Dog Parks Under Fire

We need to get a contractor on poop patrol, or what? What’s the problem? It’s always the same story with these self-important pet-hating fuckwits: It’s all about the dog poop! Puhleeeez. Jackhole across the creek from here called the cops on me for walking Jax and Anna off-leash along the creek. Said they were pooping in his yard. What a moron. Probably needs a DNA test to tell the difference between dog and coyote feces.

Denver metro’s largest off-leash dog park could shrink

Boots: “Such a Sweet Boy”

At least that’s the write-up he got on his boarding report card a couple months ago. He does make typing a little difficult, at times tho. 🙂

Pet hair gets ankle-deep in the basement. sometimes.

TX Xmas 2023

They really got it goin’ on down in the Lone Start State. Speed limit’s 75mph everywhere and appears to be a minimum target rate for most drivers. Phoebe and Tanner were great. A good chunk of family was there and we had the best home-made spread I’ve seen in quite awhile, with all the fixins. Tanner was up all night tending the smoker, ’nuff said – best Xmas dinner ever!

But as usual, I managed to screw some stuff up, not snapping any pictures on the hill the whole time, too busy hiking and taking it in. It’s just big enough for me to get around and over in under an hour. I took Michelle back trying to find where Diesel killed that coon and we did, but didn’t even have the phone with me, and she rolled her ankle. 🙁

Just a few of my favorites below, the rest here.

Diesel – star of the day-1 show, after bagging a big coon on the hill, with Merle‘s help.

Zoo Update

We don’t do birds. Started taking a dimmer view of them after Kiki was bringing them into the house alive for years. Then there were the Blue Herons eating my fish. Michelle takes photographer credit on this set. 🙂

They got a new dog park over by the library this year.

Goldies in the Sun

They’ve spent winters in the smaller 120-gallon basement tank, with summers in the shade of big maple trees and bushy pond plants. Must be a nice goldfish life, big as they’re getting. They seem happy with the extra sun time in the new 190-gallon main room winter environment, crowded as it is.

Pondv10 – Late Summer

Took these a couple weeks ago. It’s in the shutdown process now, with plants moved in last week and most of the goldfish inside upstairs this year. They’re getting moved in several stages since they are almost all big now, so will present quite a bio-load on even the 190-gallon tank. The Firemouths and rest of the former upstairs aquatic denizens are acclimating to their smaller 120-gallon basement tank, but will still be far less crowded than the Goldies upstairs.

Evergreen Alpine Rescue Team

There’s been no shortage of first responder opportunities of all types ever since we moved here back in 2003. This region certainly has some challenging environmental issues, so ours are some of the best. These guys went up for a dog.

Reminds me of the first time we hiked the Buchanan Pass trail. It’s not technically an off-leash trail, but mostly in the National Forest, so customary to let dogs run free up there, from what I’ve seen. As should be expected anywhere, you are responsible for your party’s behavior. So Jax was having a great time treeing squirrels right and left for the first two hours, when at some point he dashed off after one towards the river. It wasn’t anywhere in view, but I knew we were close, because the roar from a waterfall had been growing louder for the past few minutes.

So I followed off-trail in his direction to have a look and found the river about 100 yards downstream from the falls at the bottom of a 100 foot high cliff, with Jax nowhere in sight. The butthead is way too enthusiastic for his own good, so I immediately assumed he must’ve taken a dive. I was calling for him making my way towards the falls, looking everywhere I could see before finding a spot I could descend safely. I nearly broke my own neck slipping around on the rocks at the bottom when I saw him up at the top of the falls, just sitting there with his tongue hanging out waiting for me.

He’s gotten alot better at coming when he’s called since then. 😉

I used to fancy myself quite the little mountain man, but I’ve never even done a 14-er.