoint.

“got a gun that my granddad gave me, they say one day they’re gonna round up, well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck.”

Jason Aldean is NO DIFFERENT than the MAGA politicians he supports with this base-inciting hogwash. It’s not about guns or small towns. It’s about an entertainer pandering to the base, playing what he thinks they want to hear. The message doesn’t matter, as long as they buy his music.

Cancel culture’s OK for Bud Lite™ but not him. Fuck off, cunt.

What’s the next song topic? Hunter’s laptop? He’s blowin’ smoke up ur arse, people.
Smoke on the Water -Deep Purple