X – The New Symbol for Monetary Black Holes🇺🇸

When MAGA Spaceboy blew north of $40B on Twitterâ„¢, I thought “great, maybe that’ll slow him down.” It was after all, at least on paper, his money. They got a little further than last time. Starship should reach IOC by around turn of the century, at this rate.

Made it up to 92 miles. Sucks when ur playin’ catchup to Richard Branson in this business. Really sucks when taxpayers are footing the bill. FAA re-certifications alone are probably into the $milions$ by now. WTF are we payin’ for?

Need to get the NASA budget sorted and absorb this crap, borg style. Running Space like a business is gonna be problematic. We might need contractors to do Stuff, but they can’t be running the show.

Genocide Is Never Justifiable

But that’s what the Israelis are trying to do – right in the world’s face, as if it is somehow justified. I saw the bag of AK’s behind an MRI machine and a hole in the ground. So what? The Jewish justification for Palestinian genocide is weak at best and getting weaker. Bombing the refugees sent to safety(?) in the south is just more of the same. You can call me anti-Semitic now.

That new crop of young fighters looking on from the stairs have their work cut out for them. Israel’s on a fool’s errand, them boys are on cleanup detail and the vast majority either don’t even know it yet or haven’t been born.

I don’t give a shit who’s in the hospital, that’s not how you get ’em out.

Traitorous Cocksuckers

That goes for this bitch, along with “the Boss.” We might not be in a declared war, but plenty of our best men and women in uniform have been getting killed everywhere because Napoleon Bonespurs is a traitorous cocksuscker, for whom Capital Punishment would be a just reward. I bet there’s more than a few Kurds eager to perform the ceremony.

Another one bears repeating.

No Sympathy here.

Eat shit and die, bitch.
This mutherfucker just really needs killed.

The Trump Depot

Well this just sucks. Last year they pissed me off with a botched refrigerator delivery. Now I have to call it quits. They’re only five minutes away, but I’ll be driving to Lowes in Longmont until I see reason to think different.

These fuckwit billionaires can suck my dick and choke on it.

Pro-Democracy Islamophobic Palestinian Sympathizer

Having a hard time categorizing my war outlook on the Mid-east attitude topic. Ukraine is easy, for me at least. That’s the whole problem with people like Napoleon Bonespurs. Fuckwits like that can cause alot of trouble high enough in the system. None of the rest of it matters when the basic fundamentals get challenged.

Islamophobic? Goddamned right. That goes for the Jews and whatever pejorative term applies to the Catholics, all their cults and any of the rest of them that like to engage in this sort of fuckery. They’re all batshyt crazy and have large numbers of followers convinced it’s the way to go. Then you get the tin-pot dictators leveraging religion? You gotta be shittn’ me.

Pro Palestinian just falls under the homeless category. It’s hard to imagine. They’re actually a pretty small minority in that group overall, by my estimation. Just one of those special interest groups with alot of political clout – like veterans.

Clashes Over Israel-Hamas War Unnerve Students at US Colleges.

What’s This Life For? -Creed

Zelenskiy Nails It Again

“Sometimes I’m looking at this and think that the best way (is) if this planet will be the planet of dogs,” he said at the Reuters NEXT conference in New York, responding to a question about what still makes him laugh.

Very astute observation. There seems to be any number of rabid, viscous religious and secular autocrats running wild in the planet’s dog pack. The sick dogs will eventually succumb so the rest can settle back to some semblance of normality after the internal rot runs it’s course. Some will need put down.

U.S. forces under fire in Middle East as America slides towards brink.

Fuck the Middle East

I mean it – dead fucking serious. It’s just stupid. Been going on for millennia because religious nutbags gotta vie for political control. It’s the same shyt going on here, just the OG mutherfuckers carrying on back in the old world, because the bible or koran or some numbnut in a church somewhere compels them.

It’s unfortunate, but I don’t know what else to say about it at this point. Let ’em fight – all of ’em. Give them plenty of the best weapons, both sides. Anybody doesn’t wish to participate is certainly free to go. Gotta keep that refugee and migrant flow stoked.

Funny you never hear much out of the UK when this shyt flares up. We’ll deal with whatever’s left after the dust settles. It doesn’t matter either way any longer.

Figure out where to draw a line, Korea-style, or let ’em fight.

Evil Cocksucker

This shitstain belongs behind bars.

And perhaps most damning of all, they exposed that despite signing promises to the Town of Palm Beach and the National Trust for Historic Preservation that he would never use or develop Mar-a-Lago as anything but a private membership club, Trump valued Mar-a-Lago on his financial statements as a private residence, as if those contractual agreements were as disposable as Kleenex.

We’ll get the piddly-assed money stuff out of the way first. My concerns are a bit more existentially intangible.

Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty and formerly called judicial homicide, is the state-sanctioned practice of killing a person as a punishment for a crime, usually following an authorized, rule-governed process to conclude that the person is responsible for violating norms that warrant said punishment.

Capital punishment would be too good for this moron, and them boys better be gettin’ ready for some serious asshole stretching..
People must never entertain the notion of fuckin’ with Uncle Sam.
Killerz Bluez – George Thorogood

Leave The Children Alone!

Yes, definitely. This one was rotten before it hit the ground.

Must’ve been audible snickers throughout the courtroom when after denying knowledge of documents’ fraud he’d clearly signed, prosecutors displayed emails showing he most certainly did exchange quite a bit of information on those topics.